英语人>词典>汉英 : 前场 的英文翻译,例句
前场 的英文翻译、例句


down field · front cour
更多网络例句与前场相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Brown: Oh yeah, I was in gym class and I was on a break all alone. I went up and dunked with two hands, and I shattered the backboard.


They did exactly that, as they traded Joe Barry Carrol for McHale and Parrish, two future Hall of Fame big men who fit perfectly with Bird to form the greatest frontcourt of all time.


In Crystal Palace it was a different game. I was feeling they could be a defensive side with everybody closed behind the ball on a small pitch. I felt three players in the midfield could be enough to control it and some more width up front would be better for us.


The iris analysts work cooly, disregarding the moving scene just enacted by those on the spot.


On this play, I want you to do a down-and-out to the right, okay?


Anyway, suddenly I'm downfield.


He caught the ball and ran downfield 15 yards.


Sweep behind, I'll pitch it. You throw it downfield to Phoebe.


The quantity and quality of threatening pass determine whether the team can win the game; the threatening pass and scores took place in the middle of the attacking third most; the proper through pass increase the difficulty of the deffense of the opponent and creat more time and space for the attacking side; place kick (free-kicks in the up field and corners) is one of the important ways of threatening pass.


This paper Research on the front of the field of offensive tactics of place kick by collecting football field before the ball offensive tactical positioning relevant research data and analyzing 2004 Euro-football Cup and 2006 World Football Cup, and in accordance with the contemporary world football offensive use of tactical place kick to the characteristics of the strong teams in the football match using tactical offensive positioning of the ball, summed up place kick offensive tactical use characteristics, conditions and application use requirements of place kick offensive tactical training patterns were studied through the use of sports psychology knowledge of place kick offensive tactical awareness training conducted research, and proposed a number of training football players place kick offensive tactical awareness psychological method, this method other tactical awareness has also a reference.


更多网络解释与前场相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

front court:前场

前锋和中锋则构成了前场(front court). 前锋又分为大前锋(power forward)和小前锋(small forward). 希腊神话中有一位名叫 Atlas 的巨神,因为背叛了天主宙斯(Zeus)而被罚以肩顶天. 正因为如此,后来用 Atlas 来比喻那些肩负重任的人.

front court:前场 青春外语

freethrow line罚球线 | front court前场 青春外语 | game clock比赛用时钟

fore court:前场

footwork 步法 | fore court 前场 | forehand 正手

fore court:前场的

service line 发球线的 | fore court 前场的 | back court 后场的

On this play, I want you to do a down-and-out to the right, okay:这场比赛,我要你往前场跑 再用假动作往右边跑,好吗

Great. Now the score's seven to almost seve... | On this play, I want you to do a down-and-out to the right, okay?|这场比赛,我要你往前场跑 再用假动作往右边跑,好吗? | -Break! -Wait. What am I gonna do?|...

Anyway, suddenly I'm downfield:总之,突然我又到了前场

-What are you, crazy? That's a baby! -He should take the sack?|-什么?你疯啦?他是... | Anyway, suddenly I'm downfield.|总之,突然我又到了前场 | And I realize I'm the one who's supposed to catch him.|我发现...

Sweep behind, I'll pitch it. You throw it downfield to Phoebe:迅速到他们后面,我传球给你 你传球到前场给菲比

Let her throw the ball.|让她传球 | Sweep behind, I'll pitch it. You throw it downfield to Phoebe.|迅速到他们后面,我传球给你 你传球到前场给菲比 | Thank you.|谢谢

He 's got room, downfield he goes. Will anybody catch him:向前场狂奔! 谁能赶得上这只野兔

Handoff goes to the second man through. It's Jones, fullb... | He 's got room, downfield he goes. Will anybody catch him?|...向前场狂奔! 谁能赶得上这只野兔? | Deep into the secondary now. Touchdown, Ne...

forecourt player:前场球员

forecourt 前场 | forecourt player 前场球员 | forehand 正拍

forecourt player:前场球员 forehand 正拍

foot fault 脚部犯规 forecourt 前场 | forecourt player 前场球员 forehand 正拍 | forehand court 右场区