英语人>词典>汉英 : 半生不熟 的英文翻译,例句
半生不熟 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
rawness  ·  halfraw

not well learned · having casual acquaintance
更多网络例句与半生不熟相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And he does the men just as well...the world-weary Adolphus, the testy and inarticulate Squire, the elderly but enthusiastic Earl and the half-baked but endearing not-hero, Johnny Eames.


Half milk and half light cream; contains 10% to 18% butterfat

a。 半生不熟的,未完成的,不完整的

The problem with this notion is that it is a one-sided or half-baked approach to education.


We are half-baked good friend.


I would say that, you should have been thrown out of China long time ago for writting so much half-cooked 'news' on China.


I would say that, you should have been thrown out of Chinalong time ago for writting so much half-cooked 'news' on China.


Take as an example "raw rice" versus ooked rice", they can be easily distinguished. What people may feel fuzzy is the "half-done" or "half-cooked category.


I say 'scholastic', but I might just as well have said 'philosophical'; over-simplification, schematization, and constant obsessive repetition of the same small range of jejune 'examples' are not only not peculiar to this case, but far too common to be dismissed as an occasional weakness of philosophers.


I'll have is medium rare, please.


It is only a nitwit can think out the half-baked idea.


更多网络解释与半生不熟相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

in a thousand and one ways:千方百计

三言两语--in a few words. | 千方百计--in a thousand and one ways. | 半生不熟--half-cooked.

to bear fruit:开花结果

半生不熟--half-cooked. | 开花结果--to bear fruit | 闭关锁国--to lock the doors against the world


他们常吃的肉食是牛排(beefsteak)和猪排(pork chop),一块牛排的重量一般在150克以上,看上去往往是半生不熟的,难以嚼碎,但美国人却以此视为珍馐(dainty).

blazing hot:炽热

half-baked 半生不熟的, 未完成的, 不完整的 | blazing hot 炽热 | conspiracy theory 阴谋论


underdone 半生不熟的 | burnt 烧焦了的 | carved 切好的


自力更生 rely on one's efforts ;self-reliance | 半生不熟 half-cooked | 暴风骤雨 a violent storm


rawness 无经验 | rawness 半生不熟 | rawsilk 绡


well-done 熟透的 | underdone 半生不熟的 | burnt 烧焦了的

Orange. - Orange. - Eggs? - Coddled:柳橙 -蛋要如何料理呢? -半生不熟

Do you like fresh orange or grapefruit?|-新鲜的柳橙还是葡萄柚? | - Orange. - Orange. - Eggs? - Coddled.|-柳橙 -蛋要如何料理呢? -半生不熟 | Coming right up.|马上来

soft-boiled egg:半生不熟的水煮蛋

hard-boiled egg 煮得较熟的水煮蛋 | soft-boiled egg 半生不熟的水煮蛋 | omelet 炒蛋(未搅碎的)