英语人>词典>汉英 : 前因后果 的英文翻译,例句
前因后果 的英文翻译、例句


antecedents and consequences · the beginning and the end of the matter · causes and effects · the sequence of events
更多网络例句与前因后果相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

No one knew the antecedents and consequences of the competition between the two companies.


Antecedents and Consequences of Organizational Learning: A New Theoretical Framework.


Results of structural equation modeling showed significant gender differences in antecedents and outcomes of retaliation.


Sb be eager for sth sb be eager to do sb be eager that should +v in one's eagerness to do earn one' living earn sb sth with ease at ease take things/it easy on the edge of have a good education have an effect on/upon cause and effect put sth into effect come into effect take effect make efforts to do spare no effort to do in an effort to do without effort elect sb +n elect sb to do a general election put/place/lay emphasis on… with emphasis employ sb to do employ sb as… enable sb to do encourage sb to do sth come to an end make ends meet at the end of by the end of end up +介短 end up in prison end up + doing end up crying her eyes out A be engaged to B sb be engaged in doing sb engage in doing The line is engaged ensure sth ensure doing sth ensure that

渴望做……渴望做……为了急于做……谋生得到容易地舒适,安逸,悠闲放松,别紧张在……的边缘受过良好的教育对……有影响前因后果使……付诸实施开始生效生效,实行;产生作用努力做不遗余力做为了努力做……没费力选某人当……选某人做……大选,普选强调……着重地,强调地雇佣某人做…………当……使某人能够做……鼓励某人做……某事结束使收支相抵在……最后到……为止最后最后 A 与 B 订婚从事于……忙于……从事于……忙于……电话占线保证,担保……保证,担保……从句保证,担保……高考词组汇编 43。

The paper aims at analyzing the origin and development, cause and effect of BJP's political storm.


For example, studies have shown that Carrel, Arabs compared to the structure that contains the text of the best memories, and questions of descriptive type the answer to the article, some less memory, the worst type of the article, the causes and effects of memory; Asians on the issue of and type the answer to the text of the causes and effects of the best memory, the worst is a more structural or descriptive text.


I don't know it's cause and effect.


I dont know the cause and effect.


I don't know the cause and effect.


On this trip, my dad, as a sociologist, briefly explained the "cause and effect" of China's society situation to me. A sociological term for describing this whole situation is the "cultural lag".


更多网络解释与前因后果相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


我老曹依赖的是分析,透过深入分析去预期(anticipate)事情发展,而非预测(predict). 任何事物发生必定有前因后果. 明白前因便可预知后果. 2007年11月3日后"港股直通车无法开出"已经十分明确.


>(Bobby)是2006年老牌影帝安东尼.霍普金斯(Anthony Hopkins)主演的美国新政治惊悚电影,影片讲述美国传奇政客波比.肯尼迪遇刺的前因后果.

working condition:工作状况

1981年刊载於Artforum的(Working Condition)乃最初详尽论及企业赞助艺术的前因后果的文章,运用许多新闻报导及企业年报资料,论证扎实. [80] 哈克回溯自1960年代大企业开始推动艺术公关的时刻,因为投资赞助艺术可说是物超所值,

incidental learning:偶发学习

归因说明儿童对剧中人物行为(二)评鉴(evaluation)阶段有关儿童对电视内容的理解记忆,可概分为立意学习(intentional learning)与偶发学习(incidental learning),前者包括内容大意的叙述、主要角色的说明、故事地点、情节安排、事件发生的先后顺序及前因后果,

He got savoir-faire:言行得体

He got to know the ins and outs of the accidents. 他终于弄清了事件的前因后果. | He got savoir-faire. 言行得体. | He had racked his brain. 他已经绞尽脑汁了.

ask what if:设想前因后果

通过探寻所以然,如何然by asking why, how | 设想前因后果ask what if | 知识就是力量. Knowledge is power.

Home Secretary:内务大臣

主审法官惊呆了,以致他拒绝释放被告,在庭上宣布他要向内务大臣(Home Secretary)书面汇报这次出乎意料的判决结果的前因后果. 数月之后此案又开庭,这次检察官要第三位医学证人William Smiles等着接受回答. 医学证人作证说,他与被告进行了交谈,