英语人>词典>汉英 : 前腹的 的英文翻译,例句
前腹的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与前腹的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Other diagnostic features include the presence of a crest along the anterodorsal midlines of the premaxillae,the edentulous maxilla,the presence of a groove-like trough along with the anterolateral margin of the maxilla on the ventral surface,the presence of six conical premaxillary teeth,and no more than six conical dentary teeth which are restricted to the anterior portion of the dentary.


The electrical activities and sequences of oesophagus, reticulum and the four compartments of rumen in sheep were recorded with polygram system RM-6008 during rest, feed, rumination and eructation.


The greatest contractile tension of the masseter, digastric and lateral pterygoid muscles was, similar to the 8-week-old control group, at an interincisal dis- tance of 18mm in open mandible, 6mm protrusion and 2mm retraction of the mandible respectively. The contraction time prolonged gradually according to the Change of jaw position and the extension of muscles.


Objective To provide anatomical basis for a new style operation using periosteal flap composed of submental artery, anteroventral portion of digastric muscle and submental artery for the renovation of laryngotrachea.

目的 为应用颏下动脉二腹肌前腹为蒂的下颌骨骨膜瓣转位修复喉、气管提供解剖学依据。方法对23例(46侧)头颈部标本的颏下动脉、颏下静脉、二腹肌前腹的相关结构进行观测。

It is feasibe that the periosteal flap composed of submental artery,anteroventral portion of digastric muscle and mandibular periosteum is useful laryngotracheal renovation.


Results:According to different part of the vessels,there were 2 types:type 1,from the superficial surface of anterior belly of digastric muscle to the surface of inferior margin of mandible to subcutaneous part,accounting for 36%;type 2,from the deep surface of anterior belly of digastric muscle to the deep surface of inferior margin of mandible to s...

结果 :根据血管走行差异分:1型:主干经二腹肌前腹浅面到下颌骨下缘表面至皮下占 3 6%,2型:主干经二腹肌前腹深面到下颌骨下缘深面至皮下占 64%;1型血管位置表浅,易于分离,且蒂较长,旋转度大,2型相比反之。结论:根据颏下动脉走行设计不同皮瓣的大小来修复面部皮肤组织

The surface electromyogram signal of six unvoiced Chinese vowels are detected from the skin surface of zygomaticus major and anterior belly of the digastric,with AR model coefficients,cepstral coefficients and MFCC coefficients of SEMG signal taken as the original eigenvector.


Methods Ten volunteers with experimental premature contact at the first premolar, the first molar and the second molar were asked to clench in CO and their electromyographic activity of the masseters, anterior temporalis and anterior belly of digastric muscles were measured simultaneously.

测定 10名志愿者在正中牙合;左右两侧下颌第一双尖牙、第一磨牙、第二磨牙实验性早接触状态下,嚼肌、颞肌前束及二腹肌前腹肌电活动的积分值与频谱值。

The contractile tension of the masster, digastric and lateral pterygoid muscles varied according to the mandibular position, being greatest when the mandible was opened at an interin- cisal distance of 13mm, protruded 6mm and retrated 1mm.


After the functional appliance protruded the mandible, it resulted in a clear alteration in the biomechanical characteristics of the masticatory muscles. The contractile tension of lateral pterygoiod muscles incerased with its contraction time prolonges, while that of the digsstic muscle decreased and shortened.


更多网络解释与前腹的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bony ampulla:骨壶腹

每个半规管的两端均开口于前庭;其一端膨大名骨壶腹(bony ampulla),上半规管内端与后半规管上端合成一总脚,外半规管内端为单脚,故3个半规管共有5孔通入前庭.


第一腹节演变成腹柄(pedicel),短而窄,用来与头胸部连接. 残存的第十与第十一腹肢则演变为纺器(纺绩突)(psinneret). 纺器是本纲动物特征性的结构,呈指状,位于腹部腹面后端或中部,通常共3对,分别称为前、中、后纺器. 中纺器最小,

rectus abdominis:腹直肌

腹直肌(rectus abdominis) 位置形态:位于腹前壁正中线的两旁,居腹直肌鞘中,为上宽下窄的带形肌. 起、止点:起自耻骨联合与耻骨结节之间,肌束向上止于胸骨剑突及第5~7肋软骨的前面. 肌的全长被3~4条横行的腱划分成多个肌腹,腱划由结缔组织构成,与腹直肌鞘的前层紧密结合

Ostium urethrae externum:尿道外口

在尿生殖前庭的腹侧壁上,靠近阴瓣的后方有尿道外口(Ostium urethrae externum),两侧有前庭小腺(Glandulae(六). 阴门 阴门(Vulva)位于肛门腹侧,由左、右两阴唇(Labiumpudendi)构成,两阴唇间的裂缝称为阴门裂(Rimapudendi). 阴唇上、下两端的联合,


髓弓的前关节突( preZygapophysis )与基枕骨凹陷面上方的一对小型突起相关节,后关节突( PestzygapophysiS )则与第二椎的前关节突相关节. 从第二椎开始,椎体均为两凹型,髓棘也较长. 椎体的腹侧有一对横突( transverse process ) ,其基部宽,

pronotal comb:前胸栉

有的种类前胸背板后缘具有粗壮的梳状扁刺,称前胸栉(pronotal comb). 无翅,足3对长而发达,尤以基节特别宽大,跗节分为5节,末节具有爪1对. 3.腹部 由10节组成,前7节称正常腹节,每节背板两侧各有气门1对. 雄蚤8、9 腹节、雌蚤7~9腹节变形为外生殖器,


这个由腹部割爱加添到胸部的腹节叫做前伸腹节(propodeum),它和三胸节愈合成为蚂蚁身体的第二部分,叫做胴部(trunk). 由於前伸腹节喧宾夺主的关系,后胸节的背部常常被挤成短短的一小块,有时甚至完全被盖住. 幸好后胸节的下半部还露在外面,


前胸、中胸和后胸的腹板分别称为前胸腹板(prosternum)、中胸腹板(mesosternum)和后胸腹板(metasternum). 昆虫的胸部腹板可分为具刺腹片(spinsternum)和主腹片(eusternum),主腹片又可自前方进一步分为前腹片(presternum)、基腹片(basisternum)和小腹片(sternellum),

transversus abdominis:腹横肌

当中腹部最深层肌肉- 腹横肌(Transversus abdominis)是由腰椎伸延至前腹,固定在肋骨及盆骨上,犹如一个天然腰封包围腰部保护脊椎的稳定 (见图2, 3) . 根据近年的临床研究,腰背痛患者与腹部深层肌肉力量减弱及反应迟缓有密切的关系.


原始消化管的头端和尾端分别称为前肠(foregut)和后肠(hindgut),两者之间的一段称为中肠(midgut),原始消化管的中段腹侧与卵黄囊相连. 前肠的头端膨大发育成为原始的咽,与口凹相对处被口咽膜封闭. 后肠的尾端膨大成泄殖腔,