英语人>词典>汉英 : 千屈菜 的英文翻译,例句
千屈菜 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

willow herb · Lythrum salicaria · purple loosestrife
更多网络例句与千屈菜相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The main varieties are: Phlox paniculata hardy varieties of fine distinctions and problems dozen Phlox four by Ju Netherlands-ju (clove red, crown, purple, blue dream) Germany Sedum yellow Germany Sedum, Germany Sedum leaves, red flowers Babao Sedum, Rhodiola Babao powder, blue tail Ye days Notoginseng Sedum, streets paved with gold Sedum, Sedum, by Carnation, the United States to spend evening primrose , Tradescantia hairless, Germany Iris, Iris, Butterfly Orchid, Iris tenuifolia, small beauty Iris Hong Iris root, Hosta The doll Hemerocallis, day lily flowers United States, yellow calamus, Lythrum salicaria, false lead ,Ju, Shegan, Jin-Han No.


The propagation techniques and applications in garden of more than ten common perennial flowers in Northeast China were summarized such as Phlox subulata, Phlox paniculata, Chrysanthemum morifolium, Aster novi-belgii, Dianthus plumarius, Coreopsis, Lythrum salicaria, Hosta plantaginea, Sedum and Iris.


Leaves narrowly lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, base cuneate; plants glabrous; epicalyx segments shorter than to equaling sepals.

叶狭披针形的到线状披针形,基部楔形;植株无毛;为了等于萼片的副萼片短于。 2 L。 virgatum 帚枝千屈菜

Leaves ovate-lanceolate to broadly lanceolate, base rounded, truncate, or semiclasping; plants typically sparsely to densely pubescent; epicalyx segments much longer than sepals.

离开卵状披针形到宽披针形,基部圆形,削去,或;通常的植株疏生到密被短柔毛;副萼片远长于萼片。 1 L。 salicaria 千屈菜

Moreover, the extended study has been conducted on several related families, including Magnoliaceae, a key family in angiosperm;Rhizophoraceae,Combretaceae,Lythraceae in mangroves, the important ecological plants.


In the first 10 days, the concentration of TP in the solution decreased dramatically in Lythrum salicaria.


Any of numerous herbs and subshrubs of the genus Lythrum.


Any of various plants of the genus Lythrum, having purple or white flowers.


Structure feature of vegetative organ of Lythrum salicaria L.


Structure feature of vegetative organ of Lythrum salicaria L.

Title 千屈菜营养器官的结构特点。

更多网络解释与千屈菜相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

willow herb:[植]柳草, 柳兰,千屈菜

column address 列地址 | willow herb [植]柳草, 柳兰,千屈菜 | shifting of earth 地表移动

Cuphea hyssopifolia:萼距花(珍珠梅) 千屈菜科

蔓花生 豆科蝶形花亚科 Arachis duranensis | 萼距花(珍珠梅) 千屈菜科 Cuphea hyssopifolia | 花叶假连翘 马鞭草科 Duranta repens cv. 'Variegata'

Lagerstroemia speciosa:大花紫薇 (千屈菜科)

5、樟 (樟科) C. camphora | 6、大花紫薇 (千屈菜科) Lagerstroemia speciosa | 7、柬埔寨紫薇(千屈菜科) L. subcostata


lytag 粉煤灰轻骨料 粉煤灰陶粒 | lythraceous 千屈菜科的 | lythracine 千屈菜


六十四、千屈菜科 Lythraceae | (二三五)千屈菜属 Lythrum ** | 352千屈菜Lythrum salicaria Linn. **


千里光 climbing groundsel | 千屈菜 lythrum | 千金子 caper spurge seed

Lythrum L:千屈菜属

绿水苋菜 A.viride Hornem. | 千屈菜属 Lythrum L. | 中型千屈菜 L.intermedium Ledeb.

Lythrum salicaria:千屈菜

1.8 千屈菜(Lythrum salicaria)千屈菜千屈菜千屈菜属的多年生挺水花卉. 穗状花序顶生,小横多而密,

Lythrum salicaria:{千层菜}{千屈菜}

Lysimachia pentapetala {狭叶珍珠菜} | Lysmachia barystachys {狼尾花} | Lythrum salicaria {千层菜}{千屈菜}

L. salicaria L. Spiked Looses- trife, Purple Lythrum:水枝锦(千屈菜、水柳)

千屈菜属 Lythrum L. Loosestrife, Winged Looses-trife, Purple Lythrum | 水枝锦(千屈菜、水柳) L. salicaria L. Spiked Looses- trife, Purple Lythrum | 深紫水枝锦 cv. Atropurpureum