英语人>词典>汉英 : 力量 的英文翻译,例句
力量 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cogency  ·  force  ·  forces  ·  main  ·  might  ·  potence  ·  potency  ·  power  ·  strength  ·  vigour  ·  oof  ·  potencies  ·  powers  ·  jism  ·  jizz

更多网络例句与力量相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Since 1988 -1995 years, Gao Yi County, the region has been Shijiazhuang, Shijiazhuang City as a "running-the-art multi-channel County","advanced science社会力量办County." In 1990 by the province, to check and acceptance, as the region Shijiazhuang-the-art literacy County.


Uses the biggest strength training method (80%~100% biggest strength) adding the unarmed quickest speed training method and the biggest strength training method (80%~100% biggest strength) adding 60% biggest strength load training method; two kind of different training load combination makes the acclivity to lie pushes the barbell training, to upper limb shot fast strength development two groups of not obvious differences.


Uses the biggest strength training method (80%~100% biggest strength) adding 30% biggest strength load training method; the load combination method to make the acclivity to lie pushes the barbell training, good in uses; the biggest strength training method to the upper limb shot fast strength training effect (80%~100% biggest strength) adding the unarmed quickest speed training method and the biggest strength training method (80%~100% biggest strength) adding 60% biggest strength shoulders the training method the load combination method.

用"最大力量训练(80%~100%最大力量)+30%最大力量负荷最快速度训练法"负荷组合方法做上斜卧推杠铃训练,对推铅球上肢快速力量的训练效果好于用"最大力量(训练80%~100%最大力量)+徒手最快速度训练法"与"最大力量训练(80%~1 00%最大力量)+60%最大力量负荷最快速度训练法"负荷组合方法。

And I went on amateurishly to sketch a plan of the soul so that in each of us two powers preside, one male, one female; and in the mans brain, the man predominates over the woman, and in the womans brain, the woman prodominates over the man.


POWER Essential Oil: Sandalwood 3、力量精油:檀香 Sandalwood is a lovely essential oil for one's incense.


Strength properties are commonly referred to as tensile strength, compressive strength, bending strength, torsional strength, shear strength and fatigue strength.


Comparing withHayek's theory on society method, I believe constitution litigationmechanism must considering the following conclusion in modelingconstitutional method: first, the acquiring of constitutional method isusually effects system vicissitudes. Although constitutional arbitramentcan form definite constitutional method, it can't achieve perduringsubstantial results level of method; secondly, constitutional method isformed virtually by the mixture of two kind of potence, and one is socialpotence, the other is governmental potence. The constitutional method'srationality in logic structure rests directly with the wrestling process ofconstitutional logic and social process. Constitutional method is more akind of simulative conformation of natural logic and social logic, itforms by the wrestling of government, public, legislature andconstitution judging organ. Fourthly, the maintenance of constitutionalmethod depends on the inner power sustained by faith and exteriorpower coming from the background of compulsion. Fifthly,constitutional method itself is a dynamic structure, and it's realizingquomodo and vindicating means is being in vicissitude, however, it canonly provide condition and inspiritment.


One result of this was an unbalancing of the positive-negative force, by accentuating one or the other; to feel things demanded the negative force; to express through things, and direct and manage them, required the positive force.


Then, right there, it castrates使丧失力量(或效果 you. Right there it brings you down.


He recognizes it, beckons it, entices it, becomes familiar with it, and expresses it with his acts.


更多网络解释与力量相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


以往这类交战总是按"力量"(Power)的军事战略背景来区分,例如海上力量(Sea Power)战略和空中力量(AirPower)战略. 因此,当战略家运筹出入太空的军事行动时,就不免从"太空力量"(SpacePower)的角度来思维.

counterforce capability:反力量能力;打击军事力量的能力

counterforce;打击(对方)军事力量;; | counterforce capability;反力量能力;打击军事力量的能力;; | counterglow;对日照;;


Jeremiah耶利米:名字的意思是:"被神高升" | Ezekiel以西结:名字的意思是:"神的力量""神必赐力量" | Daniel但以理:名字的意思是:"神是我的审判"

Battement Frappe:巴特芒 复拉佩: 小弹腿. 训练腿的力量、外开和脚趾的力量以及膝关节的灵活性

battement fondu 巴特芒 风久 :字面含义 溶化,流动. 是单腿蹲的练... | battement frappe 巴特芒 复拉佩: 小弹腿. 训练腿的力量、外开和脚趾的力量以及膝关节的灵活性. | grand battement jete 格让 巴特芒 热呆 :大踢...

Do a good cheer:尽你的力量去做

Do your best! 尽你的力量去做. | Do a good cheer! 尽你的力量去做. | Beat your brains out! 尽你的力量去做.

Jake Power: Handyman:杰克力量:手工巧匠

3411 - Jake Power: Firefighter - 杰克力量:消防员 - AUS | 3412 - Jake Power: Handyman - 杰克力量:手工巧匠 - AUS | 3413 - Jake Power: Policeman - 杰克力量:警察 - AUS

legitimate power:法律力量

制造商就威胁停止提供某些资源或中止关系.报酬力量(reward power)是指在中间商执行特定活动时,制造商给予的附加利益.报酬力量通常比压力效果更好,但开支过高.法律力量(legitimate power)被广泛地应用于制造商依据合同所载明的规定或从属关系,


请问在战网上主流的野蛮人怎么练啊 技能和属性的加法这是其中一种专心bar的练法(concentrate bar),属性点分配 力量:(STR) 到装备!作者建议的是基础力量到156,stormshield所需要的力量点数. 太多的力量点数并不一定很好. 因为人物最终成型后使用的装备里有很多是加力量点数的

WAIS profile:韦氏成人智力量表剖图 韦氏成人智力量表剖图

wailful 悲恸的 | WAIS profile 韦氏成人智力量表剖图 韦氏成人智力量表剖图 | WAIS scatter profile 韦氏成人智力量表离散剖图

Bulls power:(牛市力量)

牛市力量(Bulls Power),是与熊市力量(Bears Power)相对的,牛市力量是驱动其市场价格上升的力量. 一般情况下牛市、熊市和指数平滑移动平均线(EMA)是一起用的.