英语人>词典>汉英 : 功败垂成 的英文翻译,例句
功败垂成 的英文翻译、例句


between the cup and the lip
更多网络例句与功败垂成相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This way you don't overextend your economy and then fizzle out with nothing left.


Of course you can''t possibly overlook something as large-scale as Napoleon''s ill-fated invasion of Russia.


They think they'll win the election easily, but there's many a slip's twixt cup and lip.


They think they'll win the election easily, but there's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip.


They think they'll win the election easily,but there's many a s lip 's twixt cup and lip .


He passed the audition but was pipped at the post by the last interview.


We didn't win the contract: we were pipped at the post by a firm whose price was lower .


This way you don't overextend your economy and then fizzle out with nothing left.


She had been shopping with her Mom in Wal-Mart. She must have been 6 years old, this beautiful brown haired, freckle-faced image of innocence. It was pouring outside. The kind of rain that gushes over the top of rain gutters, so much in a hurry to hit the Earth it has no time to flow down the spout.


More even-handed means more sympathetic to Palestinians.


更多网络解释与功败垂成相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

failure just at the point of success:功败垂成

162.狗尾续貂 a bad sequel to a fine work | 163.功败垂成 failure just at the point of success | 164.根深蒂固(的偏见) deep-rooted

invariant factor matrix:不变商矩阵

a near miss [军]靠近弹 近失弹 [喻]接近成功的失败, 功败垂成 | invariant factor matrix 不变商矩阵 | carnism 肉食癖, 肉食过多

jump the gun:偷跑

文章最后说,马英九访问华府一事功败垂成,不禁使人想到"一言丧邦"那句话,马英九在枪声未响前即偷跑 (Jump the gun)虽没有丧邦,却造成他行不得也的困境,故此次过境美国,真是如履薄冰,如临深渊,全部行程对美国百分之百的透明,

between cup and lip:在事情将成未成之际, 在紧要关头, 功败垂成

between churches | 上次做礼拜与下次做礼拜相隔期间 | between cup and lip | 在事情将成未成之际, 在紧要关头, 功败垂成 | between girl | 家庭助理女工

lay up against a rainy day:未雨绸缪

未老先衰 decrepit before one's age | 未雨绸缪 lay up against a rainy day | 功败垂成 a slip betwixt cup and the lip

smack one's lips:甘之如饴

功败垂成 a slip betwixt cup and the lip | 甘之如饴 smack one's lips | 甘拜下风 play second fiddle

a near miss:[军]靠近弹 近失弹 [喻]接近成功的失败, 功败垂成

psilophytic [植]裸蕨植物的 | a near miss [军]靠近弹 近失弹 [喻]接近成功的失败, 功败垂成 | invariant factor matrix 不变商矩阵

a near miss:靠近弹 近失弹 接近成功的失败, 功败垂成

a near go || 侥幸的逃脱 | a near miss || 靠近弹 近失弹 接近成功的失败, 功败垂成 | a near thing || 极危险的事