- 更多网络例句与半个世纪的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Eld. In closing, I would like to repeat my best wishes for the
It may be said to have officially terminated that period of half a century of agitation occasioned by the signing of the formulary.
On the one hand, we have pumped millions of dollars to attract world-class and grand-scale art performances, yet on the other hand, we have no qualms about letting go of some half-a-century old precious plants of an artist.
Mr Okada stressed the importance of Japan's half-century alliance with the US and his willingness to deepen the relationship.
After two centuries of relative decline, vis-a-vis the UK, it has been richer for most of the past half century.
His dynasty has spent half a century trying to acquire them, and the deal on offer from the outside world is unalluring.
They have looked at half a century of data from fisheries around the world.
The discovery and research of Sinanthropus pekinensis along with its cultural relics and sites have not only successfully settled the debate about whether Homo erectus belongs to the ape species or human species, which had puzzled the scientists for about half a century since the discovery of Java man in the 19th century, but also helped illustrate the process of evolution of Homo erectus, which filled the blank of this most important intermedium link in the complete evolution process from ape to human.
Indeed, we can find few exceptions to the long inflationary trend in the eighteenth century, the slight downturn in the second quarter of the nineteenth century, and the half-century upswing before the Great Depression.[12] It may be worth noting that while broad trends in grain prices are also recognizable in premodern Europe, the turning points are much less uniform from one region to another. There were the well-observed Price Revolution in the sixteenth century, the fall of prices in the seventeenth, renewed inflation in the eighteenth.
Mr Roh, who is heading to Pyongyang by road for meetings with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il, today crossed a yellow borderline in the middle of the Demilitarised Zone which has divided the two states for over half a century.
- 更多网络解释与半个世纪的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
rabbit at rest:兔子安息
厄普代克共写了四部以他的名字作为书名的著作--"兔子跑吧"(Rabbit Run),"兔子归来"(Rabbit Redux),"兔子富了"(Rabbit Is Rich),和"兔子安息"(Rabbit At Rest).作者以半个世纪的重大事件作背景,追踪了这样一个美国中产阶级另人发笑,
field test:现场测试
本课程通过半个世纪的建设,业已建成完善的运动生理学实验室,拥有4个教学实验室与12个教学研究实验室,配备了先进的实验仪器,能够完成各类实验室测试(lab test)和现场测试(field test),能够满足整体水平、细胞水平和分子水平的各类测试,
1前言半个世纪的世界核电发展经验证明:按照书面文件运营管理核电站,是防止人为失误,保证核电站质量与安全的重要途径之一. 它已成为国际原子能机构(IAEA)向全世界推广的安全标准. 我国国家核安全局颁发的核安全法规(HAF)也明确规定:核电厂的一切可能影响安全和质量的所有活动,
英国军队在M548的基础上改装的"短剑"(Rapier)防空导弹发射车 从1956年开始研制时算起,M113系列装甲车已经走过了48个年头. 在这将近半个世纪的时间里,世界坦克...
rabbit redux:兔子归来
厄普代克共写了四部以他的名字作为书名的著作--"兔子跑吧"(Rabbit Run),"兔子归来"(Rabbit Redux),"兔子富了"(Rabbit Is Rich),和"兔子安息"(Rabbit At Rest).作者以半个世纪的重大事件作背景,追踪了这样一个美国中产阶级另人发笑,
苏联的解体,只能说是主导世界左边整半个世纪的"史大林主义"(Stalinism)走向末路,其实,更为真正的社会主义扫除了一个教条式的障碍. 很多人都会抱着改良主义(reformism)的想法,认为跨国公司、富国和大资本家们至少是会改变他们的态度,
talk show:电视谈话节目
经过近半个世纪的发展,"电视谈话节目"(Talk Show)英文原指美国广播电视中一种以谈话为主的节目形式,是将人际间的谈话交流引入屏幕,并将这种交流直接作为节目内容和形式的节目形态.
halfa centuryago:半个世纪前
segregation(种族)隔离 | halfa centuryago 半个世纪前 | high-profile divorces 瞩目的离婚案
2008年4月1日纽约佳士得"First Open战后与当代艺术"拍场编号100李希特<<佛罗伦萨>>(Firenze),成交价4.6万美元. 综观欧美当代艺术近半个世纪的发展进程,德国艺术家李希特(Gerhard Richter)可说是相当独特的一位. 他的艺术创作从写实到抽象、从极简到极为繁复、从平面....
the Glorious Revolution:光荣革命
经过大约半个世纪的斗争,1688年"光荣革命"(The Glorious Revolution)后,君主立宪政体开始确立. 三百多年以来,英国政制一直循此路径至今. 英国行政法观念与英式宪政两个原则:(一)议会主权(The Sovereigntyof Parliament);(二)法治原则(Rule of Law)有绝大关系,