英语人>词典>汉英 : 医学 的英文翻译,例句
医学 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
medicine  ·  physic  ·  iatrology  ·  physicked  ·  physicking  ·  medicined  ·  medicining  ·  leechcraft  ·  medicines

更多网络例句与医学相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Medical labor has four characteristics, which are sociality、explorativeness、accurateness and cooperativeness.


Departments Include Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Epidemiology and Community Medicine, The Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Anesthesia, Family Medicine, Ophthalmology Pediatrics ,Medicine, Radiology, Obstetrics and Gynacology, Laryngology, Psychiatry, Surgery.


Currently there are l2 faculties 1n the college offering courses in l8 undergraduate programs in medical education which include Clinical medicine,Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology,Neuropsychiatry,Oncology,Pediatrics,Emergency Treatment,Pharmacy, Preventive Medicine,Matemal-child Health,Clinical Laboratory Science,Imaging Medicine,Stomatology,Narcology,Forensic Medicine, Nursing,Medical English,Medical Law,and Biomedical Engineering,and 4 Professional Training Programs which consist of Drug Marketing,Medical Laboratory Equipment Maintaining,Marketing,clinical Medicine and Nursing.


For example,strict disciplinary division and the structure of knowledge based on curriculum set-up are in discrepancy with the diagnosis of diseases in medical education;the definition of"high quality"medical talents by the guideline in medical education,the emphasis on the social adaptability of medical students upon graduation and the practice of borrowing from the experience in nonmedical education are,to some extent,deviating from the uniqueness of medical education.


Actually,some routines in medical education are against natural laws.For example,strict disciplinary division and the structure of knowledge based on curriculum set-up are in discrepancy with the diagnosis of diseases in medical education;the definition of"high quality"medical talents by the guideline in medical education,the emphasis on the social adaptability of medical students upon graduation and the practice of borrowing from the experience in nonmedical education are,to some extent,deviating from the uniqueness of medical education.


Main courses including: Human anatomy, histology and embryology, physiology, biological chemistry, medical immunology, medical microbiology, pathological physiology, introduction to general practice, Medical Ethics and health regulation, radiodiagnostics, nuclear medicine, integration of fundamental medicine, Pathology, pharmacology, diagnosis, introduction to surgery, internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatry, integration of clinical medicine, clinical medicine statistics, clinical epidemiology, bio-medical informatics, psychiatry, neurology, lemology, traditional Chinese medical science.


Being moral rationality,edictal research ethics can enhance medical researchers' moral responsibility in clinical research process.It is a guarantee that assures every medical researcher to carry on and finish the medical research fluently.


It consists of 10 secondary insititutes ( Basic Medicine, the First Clinic Medicine, the Second Clinic Medicine, Stomaology, Pharmacy, Public Sanitation, Medical Jurispurdence, etc), and there are 12 undergraduate specialities, including clinic medicine, anesthesiology, medical inspection, medical imageology, nursing, eye photics, preventive medicine, stomaology, medical jurispurdence, pharmacy, etc.


Methods: Research methods such as document study, theoretical research andcomparative analyses are adopted in this article, attempting to synthetically analyze theimportance of humanities and social sciences education in higher medical colleges anduniversities. Questionnaire investigations are used to the study of curriculum setting inhumanities and social sciences education of domestic higher medical colleges anduniversities, the humanistic qualities of students, the acquisition of humanities and socialsciences, the attitude towards humanities and social sciences education.


She expresses her literary gist to reveal, criticizes and remoulds the shortcomings of human nature by literarily exploring the functional relationship between doctors and patients, and that of disease and therapy, which are the most basic ones in the complicated medical system.


更多网络解释与医学相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

alternative medicine:替代医学

美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)近年成立了替代医学办公室(OAH),"替代医学"(alternative medicine),也可译作"选择医学"或"他类医学",其内容相当部分是指上述一类自然疗法,这些均得到国际上极大的重视,我已两次被邀请参加该办公室组织召开的学术研讨会,

Basic Medicine:基础医学

现代医学按其研究的物件和任务的不同,可分为基础医学(basic medicine)、临床医学(clinical medicine)和预防医学(preventive medicine)三部分. 他们在整个医学科学的发展中,既有分工又有联系,相对独立又相互渗透,都是医学科学中不可分割的部分.

Basic Medicine:基础医学(可授医学、理学学位)

10,"医学","Medicine" | 1001,"基础医学(可授医学、理学学位)","Basic Medicine" | 100101,"人体解剖与组织胚胎学","Human Anatomy,Histology and Embryology"

Cochrane Collection:医学 - 护理学 全文 (IPA) 药学 文摘

Nursing & Allied Health Coll.: Comp. Ed. 医学 - 护理学 全文 | Cochrane Collection 医学 - 护理学 全文 (IPA) 药学 文摘 | SPORTDiscus 医学 - 运动医学 文摘

Cochrane Collection:医学 - 护理学 全文

Nursing & Allied Health Coll.: Comp. Ed. 医学 - 护理学 全文 | Cochrane Collection 医学 - 护理学 全文 | SPORTDiscus 医学 - 运动医学 文摘

Cochrane Collection:医学 - 护理学 全文 药学 文摘

Nursing & Allied Health Coll.: Comp. Ed. 医学 - 护理学 全文 | Cochrane Collection 医学 - 护理学 全文 药学 文摘 | SPORTDiscus 医学 - 运动医学 文摘

folk medicine:民间医学

广义的民族医学可称为民间医学( folk medicine),是指各民族中存在的有别于正统西方医学的一切非正统的医学理论、治疗方法和保健习俗. 民族医学是一门交叉学科,可以从不同的角度,使用不同的方法进行研究. 大多数西方学者主要使用医学人类学的方法来研究民族医学.


☆ 口腔医学(stomatology)是一门综合性和实践性都很强的医学学科. 它所包含的内容是相当丰富的,大体上可分为口腔医学基础、口腔预防医学、口腔临床医学等三大领域. 其中与临床诊疗密切相关的是口腔颌面外科、口腔正畸、口腔修复及口腔内科学这四大临床学科[1].


方法将160例术后应用PCEA随即分为:(1)泵拔除前0~6h拔管组,(2)...口腔医学(stomatology)是一门综合性和实践性都很强的医学学科. 它所包含的内容是相当丰富的,大体上可分为口腔医学基础、口腔预防医学、口腔临床医学等三大领域.

st.Century.Medicine.2.Bionic Breakthroughs:新世纪医学2-电子医学

21st.Century.Medicine.1.Operating.in.the.Future新世纪医学1-手术新知 | 21st.Century.Medicine.2.Bionic Breakthroughs新世纪医学2-电子医学 | 21st.Century.Medicine.3.Regenerating Life新世纪医学3-组织再生