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化生的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Generally, blood lipids are transformed by the essential substance from food. Exogenous pathogenic factors, food and spirit stimulation would make the spleen not to transport the body fluid orderly, then the fluid retention is gonging to convert into wetness-evil or chyle in the blood, what is the phlegm-wetness in the blood.


Objective: To study the relationship of expression of CDX2 and PTEN proteins and gastric metaplasia.


Objective To investigate the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and characteristic of atypical immature squamous metaplasia of cervix.

目的 探讨宫颈非典型性不成熟鳞状上皮化生的特征及在诊断和鉴别诊断中的意义。

It indicated that HP infection may be one of the factors to induce intestinal metaplasia and so to increase the risk of carcinoma of stomach.


To observe the effect of Weiweining Capsule on chronic atrophic gastritis with intestinal metaplasia.


Objective The development and progression of intestinal metaplasia and expression of tumor - related proteins in dog ' s stomach were observed.


CagA is related to the occurrence of intestinal metaplasia, but not related to the types of intestinal metaplasia.


Objective: To study the proliferation, migration and metaplasm of residual rabbit lens epithelial cells after extracapsuiar cataract extractionbased on the rabbit capsular bag model in vitro.


Prevalence of subtypes of intestinal metaplasia in gastric antral mucosa.


By the use of molecular, microbiologic, immunologic, and morphologic techniques pathology attempts to explain the whys and wherefores of the signs and symptoms manifested by patients while providing a sound foundation for rational clinical care and therapy.


更多网络解释与化生的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


acervulus 分生孢子盘 | acescence 发酸;变酸;酸化;酒的酸败 | acescency 微酸味

chemical and biological warfare:化学和生物武器战争,CBW,化生战

checkpoint; check point; check-point;检查站;(行军途中的交通)管制点;(用无线电向指挥部报告情况的)报告点;CP;... | chemical and biological warfare;化学和生物武器战争;CBW;化生战 | cherry-picker;车载升降台; ...

cinch marks:痕,指?菲林?力量咿大而?生的?晋?化痕

Chronophotography 呗??作?影 ~ | cinch marks ?痕,指?菲林?力量咿大而?生的?晋?化痕 B+~q | cine camera ?影?影? '{W_c{


('98专高)(A) 13.异生(dysplasia)的病灶应优先考虑:(A) 癌前期变化 (B) 化生(C) 恶性肿瘤 (D) 再生. ('00专高)(B) 22.科学家发现40%的视网膜母细胞瘤(retinoblastoma)为家族性的. 更进一步发现这是因为第13对染色体上有某基因的佚失(deletion),



intestinal metaplasia:肠化生

肠化生(intestinal metaplasia)或简称肠化,系指胃粘膜内出现了肠腺或肠型上皮. 肠化生是胃炎中比较常见的病变,几乎在慢性萎缩性胃炎经常出现,肠化生的出现与胃粘膜的损伤和不能完全再生修复有关. 近年的研究表明,幽门螺旋杆菌(HP)是慢性胃炎的重要病因,

squamous metaplasia:鳞状上皮化生

治疗不彻底,极难痊愈.上述愈合过程,不仅发生在糜烂表面,隐凹的腺体及增生的腺样间隙所被覆的柱状上皮同样可被复层上皮所替代.这种腺上皮的复层化与表皮化(epidermization),通常称为"鳞状上皮化生"(squamous metaplasia).化生程度有很大差异,

biochemical recapitulation:生(物)化(学)(的)反复

生(物)化(学)作用(的)突变 biochemical mutation | 生(物)化(学)(的)反复 biochemical recapitulation | 生(物)化(学)(的)特异性 biochemical specificity

reverse bioche mistry:反向生物化学[通过克隆化基因的表达产物反过来研究体内蛋白质的生

reverse band R 带,(相)反带[与Q 带相反的带] | reverse bioche mistry 反向生物化学[通过克隆化基因的表达产物反过来研究体内蛋白质的生 | reversion 回复突变


Daksa达刹参与创世的早期老神,阿底提群神之一 | Devi*提毗湿婆之妻,有多种化生的大神 | Dhanvantari檀凡陀厘医神,或毗湿奴化身