英语人>词典>汉英 : 化学变化 的英文翻译,例句
化学变化 的英文翻译、例句


chemical change
更多网络例句与化学变化相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order to determine the right curing technology and improving the quality and usability of burley tobacco, the major physical and chemical changes of burley tobacco during curing were studied from 1999 to 2001 in Enshi, Hubei province.

为进一步明确白肋烟的调制工艺,提高白肋烟质量,1999- 2 0 0 1年在湖北恩施地区进行了调制期间白肋烟主要物理、化学变化的研究。

One appealing theory traces our dependence on it to the chemistry of the late Cambrian seas.


This is a chemical change, not a physical one.


A chemical change is one in which the structure of particles is changed and new substance is formed.


In the case of a chemical change, some new substance is produced.


We saw that a chemical change had taken place.


When matter is changed to a substance different from what it was , the change is a chemical change .


When matter change to a substance different from what it was, the change is a chemical change.


In a chemical change, energy is not created, nor is it destroyed.


Any chemical change in the mother's blood will affect the child for better or worse.


更多网络解释与化学变化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


acoustic 音响学,音响学的 | actinic 光化的,由光产生的化学变化 | action grip 快速手柄

be made from:由......制成(化学变化)

be mad about迷恋 | be made from由......制成(化学变化) | be made of由......制成(物理变化)

chemical change:化学变化

物质只是从一种状态变成另一种状态,而没有产生新物质,我们把这种变化叫做物理变化(physical change) 在有些变化中,参与变化过程的物质从一种物质变成了另一种新的物质,我们把这种变 化叫做化学变化(chemical change) 物理变化和化学变

chemical change:化学变化,化学转变

chemical capped steel | 化学封顶钢 | chemical change | 化学变化,化学转变 | chemical character | 化学特性

postmortem chemical change:死后化学变化

postmortem burns 死后焚尸 | postmortem chemical change 死后化学变化 | postmortem chemistry 尸体化学

postmortem chemical change:尸体化学变化

尸体发掘 cadaver exhumation | 尸体化学变化 postmortem chemical change | 尸体角膜混浊 postmortem turbidity of the cornea

adverse chemical change:逆化学变化

adverse balance 逆差 | adverse chemical change 逆化学变化 | adverse condition 不利条件

law of chemical change:化学变化定律

law of chance 随机定律,机遇率 | law of chemical change 化学变化定律 | law of combination of errors 误差合成定律

change, chemical:化学变化

机遇变数 chance variable | 变化;交换 change | 化学变化 change, chemical

A chemical change takes place in paper when it burns:纸燃烧时发生化学变化

▲ Chemical作形容词用时"化学的,用化学方法得到的". 例: | A chemical change takes place in paper when it burns.纸燃烧时发生化学变化. | John works in a chemical works.约翰在一家化工厂工作.