英语人>词典>汉英 : 动物的活动范围 的英文翻译,例句
动物的活动范围 的英文翻译、例句


home range
更多网络例句与动物的活动范围相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Human movement,especially the destruction of vegetation,influenced the propagation environment of the intermediate host of paragonimus,which resulted in the transference of territory of wild animal and the marked decrease of the density and the infection rate of the intermediate host.


The scope of the main business for the Association includes: to implement the general and specific policies of our Party and state, safeguard the profession's interests; to manage the registration of the thoroughbred and the horse of fine breed according to the international regulations; to edit and publish the Chinese Stud Book and professional periodicals; to develop the research works to equine in preservation, breeding, nutrition, management and administration of stud farm, health care, technology training and consulting service, etc.; to promote the development of products, the application and popularization of new technology; to organize and coordinate the horse exhibition, appraisement through comparison, auction, import and export trade, etc..


更多网络解释与动物的活动范围相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这是四足 动物与鱼类的重要区别.肩带脱离了与头骨的连接后,不但可以增进头部的活动性,并且也 极大地扩展了前肢的活动范围.蛙蟾类的肩带由肩胛骨(scapula),乌喙骨(coracoid), 上乌喙骨 (epicora-coid) 和锁骨 (clavicle) 等构成,

Daubentonia madagascariensis:指猴

这个濒危物种的数量还在指猴(Daubentonia madagascariensis)生活在马达加斯,是一种在夜间出没的狐猴,现在已濒危. 尽管它们活动的范围在印度洋岛国东部的森林,这种动物似乎少之又少(它到了濒危的状况). 指猴对夜间活动的适应性--大眼睛和大耳朵--也被当地人认为是不祥之兆,

Gulo gulo:貂熊

3.貂熊(Gulo gulo)为亚寒带和寒温带针叶林动物. 活动于森林、溪河、林带以上的冻土、裸岩等范围. 4.山羊(Capra ibex)为中亚高山动物,多栖于高山草原岩石较多地段. 5.黑鹳(Ciconia nigra)栖息在开阔的沿泽和湖泊湿地,常单个或集小群在溪流采食,

home range:巢域

对于动物而言,领域主要有三个层次,即巢域(home range)、领域(core area)和核域(territory). 巢域指动物正常活动所达到的范围,核域指在巢域内动物更加有规律和更经常活动的那部分地域,领域则是指动物对其加以保卫的区域. 对于零售商业而言,