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加标 的英文翻译、例句


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MIP and NIP were used as a solid-phase adsorbent, respectively. The type and amount of the eluting agent were optimized. The recoveries of standard addition are in the range of 86.7%~ 97.7%, with precision of 1.2%~ 3.8%. It has provided reference for the determination of citrinin.


After the ferromolybdenum was dissolved completely in nitric acid at low temperature,adding internal standard elements of ~(45)Sc,by use of internal elements calibrated method,the content of Sb,Cu,Sn,Si and P in ferromolybdenum is determined directly by ICP-MS.


It has been used to determine copper ion in waste water samples from hydrometallurgy of copper. The relative standard deviation (n=8) for the determination results of two samples were 0.8% and 1.4% and the recovery were 101% and 100%, respectively.

该离子选择性电极已用于湿法冶金废水中Cu(上标 2+)的分析,两个样品测定结果的相对标准偏差(n=8)分别为0.8%和101%,加标回收率分别为101%和100%。

Chromic trioxide and chromium hemitrioxide are determined with iodometry, the coefficient of variation of chromic trioxide is 0.056%, and the recovery of marked compound is 99.82-99.83%; the coefficient of variation of chromium hemitrioxide is 1.45%,and the recovery of marked compound is 98.55-99.26%; iron is determined by complexometric titration, the coefficient of variation of iron is 1.73%, and the recovery of marked compound is 99.12-99.23%;sulfate is determined by complexometric titration, the coefficient of variation of sulphate is 0.16%, and the recovery of marked compound is

Analysis Of The Chromium Electroplating Wastewater By Oxidation-reduction And Complexometric Titration-化学工程与工艺-本文采用氧化还原滴定法与络合滴定法对镀六价铬的废水中铬酸酐,三氧化二铬,铁和硫酸根的含量进行了测定:铬酸酐和三氧化二铬用碘量法测定,铬酸酐的变异系数为0.056%,加标回收率为99.82-99.83%,三氧化二铬的变异系数为1.45%,加标回收率为98.55-99.26%;铁用络合滴定法测定,其变异系数为1.73%,加标回收率为99.12-99.23%;硫酸根用络合返滴定法测定,其变异系数为0.16%,加标回收率为

The average recoveries were 60.2%~125% and 64.5%~126% for the drugs in plasma and urine except those of perphenazine, thioridazine and chloropromazine in plasma were 37.6%~57.5%, 36.3%~48.3%, 52.4%~67.4%, respectively; trazodone and diazepam in urine were 100%~142% and 108%~177%, respectively. The relative standard deviations of all the drugs in plasma and urine were within 0.8%~26% and 2.6%~18%(n=6), respectively. The detection limits of the 4 barbitals ranged from 20 to 100 mg/L and those of the other drugs ranged from 0.05 to 2.0 mg/L.

血浆样品中待测组分的加标回收率除了奋乃静、硫利哒嗪和氯丙嗪的分别为37.6%~57.5%, 36.3%~48.3%和52.4%~67.4%外,尿液样品中待测组分的加标回收率除了曲唑酮和地西泮的分别为100%~142%和108%~177%外,血浆和尿液中其余待测组分的加标回收率分别为60.2%~125%和64.5%~126%,相对标准偏差分别为0.8%~26%和2.6%~18%(n=6);除了巴比妥类药物的检出限为20~100 mg/L外,其余药物的检出限均为0.05~2.0 mg/L。

As results showed, for limonin and naringin, the linearity was good within the ranges of 1.00-50.00 mg/L (r=0.9992) and 20.00-160.00 mg/L (r= 0.9988) respectively, and the detection limits were 0.07 μg and 0.14 μg, then the average recoveries were 98.69% and 100.13% with relative standard deviations of 2.5% and 1.5%, respectively.

实验结果表明,柠檬苦素在1.00~50.00 mg/L时线性关系良好(r=0.9992),检出限为0.07 μg,平均加标回收率为98.69%,相对标准偏差为2.5%;柚皮苷在20.00~160.00 mg/L时线性关系良好(r=0.9988),检出限为0.14 μg,平均加标回收率为100.13%,RSD为1.5%。

The test showed that the recovery yield of marked compound in desulfurized solution was 103.3%, it was indicated that impurity in the mixed system had smaller influence on determination, the method is more accurate in determination of picric acid in desulfurized solution.


A good linear relationship could be obtained in the concentrations ranged from 1.6 to 175 mg/L for sulfamic acid and from 3.2 to 175 mg/L for DL-malic acid. The detection limits of each acid were 0.4 mg/L and 0.8 mg/L, respectively.


The interference of metal ions Fe(superscript 3+、Cu(superscript 2+)and so on in oil can be eliminated by using hydroxyl amino hydrochloric acid and sulfourea as masking agents.

以盐酸羟胺和硫脲作为掩蔽剂可消除Fe(上标 3+)、Cu(上标 2+)等离子的干扰,对大庆原油与锦西减四线馏分油中的钒进行测定,相对标准偏差不大于3.5%,加标回收率为

The method has good linearity in the range of 2.50~100 mg/L for trigonelline (r=0.9996). The recoveries were on an average of 102%by adding 29.2 mg/L and 43.8 mg/L with relative standard deviations of 4.17% and 2.28%(n=3), respectively.

胡芦巴碱的线性范围为2.50~100 mg/L (r=0.9996);两个加标水平的平均加样回收率为102%,相对标准偏差分别为4.17%和2.28%(n=3)。

更多网络解释与加标相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

indexed file structure:加索引的文件结构,定位文件结构

indexed data name 变址数据名,加标数据名,索引型数据名 | indexed file structure 加索引的文件结构,定位文件结构 | indexed list 索引表,加下标表

indexed sequential file:加下标顺序文件

indexed loan 按指数偿还的贷款 | indexed sequential file 加下标顺序文件 | indexes index的复数

Matrix Spikes:(基体加标)

Used to monitor accuracy(监测准确度) | Matrix spikes(基体加标) | Fortified blanks(增加加标)

zoned format:分段格式,分区格式,分区形式,区标格式,区位格式

zoned decimal quartet 区标十进制四位字节 | zoned format 分段格式,分区格式,分区形式,区标格式,区位格式 | zoned fuel loading 分区加燃料


加标题AttachTitle | 加标头prefixing | 加宾风garbin

prefixing:加标头 加前缀

prefixform 前缀形式 | prefixing 加标头 加前缀 | prefixmethodsynchronization 词头法同步


15 鹰标加本力苏维翁红葡萄酒 EAGLE HAWK CABERNET SAUVIGNON 94.99 | 16 鹰标莎当妮白葡萄酒 EAGLE HAWK CHARDONNAY WHITE 94.99 | 17 干露远山卡本妮苏维翁 CONCHA Y TORO FRONTERA CAB. SAU. 69.99


14 杰卡斯西拉加本纳 JACOB'S CREEK SHIRAZ CABERNET 97.99 | 15 鹰标加本力苏维翁红葡萄酒 EAGLE HAWK CABERNET SAUVIGNON 94.99 | 16 鹰标莎当妮白葡萄酒 EAGLE HAWK CHARDONNAY WHITE 94.99

Avogadro scale:亚佛加厥标度

亚佛加厥常数 Avogadro constant | 亚佛加厥标度 Avogadro scale | 亚佛加厥定律 Avogadro's law


其他附属品牌还包括杜林标(Drambuie)威士忌,帝萨诺杏仁酒(DiSaronnoAmaretto)和B&B以及本笃利口酒(Benedictineliqueurs). 古巴的市面上并不存在百加得饮料. 古巴的主要朗姆酒品牌是哈瓦那俱乐部. 哈瓦那俱乐部并非是百加得公司的原有品牌,