英语人>词典>汉英 : 前咬合 的英文翻译,例句
前咬合 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The first three largest number of missing teeth is as follows: maxillary first molar, maxillary second molar and mandibular first molar. The first three largest number of resident teeth is as follows: mandibular cuspid, mandibular bicuspid and maxillary cuspid. The cases without occusal relationship account for 19.51%; and the cases which need occlusal reconstruction or occlusal elevation account for 19.51% of all the cases, while food impaction exists in 21.84% cases.


Results With the titanium-miniplates, the fractures were satisfactorily fixed in all cases with satisfied occlusion, but one had local malocclusion that was rectified by intermaxillary traction.

结果 52例患者创口均Ⅰ期愈合,骨折愈合良好,51例恢复到术前咬合关系,有1例固定后出现咬合关系不良。经颌间牵引后恢复正常咬合关系。

Because this produces peculiar tooth jaw face to misshape, constant expression is mid development undesirable reach cave, length of direction of around of bone of the upper jaw and perpendicular direction height shorten, tooth bend is narrow, the tooth lists jam, occlusive relation is disorder, anterior teeth or complete tooth bend are enclothed instead, before mandible true sex or false sex dash forward. 2 use DO method at the back of art of Jiao Zhi cleft palate in the portion caves at the back of art of abnormal cleft palate in the portion caves abnormal treatment method is very much, if Kettle reports block is mental,raise fight a way, the face guard method that Tind Lund uses, wang Ketao [1] uses Peng body to get together 4 fluorine ethylene fills up repair misshapes this kind etc.

因此产生特有的牙颌面畸形,常表现为面中部发育不良及凹陷,上颌骨前后方向长度及垂直方向高度变短,牙弓狭窄,牙列拥挤,咬合关系紊乱,前牙或全牙弓反覆盖,下颌真性或假性前突。2利用DO术矫治腭裂术后面中份凹陷畸形腭裂术后面中份凹陷畸形治疗方法很多,如Kettle报道枕颏支抗法,Tind lund采用的面罩法,王克涛[1]采用膨体聚四氟乙烯充填修复此类畸形等。

Objective: To study the stress of mandible premolar under various loadings on its traumatic occlusal spots.


These morphological differences may contribute to the mandibular prognathism.


METHODS: A 3D finite element model of mandibular complete dentures supported by implants was established to analyze the stress status with protrusive or lateral occlusions.


Methods:The occlual contact characters of 32 cases with TMD and 30 controls were measured with T-Scanll system in the intercuspal occlusion position, the protrusive movment as well as lateral movement.


Results: Among the 47 cases, 33 cases were teeth pulpless tissue including 14 endodentically treated teeth and 14 cases were vital teeth with periodontitis, cracked tooth and occlusal traumatism.


All surgical procedures were consulted by Champy Method and AO principle. Results: No infection was found 58 cases had satisfied occlusion, 4 cases had unfavorable local malocclusion.

结果:62例患者中术后4例患者发生伤口感染,5例发生局部缝线裂开,其余均Ⅰ期愈合;58例恢复到术前咬合关系,仅4例患者出现局部咬合关系不良;术后张口度≥37 mm者56例;X线复查未发现骨愈合不良或假关节形成。

PURPOSE: To study the stresses and movement of central incisor with three-dimensional dynamic finite element method, in order to understand and describe the process of occluding.


更多网络解释与前咬合相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


antepartum heart rate monitor 产前胎心监护仪 | anterior 以前,先前,前面 | anterior bite guide 前颌导,前咬合


合架(Articulator)具有与人体咀嚼器官相当的部件和关节,能在一定程度上模拟下颌的运动. 本研究将上下颌研究模型按咬合蜡记录的对刃关系准确地咬合在一起,转移到牙合架上,在牙合架上分次将上下颌前牙削除,逐渐降低牙合关系,


咬牙合板(splint)治疗TMD的机制:1.松弛型咬牙合板(relaxationsplint) 戴在上前牙上,下前牙与咬抬板呈点状接触,后牙分牙合,可以使紧张的肌肉被动松弛,牙周感受器接收的病理性传人冲动被阻断,下颌位置得以重新调整.


(如:蓝褐色柯利牧羊犬、西伯利亚雪橇犬) 眼线(Eyeline)指眼皮周围的边框. 眼睑(Eyelid)就是眼皮. 能保护眼球. 吻部(Muzzle) 嘴巴或者说是嘴唇,指从额开始的前面整个脸部,也称为前 脸部. 咬合过剩(Over shot) 指上颚比下颚更向前方突出的咬合部分.

articular fossae:关节窝

32. occlusal vertical dimension 咬合位垂直距离 | 33. articular fossae 关节窝 | 34. protrusive balance 前伸合平衡

Please slide your lower jaw forward:请前伸下颌

请咬合 Bite down,please. | 请前伸下颌 Please slide your lower jaw forward. | 请把舌头向后缩 Please tuck your tongue.


3、 前磨牙(premolars)又名双尖牙(bicuspidteeth),位于尖牙之后,磨牙之前,左右上下共8个. 牙冠呈立方形,又一个咬合面,一般为双尖,下颌第二前磨牙有三尖者,前磨牙有协助尖牙撕裂及协助磨牙捣碎食物的作用. 牙根扁,亦有分叉者,