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功能测试 的英文翻译、例句


functional test · function testing · functional testing
更多网络例句与功能测试相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper provides a method of variable integrity testing to detect the faults of software By checking the definition domain of the variable itself and the restriction condition of consistency between variables, we only need to determine the bound of each output data, rather than the exact value Although the output of testing case cannot be easily caught, this method can improve the efficiency of detecting faults Furthermore, the checking point is not limited to the final output place, but spreads over the reference places in the program code to key variables just like those at the checkpoints under debugging As a consequence, the testing becomes more precise

由于软件测试用例的输出部分很难确定,而通过测试变量自身的定义域和变量间的一致性约束关系,只需要确定输出值的范围而不用知道其确切的值,就可以提高了错误检测的效率同时,检测的范围不局限于程序最后的输出结果,而是散布在程序中的各个有意义的变量,正如调试过程中设置断点观察的那些变量,使得检测错误更加精准1 引言软件测试的本质在于针对要测试的内容确定一组测试用例[1] 测试用例分为输入和输出两部分功能测试和结构测试等基本的软件测试方法,都比较关心测试用例的输入部分定义域的确定,而对测试用例的输出部分考虑得较少例如,边界测试和等价类测试[2 ] 只考虑测试用

Participation in the Stock Exchange issued a notice measurement firms, the explicit reference to various types of financing margin trading and securities transfer, the customer credit account with the Securities and pin No.


There are many types of tests which should be conducted namely regression test, functional test, system test and other types of test.


This is the main form of the application; this form is used to provide a test harness for testing each of the functions defined in the Accessor class; all functions defined in the Accessor class have a corresponding menu item and the click event handler for each menu item executes an Accessor class function; supplying any arguments necessary as canned values.


In this flow a tradeoff of multiple test methods is adopted, which includes structural test, functional test and parametric test. Using the test mode of"stop as finding the fault"and based on the position of the first failure, we can label the faulty chips into different bins.


Main business: CNC engraving machine Series: Applications: stainless steel, copper engraving Case insets processing; stainless steel, copper Case Shouban; spherical, Globoidal processing, text, sculpture ★ Case 5-axis double-headed insets engraving machine ★ Case 5-axis three insets engraving machine ★ Case 4-axis linkage double-headed insets engraving machine ★ Case 4-axis linkage three insets engraving machine ★ high triaxial strong double-headed die machine ★ high strength triaxial 3 Die machine ★ Case Drilling Machine, surface drilling machine ★ Case-meter pit, watches and clocks, glass-processing machine production testing of aircraft series:● test the waters Series: 10 automatic machine manually test the waters, six automatic Manual examination of water, really test the water leak-loaded needle ● Series: Semi-automatic assembly line of watches and clocks, watches and clocks, with three-pin CNC machines, semi-automatic machine ● single needle assembly Series: Semi-automatic cutting the core of machines, Case glass adhesive glue Machines, pneumatic pressure Digai ● strap-test: strap Rally torque testing machine, clasp switch testing machine, strap swing testing machine ● first test table: Table heading to the functional testing of aircraft, form the first vibration test machines, Table first parabolic dynamic testing machine has been with the German company Rexroth, Japan Yasukawa, Panasonic, Mitsubishi, and other well-known international companies have a long-term stability of technical cooperation, continue to study and absorb the advanced technology at home and abroad.

主营业务: CNC雕刻加工机系列:应用:不锈钢、铜表壳镶石雕刻加工;不锈钢、铜表壳手板;球面、弧面加工、文字雕刻★表壳五轴联动双头镶石雕刻机★表壳五轴联动三头镶石雕刻机★表壳四轴联动双头镶石雕刻机★表壳四轴联动三头镶石雕刻机★高强力三轴双头模具加工机★高强力三轴三头模具加工机★表壳钻孔机、表面钻孔机★表壳米坑位、玻璃位加工机钟表生产测试机系列:●试水系列:十头自动手动试水机、六头自动手动试水机、真水试漏机●装针系列:半自动钟表装配生产线、数控钟表装三针机、半自动单针机●装配系列:半自动切把芯上的机、表壳玻璃胶水粘接机、气动压底盖机●表带测试:表带拉力扭力测试机、表扣开关测试机、表带摇摆测试机●表头测试:表头按的功能测试机、表头震动测试机、表头抛动测试机一直以来,公司与德国Rexroth、日本安川、松下、三菱等国际知名企业有着长期稳定的技术合作,不断地学习和吸收国内外的先进技术。

In this paper it mainly research on the test methodology of RBC which is one of the cores of CTCS-3. RBC plays an important role in guarantying the train safety and improving the transport efficiency. Moreover, there is no published specification on the test of RBC at present, so it is more important and urgent for us to do relative research about RBC to verify whether its system functions satisfy its SRS or not.


Responsibilities:-Identify opportunities to expand services to key clients or local companies;-Develop new clines and maintain customer relationship;-Project control to ensure implementation of each project;-Introduce new...

岗位职责 1、技术人员职位,在上级的领导和监督下定期完成量化的工作要求,并能独立处理和解决所负责的任务; 2、组织和实施软件测试项目; 3、完成数据库应用软件的功能测试; 4、跟踪分析测试情况,解决测试过程遇到的问题; 5、建立、。。。

Example of Exit Criteria: Functional Verification Test 出入境示例标准:功能验证测试 As an example, consider the following exit criteria for Function Verification Test: Successful exposure and execution of all FVT functional scenarios or tests (workloads, thrashers, test cases, etc) Successful exposure and execution of any recovery scenarios A technical risk assessment of the outstanding scenario failures and open problems will be performed prior to entry to the SVT level.

作为一个例子,考虑是否功能验证测试退出标准如下:成功接触和所有 FVT 功能情况或测试(负载,脱粒机,测试用例等执行)成功的揭露和执行任何恢复方案一个优秀方案的失败和开放问题,技术风险评估前进行进入 SVT 的水平。

12 Combination type appliances such as can opener/knife sharpeners are to be tested individually for each function; the


更多网络解释与功能测试相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


上述不良状态,若依赖人工目视检查,既费时且不可靠,若以"功能测试"(Functional Test)来验证产品品质,仍有其测试技术的盲点,所以无法完全掌握品质,也无法直接指示不良的零件个所,所以仍用赖训练有素的技术人员来检修,所以技术依存度非常高且成本不划算.

FT Functional Test:功能测试

FSTN Federal Security Telephone Network 联邦政府保安电话网络 | FT Functional Test 功能测试 | FTE Flight Technical Error 飞行技术误差

acceptance functional test:验收功能测试

验收与移转 "acceptance and transfer | 验收资料包 "acceptance data package | 验收功能测试 "acceptance functional test

FCT Functional Test:功能测试-检查产品的功能是否与所设计的一样

FA First Article / Failure Analysis 首件产品或首件样板/ 产品不良分... | FCT Functional Test 功能测试-检查产品的功能是否与所设计的一样 2VGg 6% | FFF Fit Form Function 符合产品的装配,形状和外观 及功能要...

functionality test:功能测试

精通计算机系统,熟悉各种计算机的软件,熟悉各种手机软件测试方法,如: 白盒测试、黑盒测试、灰盒测试,软件测试方法主要侧重于软件功能的黑箱测试方法功:能测试(Functionality Test),可接受性测试(Acceptance Test),用户界面(User interface或UI)测试,

Incremental testing:(增量测试):模块测试的一种形式,将待测模块与已测模块组装在一起进行测试

Function testing (功能测试)发现程序与其外部规格说明之间存在不一致... | Incremental testing (增量测试):模块测试的一种形式,将待测模块与已测模块组装在一起进行测试. | JVM:Java Virtual Machine (Java虚拟机)的...

nonfunctional test:非功能测试

非功能性需求 nonfunctional requirement | 非功能测试 nonfunctional test | 非基本模式流程表 nonfundamental mode flow table

test function:测试功能,测试函数

test frequency 试验频率 | test function 测试功能,测试函数 | test gage requirement 试验仪表要求

cardiorespiratory fitness tests:心肺功能测试

心血管疾病/心血管病cardiovascular disease | 心肺功能测试cardiorespiratory fitness tests | 心室间隔ventricular septum

bench tester:基準功能測試器

基准功能测试 bench test | 基准功能测试器 bench tester | 弯曲破裂模数 bending modulus of rupture