英语人>词典>汉英 : 前院 的英文翻译,例句
前院 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dooryard  ·  forecourt  ·  parvis  ·  forecourts

front courtyard
更多网络例句与前院相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There uesd to be a large banyan in front of the yard where my father was born.


The house on Beechwood Avenue had a big Front yard with shade trees and fruitetrees.


The house on Beechwood Avenue had a big Front yard with shade trees and fruite trees.


The house on Beechwood Avenue had a big Front yard with shade trees fruite trees.


The abode on Beechwood Avenue had a big Front yard with shade leaves and fruite leaves.


The house on beechwood avenue had a big front yard with shade trees and fruite trees.in the middle of the yard was a water pump where the four little girls pumped water for cooking ,cleaning and watering the garden.on one side of the yard,grandma and grandpa planted tomatoes,beans,squash,cucumbers,peppers and strawberries to feed their growing family.


They posted homemade signs throughout the neighborhood,ran an advertisement in the local newspaper,then set out the unwanted objects on the front yard of their home in Bloomfield Hills,Michigan,and waited to see if any one would come.

他们在地方报纸在前院在Bloomfield Hills,密执安张贴了自创标志在邻里中,跑了一个广告,然后开始了不需要的对象他们的家,并且等待看任何一个是否将来。

Now a new website called My Emissions Exchange promises to bring the carbon market to your front yard.


You know what? Butch told me that he buried a dead roach in his front yard last night.


Wristwatch made solemn silence and dignity Zhaimen construction area of over 300 square metres of the villa, a nearly 40 square metres of a forecourt and more than 100 square metres of backyard, bonsai flowers, exotic Yicao, trees and flowers of fruit trees, Xiuzhu Ramps film, the flow of Woburn Pavilion :: parvis and the backyard garden between screens to create a one screens poetry gives courtyard seems inevitable feeling.


更多网络解释与前院相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

fore court:前院

forced draught fan 压力抽风机 | fore court 前院 | foreign matter 异物;杂质


doorway /门口/户口/ | dooryard /庭院/前院/ | dopa /多巴/二羟基苯丙氨酸/


foreclosure order 止赎令 | forecourt 前面的空地;前院 | foreman 管工


forcedventilation强制通风 | forecourt前院 | foregallery先行导抗

Front court forecourt:前院

"固定岔心","Frog,rigid" | "前院","Front court forecourt" | "临街进深式","Front foot system"


parvenu 暴发户 | parvis 前院 | pas 舞步


parvenu /暴发户/ | parvis /前院/天井/ | parvoline /二乙基吡啶/

Wheezy and the Yard Sale:吱吱与前院拍卖会

04.zurg's planet 扎克的行星 | 05.wheezy and the yard sale 吱吱与前院拍卖会 | 06.woody's been stolen 胡迪被偷了

The ocean is your front yard:大海本来就是你的前院

I thought it'd be nice to have the ocean as my front yard. | 我想如果大海是我的前院的话 那将会多么美妙啊 | The ocean is your front yard. | 大海本来就是你的前院 | Nothing. | 没什么

I thought it'd be nice to have the ocean as my front yard:我想如果大海是我的前院的话 那将会多么美妙啊

I always kind of wanted to live on one. | 我总是... | I thought it'd be nice to have the ocean as my front yard. | 我想如果大海是我的前院的话 那将会多么美妙啊 | The ocean is your front yard. | 大海本来就...