英语人>词典>汉英 : 前庭的 的英文翻译,例句
前庭的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Our findings are as follows: 1. Mice vestibular development initiated early and the process is short. All macula and crista ampullaris were formed at E15, which Myosin VI was expressed in hair cells at this time but not expressed in support cells.


The guards are changed in the morning in the forecourt behind the railings.


The automatic activity of aortic vestibule was studied in 82 guinea-pig heart preparations with intracellular microelectrode.


Vestibular compensation is an inevitable process of recovery after vestibular neurectomy.


(1) In common cavity malformation, in addition to the abnormal bony labyrinth such as the cochlea, vestibule and lateral semicircular canal, the inner ear perceptive organ such as the saccule, utricle and scala media were also abnormal.(2) Though we could not identify the basal membrane and sensory epithelia under micro-endoscopy, the utricle and saccule could be clearly identified.(3) During cochlear implantation in common cavity malformation, electrode insertion should be monitored under micro-endoscopy, the electrodes should be put close to the anterior wall of the cavity, otherwise the vestibular organ may be damaged.


At any rate, they now entered the vestibule of the Sepulchre.


Research of ototoxicity of neomycin to rat vestibular hair cellObjective:To research neomycin ototoxicity for vestibule hair cell of rat, and provide the reference for the pharmacal vestibular dysfunction animal model developement.


But failing such a provision, the antics in these purported vestibules of heaven did little to convince Englishmen, unspiritual or simply less spiritual, that utopianism was a desirable option.

但没有这样的规定, antics在这些本意是前庭的天堂,几乎没有说服英国人, unspiritual ,或只是较少的精神,乌托邦是一个理想的选择。

From the Place de la Concorde representing ethnic harmony to the Arc de Triomph erected in the Napoleonic era, it seems that the rulers of everyage are all eager display themselves, to leave a solid, substantive memorial to themselves on this Victory Boulevard. Mitterrand's behavior was undeniably a classic expression of this mentality of "projecting one's regal power, flaunting one's strength." The opera house standing on Bastille Square andthe "Grand Louvre" expansion project (in particular the newly added glass pyramid structure in the Louvre's front courtyard) are both modern-day announcements of this feudalistic vein of thinking.


Who stand in the house of the LORD, in the courts of the house of our God!


更多网络解释与前庭的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

vestibular habituation:前庭习服

(二)习服现象 前庭习服(vestibular habituation)指前庭系统由于受到一系列相同的刺激所表现为反应性逐渐降低或衰减的现象. 前庭习服产生后可存在数周至数月,如以后继续刺激则可使之延续很久. 前庭习服产生的具体部位和机制尚不清楚,


1.前庭(vestibule) 位于耳蜗和半规管之间,略呈椭圆形,约6mm×5mm×3mm大小,容纳椭圆囊及球囊(图2). 2.骨半规管(semicircular canals) 位于前庭的后上方,每侧有3个半规管,各为3个约成2/3环形的骨管,互成直角;

vaginal vestibule:阴道前庭

(五)阴道前庭(vaginal vestibule)为两侧小阴唇之间的菱形区. 其前为阴蒂,后为阴唇系1:前庭球(vesibular bulb) 又称球海绵体,位于前庭两侧,由具有勃起性的静脉丛构成. 其前部与阴蒂相接,后部与前庭大腺相邻,表面被球海绵体肌覆盖.


前庭大腺炎(bartholinitis)是前庭大腺的炎症. [病因] 该病一般发生于生育年龄妇女,主要致病菌有葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌、链球菌、肠球菌、淋球菌及厌氧菌等,近年来,淋球菌所致前庭大腺炎有明显增高趋势. [临床表现] 本病常为混合感染,


vestee 装饰布 | vestibular 前庭的 | vestibule school 技工学校


vestee /装饰布/背心形衣着/ | vestibular /门厅的/门口走廊的/前庭的/ | vestibule /玄关/

vestibular apparatus:前庭装置

vestibular 前庭的 | vestibular apparatus 前庭装置 | vestibular function 前庭机能


庭口目(Vestibulif- era)口区的表膜下陷,形成一个前庭(Vestibulum) 图2-41C),前庭内只有来自表膜的简单纤毛,胞口位于前庭的底部,其后为胞咽. 膜口目(Hymenostomata)纤毛虫,前庭底部延伸又形成了口前腔(buccal cavity),

Vestibulum nasi:鼻前庭

1.鼻前庭(vestibulum nasi)是由鼻翼围成的部分. 鼻前庭内面被以皮肤,生有鼻毛,有阻挡灰尘的作用. 其后上方有一弧形隆起,称鼻阈,是皮肤与粘膜的交界处,又是与固有鼻腔的分界线. 2.固有鼻腔(cavum nasi proprium)即通常所称的鼻腔. 前至鼻阈,

Vestibulum vaginae:前庭

5.阴道前庭(vestibulum vaginae)是两侧小阴唇围成的空间,前方有尿道,后方有阴道口. 6.处女膜(hymen)位于阴道口与阴道前庭分界处,由薄层结缔组织和粘膜构成. 处女膜中间有孔. 7.前庭大腺(glandula vestiblaris major)与男子尿道球腺相当,