英语人>词典>汉英 : 动作值 的英文翻译,例句
动作值 的英文翻译、例句


working value
更多网络例句与动作值相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Using of the biomechanical method and the dynamical method , with control and without control of the same action redundancy free degree as stimulus variable , with the minus of explosive strength as dependent variable , compary with different sections testing results , qualitative and quantitative evaluation to jumpping movement coordinative ability.


Based on the symbolic transition graph with assignment of Lin, we introduce a variant of STGA. The distinction of our model is that the assignment of a transition is performed after rather than before the action.


Unladen state generator, step-up from zero after the check check each group voltage transformer secondary voltage value, phase sequence and instrument instruction correctness check value and protection actions return values, taking no-load of generators, power generation Inter-turn machine stator winding insulation pressure.


It shows that depth-weighted optical signal is different from the signal only on the top layer of tissue in velocity of upstroke, duration and amplitude and the discrepancy are enhanced with the increase of the probing depth especially in the spiral wave activity.


On the basis of the analysis of the transient negative current, a compensated voltage can be generated with multiplying the rms value of the negative sequence transient current of the feeder by a settable compensated reactance, then combined with the magnitude of the zero-sequence voltage to consist of the compounded compensated voltage, which can be utilized to revise the characteristics of the inverse time-delay.


The inverse time delay characteristic is adopted by the basic zero-sequence over-voltage protection. On the basis of the analysis of the transient negative current, a compensated voltage can be generated with multiplying the rms value of the negative sequence transient current of the feeder by a settable compensated reactance, then combined with the magnitude of the zero-sequence voltage to consist of the compounded compensated voltage, which can be utilized to revise the characteristics of the inverse time-delay.


A solution to the elevation influence problem is proposed,which includes unbolting the oil charging screw of SF6 gas density relay in field,and retightening it as the gas pressure inside the shield equals to atmospheric pressure,then conducting test and putting the delays into operation.


Practice: Making and Unmaking Action: Extended Duration: Prolonged Aspect: Vulgar Cost: 1 Mana 法则:创造和破坏动作:长期持续时间:长外貌:破则消耗:1玛那 Each success allows the mage to shift one dot from a mundane trait (an Attribute, Skill or Merit, but not a magical trait such as Gnosis or an Arcanum) to another within the same trait category dots of Social Attributes switch with other Social Attributes, etc.


Nevertheless, the latter group shows similar strength in red, yellow, blue, and green, which means that except for the blue-tinted Sci-Fi, Horror&Thriller and Action&Adventure have no distinct color tone.


Dependent variables were absolute error and variable error of acquisition, immediate and delay transfer.


更多网络解释与动作值相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

action code:动作码

内核 支持的 键值(keycode) 范围单键 可编联(bind) 的 动作(action) 数:内核 支持的 动作码(action code) 值域(range):这个选项使 dumpkeys 只显示 组合键(compose key) 定义.它 只对 支持 组合键的 内核 有效.


.故障开始开关的动作可以在瞬时(momentary)和交替(alternate)之间切换频率、振幅、相位各参数在正常值与故障值之间进行自动扫描. 因为能用解扣(trip)信号的变化来自动停止扫描,所以能轻松获知继电器的动作值/恢复值/最大灵敏度相位值.

fame count:给你声望值

allstats count 给你所有属性加点 | fame count 给你声望值 | animationspeed fps 动作动画帧率调节,如果你帧率够高你的人物动作就像吃了兴奋剂

fame count:给伱声望值

allstats count给伱所有属性加点 | fame count给伱声望值 | animationspeed fps动作动画帧率调节,假如伱帧率够高伱旳人物动作就像吃了兴奋剂

animationspeed fps:动作动画帧率调节,如果你帧率够高你的人物动作就像吃了兴奋剂

fame count 给你声望值 | animationspeed fps 动作动画帧率调节,如果你帧率够高你的人物动作就像吃了兴奋剂 | hurtme pct(百分比) 减少你和你的宠物多少百分比的HP

animationspeed fps:动作帧率调节

levelup count:升级1 | animationspeed fps:动作帧率调节 | vhurtme pct:以百分比减少角色和宠物的生命值

animationspeed fps:动作动画帧率调节,假如伱帧率够高伱旳人物动作就像吃了兴奋剂

fame count给伱声望值 | animationspeed fps动作动画帧率调节,假如伱帧率够高伱旳人物动作就像吃了兴奋剂 | hurtme pct减少伱以及伱旳宠物多少百分比旳HP

Basic Movement:基本动作

一、基本动作(Basic Movement),它总共有六步,从男士脚的位置(Foot Position)来讲:?还有这六步的拍值(beat value)不一,其中第三、六步各有两拍,其余各只有一拍. 说到拍值就牵涉到臀部动作和脚的移动,因为伦巴是一种身体舞蹈,

typical value:典型值

FAMs 使用两个步骤以完成解模糊化动作,1) 转换每一语意变量为一典型值(Typical value),2) 折衷每一输出值而求得最适权衡值第二个步骤在于如何求取真确值的输出,如图八所示.

EEPROM WR:定值修改允许开关打在"修改"位置

YWG -油温高外部接点动作 | EEPROM WR-定值修改允许开关打在"修改"位置 | YLSF -压力释放外部接点动作