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势论 的英文翻译、例句


potential theory
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In this dissertation, several properties of quasi-2D trapped Bose-Einstein condensate and atom lasers are studied and discussed.


In this thesis, we solve this problem by combining the overall functions of potential interactions, which include the van der Waals attractive potential, repulsive electrical double layer potential, Born repulsive potential and magnetic interaction, as well as the hydrodynamic interaction, the gravity and the Brown diffusion, and therefore unveil the significant influence of the interparticle potential on the sedimentation of stable colloidal systems.

在本论文中,通过综合考虑胶体粒子间的势力相互作用——包括vander Waals分子引力势、双电荷层静电斥力势、Born排斥势和磁力势等,还有流体动力相互作用、重力相互作用、布朗热动力等诸多因素的影响,我们解决了这一难题,揭示了粒子间势给胶体系统的沉降行为带来的重大影响。

Yi-shi Duan to study the Chern class and Chern-Simons topological field theory, and the various topological structures in early universe cosmology and condensed matter physics with the corresponding topological field theories.


This thesis, basing on the finite temperature field theory and its effec tive perturbative method, has done some research in the influences from collective effect of QGP to its thermodynamic potential and certain important related problems.


Combined with castrating and hormone antagonists can use in prostate cancer treatment; especially for the advanced prostate cancer patients

论TURP 联合手术去势及抗雄激素药物治疗前列腺癌效果明显,尤其适用于合并有下尿路梗阻的晚期前列腺癌病人。

In the atomic scale, the atoms in the surface layer have relaxed, and the oxygen atoms have been exposed in the surface layer, which leads the surface become double electric layer and the surface rumpling.


There are mainly four parts in this dissertation. In chapter one,the basic concepts of gauge field theory was introduced in brief and the study of nonperturbative field theory was reviewed.Then we described the idea of decomposition of gauge potential,which is the start point of our work.


In chapter two,based on the ultraviolet/infrared scale separation of the connection decomposition variables,we proposed that at the classic level the strong-coupling limit of the Yang-Mills theory vacuum behaves as a black hole with regard to colors.With this idea,we prove that there exists a dual superconductor solution for the strongly-coupled Yang-Mills theory,whose vacuum is made up of a many-body system of magnetic charges. A dual Abelian-Higgs model,with a Higgs vacuum constant added has been derived from the gluonic field part of SU(2)QCD based on the Faddeev-Niemi decomposition and random-order assumptions.The scale potential Vhas the Mexico-hat form.


The optical potential of a nucleon in the nuclear medium is identified with the nucleon self-energy.


更多网络解释与势论相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


金属中的电子,周期势,布洛赫(bloch)波,带状结构,金属 vs.绝缘体vs.半导体. 含时微扰论. 跃迁几率,重温绝热理论,正旋扰动. 跃迁速率. 光的吸收和发射. 与非相干光相关的跃迁速率. 费米(Fermi)的黄金法则. 自发发射.




等势原理 principle of equipotentiality | 中枢论 centralism | 决定论 determinism

principle of equipotentiality:等势原理

颅相学 phrenology | 等势原理 principle of equipotentiality | 中枢论 centralism

potential theory:势论

高斯是一个理论家,韦伯引起高斯对物理问题产生兴趣,而高斯用数学工具处理物理问题,影响韦伯的思考工作方法. 高斯在1834到1840年写的>一文里给出了势论(Potential theory)的基本理论

potential theory:位势论

potential stability势稳定性 | potential theory位势论 | potential variability势可变性

equilibrium sense:平衡感

equilibrium potential 平衡电势 | equilibrium sense 平衡感 | equilibrium theory 平衡论