英语人>词典>汉英 : 半多孔的 的英文翻译,例句
半多孔的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与半多孔的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of semi-porous and endothelial cell coated SPEUs.


By applying Abel transform the dual integral equations are reduced to Fredholm integral equation of the second kind.


Vertical vibration of a rigid body on fluid saturated porous half space is studied.


The dense, semirigid, porous, calcified connective tissue forming the major portion of the skeleton of most vertebrates.


Indoor flexural fatigue tests are carried out, the results are analyzed and two types of double logarithm fatigue equation under different stress level andequivalent stress level are got. Using the fatigue equation, the fatigue performance of porous concrete and common semi-rigid base materials and cement concrete are compared, the fatigue stress coefficient which is used in the load stress calculation for porous concrete as undersurface of cement concrete pavement and the tensile strength structure coefficient which is used in the flexural stress check for porous concrete as base of asphalt pavement are obtained.


Using the fatigue equation, the fatigue performance of porous concrete and common semi-rigid base materials and cement concrete are compared, the fatigue stress coefficient which is used in the load stress calculation for porous concrete as undersurface of cement concrete pavement and the tensile strength structure coefficient which is used in the flexural stress check for porous concrete as base of asphalt pavement are obtained.


Some people have reported seeing more semivolatile elements in a class of interplanetary dust particles called "chondritic porous" IDPs.


Considering a spherical porous carbon particle immersed in a static ambient atmosphere, the combustion characteristics under three basic conditions: frozen flow, equilibrium flow, partial flow are solved in a half-analytical and half-numerical way. By using the LAEA (Large Activation Energy Asymptotic Method), the departure value of some parameters such as combustion rate, temperature, and concentration are obtained. On this basis, the rules of a carbon particle combustion under various conditions when the gas phase Damk〓hler number is in the range of 0,+∞ are summarized.


Heat and mass transfer effects on unsteady flow of a micropolar fluid through a porous medium bounded by a semi-infinite vertical plate in slip-flow regime was studied, taking into account the homogeneous chemical reaction of first order.


更多网络解释与半多孔的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Daniell cell:丹聂耳电池

为了液体汇合,这两个半电池可用多孔槽或盐桥连接起来[如在丹聂耳电池(Daniell cell)中那样]. 这样得到的电池当电极与外电路连接时,就可提供电流. 该电池写成:Zn(s)|Zn2+(aq)|Cu2+(aq)|CuE=1.10V式中,E为电池的电动势,

guar gum:瓜尔胶

作为一种蛋白质, 明胶硅胶 ( silica gel) 是由多聚硅酸经分子内脱水而形成的一种多孔性物质, 其化学组4 瓜尔胶 瓜尔胶 (guar gum) 是一种高纯化多糖, 就分子结构来说是一种非离子化的半乳甘5 卡拉胶 卡拉胶 (carrageenan) 是从海藻中提取来的一种阴离子多糖,


半透镜 semipermeable mirror | 半孔隙的,半多孔的 semiporous | 半宝石 semiprecious stone


依透穿和程度还有半透明性(translucency)及不透明性(opacity). transparency把它溶出或将塑料粉未烧结,来成为多孔性(porous)的也包含在内依塑料的种类可分为热可塑性泡沫塑料与


依透穿和程度还有半透明性(translucency)及不透明性(opacity). transparency把它溶出或将塑料粉未烧结,来成为多孔性(porous)的也包含在内依塑料的种类可分为热可塑性泡沫塑料与