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化石的 的英文翻译、例句


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The biostratigraphy of this paper is mainly achieved at these two kinds of fossils. The abundance and the diversity of plant fossils are very different across the TPTB stratigraphic set in western Guizhou and eastern Yunnan.


From the composite section, it can be found that some fossils'range zones are too short. Maybe it is caused by the fossils not preserved properly or the samples not collected comprehensively. Most fossils'first occurrence data are later than the ages which are defined by the MIDK4 composite section. It is probably caused by the Foraminifer zones in Tethyan- Himalaya which are not isochronous with other areas. It can also be recognized that there are two major extinction and revival events at the boundary of Cenomanian/Turonian and the boundary of Coniacian/ Santonian. They are coincident with the two Ocean Anoxic Events and can be considered as the typical response by creatures.


Though the fossiliferous explosion known as the Cambrian period is often thought of as the beginning of animal life, animals actually appeared for the first time during a geological twilight called the Ediacaran, 635m-542m years ago, between the end of a great ice age and the arrival of all those well-preserved Cambrian fossils.


Nanxiong red layer fossils fauna fossils shows that our fossil-layer bit more variety is extremely rich, the end of our Middle Pliocene Cenozoic stage of research and a long period of blank state, and make our country has become the world's most complete Paleocene stratigraphic section of the country.


It has been caused much attention by many geologists at home and abroad. Based on the rich dinosaur resources in Henan Province, the author has obtained some important results through the scientific study and protection research of dinosaurs and,these results can help to discover more and more complete dinosaurs and other vertebrate fossils, to promote and raises the research level on the systematic paleontology and dinosaurs in Henan Province, and thus provides important scientific data on stratigraphy, paleogeography and paleoenvironment of Mesozoic basins, which can accelerate to build protection system at all levels and geological parks, all these can bring about a great advance in environment protection, tourism economy, agriculture, industrial production and social civilization.


According to Xinhua News Agency, Hohhot, December 2 -, as far as dinosaurs鄂托克旗Geosites Regulatory Commission Office of introduction, experts in national鄂托克旗Geosites protection zone fossils point 15 carried out a detailed inspection , with the exception of Allactaga discovered well-preserved fossils of dinosaur footprints of mold, but also discovered a new fossil bird footprints, and the Jurassic in the local surface for the first time found that type of animal feet, sauropod dinosaur footprint fossils.


The specimen was preliminary coated with carbon of 10-20 nm in thickness, then sputtered with gold of various thickness according to its shape and surface texture: a gold film of 60-80 nm in thickness for bell-jar or tower-type radiolarites, 80-140 nm for globiferous radiolarites with spines and 140-200 nm for globiferous radiolarites.

在放射虫化石表面先蒸镀一层10-20 nm厚的碳膜,然后根据放射虫化石的形态和表面结构的不同,溅射厚度不同的金膜;钟罩形、塔形放射虫化石的金膜厚度在60-80 nm,带刺的球形放射虫化石的金膜厚度在80-140 nm,球形放射虫化石的金膜厚度在140-200 nm。

Pyritization occurred commonly in spicules, which could play an important role for the preservation of the spicules. The Hetang sponge spicules indicate that the hexactinellids and demonsponges evolved on later than the Meishucunian-Qiongzhusian (Tommotian - Atdabanian) time.


1It was discovered just after Darwin release his theory of evolution. It appear so soon that people doubt advents forged this fossil in order to evident Darwin's theory. 2the feather on the limestone of the fossil is so clear and perfectly formed that people doubt it is a artificial one. 3there is a split on the fossil, and the two pieces did not join together tightly.

由 1980s,某知名历史学家提出,原因有三: 1他怀疑这个化石是达尔文伪造的,目的在支持他的&鸟类从爬行动物进化而来&的理论; 2化石的纹理过於清晰,经过千百年历史,鸟的羽毛依然可见,这很不正常; 3化石有两部分组成,然而这两部分不能完整的拼合在一起,可见这是假造。

The Weng'an biota is different from others in that they are phosphatized and soft-bodied fossils.


更多网络解释与化石的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

fossiliferous foss:含化石的

fossiliferous foss 化石 | fossiliferous foss 含化石的 | fracture frac 断口

fossiliferous foss:含化石的,化石

634,"fossil","foss","含化石的,化石" | 635,"fossiliferous","foss","含化石的,化石" | 636,"grapestone","grap","笔石"

fossil foss:含化石的

fossil foss 化石 | fossil foss 含化石的 | fossiliferous foss 化石

fossil foss:含化石的,化石

633,"foraminifera","foram","有孔虫类" | 634,"fossil","foss","含化石的,化石" | 635,"fossiliferous","foss","含化石的,化石"


fossil wood 木化石 | fossil 化石;陈旧事物;化石的 | fossil-carbon 化石碳


fossilbearing 含化石的 | fossiliferous 含化石的 | fossilification 化石化


fossilation 成化石 | fossiliferous 含有化石的 | fossilify 使变成化石


eophyte 植物化石 | eophytic 植物化石的 | eosin 伊红


ichthyolite 鱼化石 | ichthyolitic 鱼化石的 | ichthyologic 鱼类学的


虫室 zoecium | 有生物的,含有生物化石的 zoic | 生物时代,有化石时代 zoic age