英语人>词典>汉英 : 劈啪声 的英文翻译,例句
劈啪声 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
snap  ·  sputter  ·  pitapat  ·  snapped  ·  snaps  ·  pitapats  ·  pitapatted  ·  pitapatting  ·  sputtered  ·  sputters

更多网络例句与劈啪声相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you hurry your dish to the table, it will still be crackling in front of your guests.


It is pretty certain that you have heard a soft crackling noise.


All we can hear is an indistinct crackling, bubbling and hissing


The hissing and crackling behind me, the explosive thud as each fresh tree burst into flame, left little time for reflection.


Ice-covered trees cracked and fell on roads and cars.


The pandybat came down on it with a loud smack ing 击掌劈啪地响 sound: one, two, three, four, five, six.


Anyone who has heard the snap of a rubber band breaking knows it's time to reach for a replacement.


Let their cars sputter for a moment on the freeway and they waste no time heading for the repair shop.


The air itself seemed to crackle and sputter as a vortex of energy began to swirl.


He came down to the seats where me and Macca were sitting and he whacked the TV screen in front of us, which spluttered a few times and then went out.


更多网络解释与劈啪声相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a severe cold snap:猛咬, 突然折断, 劈啪声

spinach n. 菠菜 | snap n. 猛咬, 突然折断, 劈啪声 a severe cold snap | grumble v. 抱怨, 发牢骚


Mistletoe: 一种常用作圣诞节室内悬挂的植物 | crackling: 发劈啪声 | cuddling up: 一起搂着坐(睡)

crackling:轻微的爆破声 劈啪声

A great deal 大量 | Crackling 轻微的爆破声 劈啪声 | Interfere with 干预 阻碍 妨碍

A creaky floor-board:嘎吱声(松动的门铰链及木地板)

click:轻微的尖声,咔嗒声. The click of a switch; He saluted with a click of his heels. | Creak: 嘎吱声(松动的门铰链及木地板). A creaky floor-board | Crack: 爆裂声,劈啪声. A crack of pistol shot.

der Knack:劈啪声

28 abhauen 砍伐 | 29 der Knack 劈啪声 | 30 nackt 光秃秃的

A crack of pistol shot:爆裂声,劈啪声

Creak: 嘎吱声(松动的门铰链及木地板). A creaky floor-board | Crack: 爆裂声,劈啪声. A crack of pistol shot. | Crash: 撞击声,破裂声,坠落声. The crash of dishes being dropped.


swish嗖嗖声 | swoosh哗哗的流动声 | snap劈啪声

[ Train approaches scene, honks, wheels clacking over tracks ]:火车靠近现场 鸣笛 轮子在铁轨上发出劈啪声]

A man's family is his castle.|一个男人... | [ Train approaches scene, honks, wheels clacking over tracks ]|[ 火车靠近现场 鸣笛 轮子在铁轨上发出劈啪声] | Invade his castle, well, that's an act of war.|入...

a fire crackling in the wood stove:柴火在炉中劈啪作响

88、crackle n.劈啪响, 裂纹vi.(使)发劈啪声 | a fire crackling in the wood stove.柴火在炉中劈啪作响 | a book that crackles with humor.一本充满着幽默的书

the crack of a whip:鞭子的劈啪声

the clang of a be儿 铃的铿锵声 | the crack of a whip 鞭子的劈啪声 | the clatter of dishes 碟子的咔嗒声