英语人>词典>汉英 : 副法线 的英文翻译,例句
副法线 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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In this paper,singularity is used to study the classification of singularities of the binormal curves and focal surfaces of a spacelike in Minkowski 3-space,and also establish the relationships between singularities of these and geometric invariants of curves under the action of Lorentzian group.


By using the flank profile normal method of the plane engagement theory, the characteristic of the conjugate line pattem of the screw-liner pair on the single head single screw hydraulic machinery is investigated, and its geometric curvature, conugate line shape and slide cocfficient are analyzed.


In this way it is easy to establish the parallel frame of curves in any dimension space.One of the application of the parallel frame is that it can prove the equivalence between the vortex filament equation and the non-linear schrodinger equation.

建立曲线的平行标架的一个应用是可以证明Vortex filament方程和非线性Schrodinger方程表示的是同一个方程。1906年,Leivi-Civita的学生da Rios写了一篇硕士论文,关于漩涡在粘稠液体里以曲率大小的速度沿着副法线的方向运动的模型。

更多网络解释与副法线相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

binormal space:副法线空间

binormal 副法线 | binormal space 副法线空间 | binormal vector 副法线向量

binormal vector:副法线向量

binormal space 副法线空间 | binormal vector 副法线向量 | biodemography 生物人口统计学

Binormalvektor binormal vector:副法线向量

binomischer Lehrsatz binomial theorem 二项式定理 | Binormalvektor binormal vector 副法线向量 | bipartiter Graph bipartite graph 偶图



binormal:次法线 副法线

binoquercetin 平诺槲皮黄素 | binormal 次法线 副法线 | binovulartwins 二卵双生儿 双卵性的双胎


binomially distributed random numbers | 二项分布随机数 | binormal | 次法线,副法线,仲法线 | biobattery | 生物电池

unit binormal:单位副法线

unit bibliography 专书目录 | unit binormal 单位副法线 | unit bit 装置位

spherical indicatrix of binormal:副法线球面指标

spherical indicatrix 球面指标 | spherical indicatrix of binormal 副法线球面指标 | spherical indicatrix of principal normal 吱线球面指标

spherical indicatrix of binormal to a curve:曲线副法线球面指标

spherical inclusion body 球形包涵体 | spherical indicatrix of binormal to a curve 曲线副法线球面指标 | spherical indicatrix of tangent to a curve 曲线切线的球面指标

optic biradial:副光轴

optic binormals 光轴副法线 | optic biradial 副光轴 | optic elasticity axes 光学弹性轴