英语人>词典>汉英 : 动力车床 的英文翻译,例句
动力车床 的英文翻译、例句


power lathe
更多网络例句与动力车床相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Company may, in accordance with the requirements of the processing parts and design and manufacture of various types of special combination of automated machine tools and automatic lathes, precision-gear automatic tapping machines, reciprocating dedicated machines, fixed multi-axis drilling tapping machines, elevating drilling Tapping dedicated machines, multi-disc special machines, machine tools and various combinations for accessories, dynamic head, boring Xitou and hydraulic slider, at the same time various types of automated machine tools for transformation, maintenance, repair and upgrading.


Enterprises specializing in the production of "side of" card machine annex, the main products: milling chucks, NC knife handle, power chuck and the fuel tank, drilling the first card, top, adjustable sets, tool, gauge, lathe Mandrel, micro - 10 series, such as motor hundreds of varieties and specifications.


Concurrently, it is estimated that will increase to numerical control knife rest demand greatly in recent years.


Concurrently, it is estimated that will increase to numerical control knife rest demand greatly in recent years.


Concurrently, it is estimated that it will increase to numerical control knife rest demand greatly in recent years.


Concurrently, it is estimated that will increase to numerical control knife rest demand greatly in recent years.


Concurrently, it is estimated that will increase to numerical control knife rest demand greatly in recent years.


CNC lathe spindle speed due to very high, for ease of workpiece clamping, multi-use high-speed hydraulic power chuck, because it is in the production plant has passed a strict balance, with a high speed (speed limit up to 4000 ~ 6000r/min), high clamping force (push pull for the largest 2000 ~ 8000N), high-precision, adjusting claw convenience, through-hole, long life and so on.


更多网络解释与动力车床相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




在1762年,Matthew Boulton 开办了一家雇用超过600名员工的车床(Lathe)加工厂,开始装置蒸汽引擎(Steam Engine),增援原有的两具带动车床运转、磨光(Polishing)、研磨(Grinding)等功能的水车(Waterwheel)动力;从1700年开始,

power lathe:动力车床

stenohaline organisms 狭盐性生物 | power lathe 动力车床 | dry excavation 干开挖

power lathe:强力车床

动力注射阀 power jet valve | 强力车床 power lathe | 动力阶 power level

simple power lathe:简单动力车床

simple potato crusher 马铃薯简易搅碎机 | simple power lathe 简单动力车床 | simple precedence relation 简单优先关系


在1762年,Matthew Boulton 开办了一家雇用超过600名员工的车床(Lathe)加工厂,开始装置蒸汽引擎(Steam Engine),增援原有的两具带动车床运转、磨光(Polishing)、研磨(Grinding)等功能的水车(Waterwheel)动力;从1700年开始,

stenohaline organisms:狭盐性生物

file type [计] 文件类型 | stenohaline organisms 狭盐性生物 | power lathe 动力车床


开始装置蒸汽引擎(Steam Engine),增援原有的两具带动车床运转、磨光(Polishing)、研磨(Grinding)等功能的水车(Waterwheel)动力;从1700年开始,位于英格兰中西部的斯塔福郡(Staffordshire),就利用水车或风车(windmills) 动力制陶磁,1850年之后,

Engine lathe:车床

瓦特发明了蒸气机,使得车床可藉由蒸气产生动力用来驱动车床运 转,此时 车床的动力是集中一处,再藉由皮带与齿轮的传递分散到工厂各处的车床, 20 世纪初拥有独立动力源的动力车床 (Engine Lathe) 终于被开发 ( 见图三 ) ,也将车床带到新的领域.