英语人>词典>汉英 : 剥去...的壳 的英文翻译,例句
剥去...的壳 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
peel  ·  peels

更多网络例句与剥去...的壳相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The machine can also shell coffee, jatropha, shea nuts and neem nuts.


But getting them out of their shells is tiring without machion. In 2001, a Canadian inventor Jock Branders Brandis designed the hand out an hand-powered peanut sheller for a village in Mali.

不过在没有机械帮助的情况下脱去花生壳是件很麻烦的事。2001年,加拿大发明家Jock Brandis为马里的一个小镇设计了一种手动花生剥壳机。

I also pointed out some of the views you, your baby may be scared, my baby is so before, to see the elderly experienced so scared to say this is a result of people with a good approach is to cook eggs , and then a cooked egg shell should be immediately stripped of the egg inside out, and then the silver film or silver rings on the inside of eggs in a clean handkerchief get wrapped in the baby's body face hands feet total Calvary digital twist to twist to the attention of eggs when the baby's Calvary twist when the total bit faster action, or else it will scald the baby, about 3 minutes or so rubbing it in to take a look at silver film, silver film, if there is discoloration , it is being scared to death of the baby, pay attention to when the eggs boiled eggs should like to take this up when hot去弄can not be allowed to冷掉, otherwise there would be no effect, you need to look at or try this approach, my experience that is the case, the baby is now my home has been 1 week 3 months, and would like to give you help


更多网络解释与剥去...的壳相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


shuck out of 剥去 | shuck 壳 | shucks 致歉时的声音

peelable type:可剥型

peel-back 脱壳 | peelable type 可剥型 | peeled 去皮的


椰虾螺旋面材料:螺旋面(Fusilli)100g、鲜虾3条、花椰菜5~6朵、碎洋葱少许、碎大蒜少许、白酒少许、蕃茄少许、盐少许、胡椒少许. 作法:1.花椰菜洗净;鲜虾剥壳、去肠泥并洗净备备用2.取一小型锅煮水至滚沸,放入作法1的花椰菜汆烫约2分钟后捞起,