英语人>词典>汉英 : 功能失调的 的英文翻译,例句
功能失调的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与功能失调的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But there is some conflict hindered the organization's work performance, they are dysfunctional, destructive conflict.


What is important is that Coke continues to fix its dysfunctional organisation, and appears prepared to do more.


This is a groundbreaking development for the dysfunctional secondary market.


Acupuncture and moxibustion can adjust the function of visceral organs and resume maladjustment organs.


This is called alopecia areata Other additional autoimmune problems like a dysfunctional thyroid gland, the skin rash vitiligo, pernicious anemia, or Type 1 diabetes, often come with it.


The study also showed that simple spirometry was inadequate to determine the level of pulmonary dysfunction which was occurring in obese individuals.


Previously we found that ARNA response was impaired in rat nephropathies of puromycin aminonucleoside, lipopolysaccharide, or cyclosporine A, and these sensory defects were ameliorated in rats pretreated with hypoxia preconditioning. However, the underlying mechanisms are not clear.

依据本实验室之前研究,在许多肾病变中,包括:嘌呤霉素核苷酸(puromycin aminonucleoside, PAN)、内毒素(lipopolysaccharide, LPS)、以及环孢菌素A(cyclosporine A, CsA)所引起的肾病变中,都观察到肾脏感觉功能失调的现象,而且本实验室之前的研究也发现低氧预处理能够减缓这些疾病中肾感觉功能失调的现象。

This experiential Prescription modified from Priceless Health Restoring Powder is effective for the treatment of gastrointestinal dysfunction due to pathogenic dampness fettering spleen.


In polarised and dysfunctional states such as California, the search is on to find the reason for this moderation in order to import it.


Objective: To investigate the changes of follicle-stimulating hormone receptor and luteinizing hormone receptor in ovary of female rat exposed to psychological stress, and the mechanism of ovarian dysfunction.


更多网络解释与功能失调的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

menstrual disorder:月经失调

月经失调(menstrual disorder)也称月经不调.妇科常见病 .表现为月经周期或出血量的异常或是月经前经期时的腹痛及全身症状.病因可能是器质性病变或是功能失常.许多全身性疾病如血液病高血压病肝病内分泌病流产宫外孕葡萄胎生殖道感染肿瘤(

dysfunctional conflict:功能失调的冲突

downward communication 下行沟通 | dysfunctional conflict 功能失调的冲突 | economic rationality model 经济理性模型

dysfunctional conflict:功能失调的冲突,不利的冲突

Downsizing 缩小规模 | Dysfunctional conflict 功能失调的冲突,不利的冲突 | E e-business 电子企业,虚拟企业

go to great lengths:竭尽全力

由于这类不良习惯以及不愉快的人际关系而引发功能失调的人们常常求助于(resort to)自我服药,就这样把许多药物添加到了服药名单上,而广告商则竭尽全力(go to great lengths)来抓住这一市场.

antidiuretic hormone:抗利尿激素

脑下垂体会分泌抗利尿激素(Antidiuretic hormone)以控制肾脏吸收尿液的水分,调节排尿量. 正常的夜晚睡眠,抗利尿激素会增加,以减少睡觉时的尿液制造. 如果肾脏功能出现衰竭,或脑下垂体长有肿瘤,影响抗利尿激素的分泌和功能失调,则会引致肾脏不停地排尿.

resort to:求助于

由于这类不良习惯以及不愉快的人际关系而引发功能失调的人们常常求助于(resort to)自我服药,就这样把许多药物添加到了服药名单上,而广告商则竭尽全力(goto great lengths)来抓住这一市场.


5、能找出SIJ上的硬块(stiffness)和触痛(tenderness),将髂骨向多方向矫正,是最佳治病的捷径. 6、矫正SIJ和腰椎,对治疗骨盆功能失调有很大的临床成就. 7、移位或活动受限都是决定骨盆功能失调的主因.

facial hemiatrophy:面部偏侧萎缩

面部偏侧萎缩(facial hemiatrophy)亦称Romberg病及进行性面部半侧萎缩症. 是一种少见的皮肤、皮下组织及面肌发育障碍的进行性萎缩病(图1). 病因: 病因尚不明了. 可能与三叉神经、颈交感神经功能紊乱而导致血管运动,营养功能障碍,或内分泌功能失调有关,抑或...

This whole thing is an overreaction:这是机体的过度反应

It doesn't explain the organ failure orhe brain damage.|可解释不了器官功能失调及大脑病变 | This whole thing is an overreaction.|这是机体的过度反应 | That one small fibroma.|小小的纤维瘤


1.垂体促性腺激素的分泌失调 丘脑下部 通过持续中枢和周期中枢,控制垂体促性腺激 素的分泌,在促卵泡成熟素(FSH) 和黄体生 成素(LH)的协同作用下,使卵泡发育,成熟 和排卵.当病人由于情绪紧张,药物,疾病等因素引起丘脑下部的功能失调时,