英语人>词典>汉英 : 劫匪 的英文翻译,例句
劫匪 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Bandits  ·  cateran

更多网络例句与劫匪相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

What you think I look like, Ma, a gang banger?


I was a gang banger.


Outside a Philadelphia bank, a robber shot and killed two armoured car guards.


Outside a Philadelphia bank, a robber shot and killed two armoured car guards.A nother was wounded by shattered glass.


Such was the case with the Robber Synod of 449, the Synod of Pisa in 1409, and in part with the Councils of Constance and Basle.

这种情况与劫匪主教会议的449 ,主教会议的比萨在1409年,并在部分与议会的康斯坦茨湖和巴塞尔。

The robbers tried to take his wallet but he beat them off.


Investigators initially assumed that his accomplice had managed a getaway, but the second bungler's body was excavated from the debris twelve hours later. Would-be Robbers One and Two weren't exactly impoverished--their getaway car was a BMW.


Another carjacking occurred this month at 20 o'clock on the 7th, three suspected Indian man with a group of robbers, the trick in the town of skudai Li-Ning, a Chinese housewives to start, when the 44-year-old The woman was sharing with two children to return home after dinner, the same three robbers held a parang knife dry case, stole the victim's blue Toyota Camry.


Network, look in safe expert, it is such risk -- with violent world about the same, bandits, cateran is full of among them.


Time he helped escort of gold, the way military attache You Yiru humiliated by three robbers, suicide, also died in the fire among the three robbers, gold was missing.


更多网络解释与劫匪相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Time Bandits:时间劫匪

失踪了,呵呵.很不幸.噢不,您不能问为什么--反正就是这样. 这就像是在电影 时间劫匪(Time Bandits)结尾时他们在微波发现的那块石头:)


"劫匪(Cateran)们去船头!杀出一条通路来!把挡在我们和晴空号的障碍全部扫光!"太迟了. 就算杰拉尔德意识到了自己指令的错误并且马上命令士兵转向攻击劫匪们,可是劫匪们的首领瑟力克(Xcric)也最终中止了这场战斗. 他(它?

cateran:苏格兰高地的劫匪, 山贼

cater-cousin | 亲密的朋友, 至交 | cateran | 苏格兰高地的劫匪, 山贼 | caterer | 包办伙食者, (尤)指备办宴会者


cater-cousin /密友/ | cateran /劫匪/山贼/ | catercorner /对角线/

Locate Fugitive Mugger:查找逃亡的劫匪

Locate Reported Disturbance 查找报告的动乱 | Locate Fugitive Mugger 查找逃亡的劫匪 | Locate Rooster Fight 查找狂妄的打斗

Locate Armed Mugger:查找武装劫匪

Locate Rooster Fight 查找狂妄的打斗 | Locate Armed Mugger 查找武装劫匪 | Locate Flavio Rossi 查找Flavio Rossi

Let's look for recent high-line burglaries that mystify us:我们要找偷值钱东西的劫匪

Proficient enough to go in on the prowl.|足... | Let's look for recent high-line burglaries that mystify us.|我们要找偷值钱东西的劫匪 | Run "Slick" as an alias to the FBI. You're gonna get the phone bo...


威胁会引爆两个石油气罐threatened to explode the two gas cylinders | 持刀劫匪knifeman | 持刀男子knife-wielding men

(Newsreader) 'Police criticised the media for "hero worshipping" the armed gang:在一些小报甚至刊登以'侠盗罗宾汉帮' 称赞劫匪的文章后

'said to be provoked by... | (Newsreader) 'Police criticised the media for "hero worshipping" the armed gang|"在一些小报甚至刊登以'侠盗罗宾汉帮' 称赞劫匪的文章后" | 'after several tabloids called them ...

Time Robbers:时间劫匪

Formula of Calculation 计算方法 | Time Robbers 时间劫匪 | Exercise: Identify Time Robbers 作业:认出时间劫匪