英语人>词典>汉英 : 削弱的 的英文翻译,例句
削弱的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与削弱的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Of color not chromatically pure; diluted.


Debilitate:To sap the strength or energy of; enervate.


To sap the strength or energy of; enervate.


They are at their best when used for skirmish combat or to finish weakened enemies.


In my response I was trying to say that we did nerf mana regen, but perhaps not enough.


One is Bardina vorticity modification, and the other is Richardson number modification. Prediction results show that Bardina method has a superior capacity to Richardson number modification. Since DSM model has improved predictive results of the reversed velocity and tangential velocity, it is a potential method to predict strong swirling nonisotropic turbulent flow in stead of the longer convergence time.


On the contrary, it will be up to an enfeebled European Commission to try to hold the line.


Vertigos are optional, they are alright at destroying Devourers and weakening Tripods.


The dholes regrouped and charged the weakened tiger, and then withdrew leaving the tiger in bad shape.


A flat washer may be inserted between the screw and the wedge test plate to eliminate the effects of torque robbing features.


更多网络解释与削弱的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

decent: a.1:合宜得体的 2.高雅严厉的,正派的

debilitate: v.削弱...的力量,使衰弱 | decent: a.1.合宜得体的 2.高雅严厉的,正派的 | deferential: a.恭敬的,惯于顺从的

diminish: v.1:减少 2. 削弱...的权势

dim a. 1. 阴暗的 2. 朦胧的 3. 暗淡的 | diminish v. 1. 减少 2. 削弱...的权势 | dip v. 蘸,浸

undermine: v.1:侵蚀...的基础 2.暗中破坏,逐渐损害(或削弱)

enlightened: a.开明的,有知识的,摆脱偏见(或迷信)的,文明的 | fervent: a.1.炽热的 2.热情的,热诚的,强烈的 | undermine: v.1.侵蚀...的基础 2.暗中破坏,逐渐损害(或削弱)


削弱(Weaken)等级:6先修技能:伤害加深 解释:削弱可以让受诅咒的敌人对您或是您的手下所造成的伤害减少. 当这个技能被施展在一名敌人(或是一群敌人)身上时,可以让敌人的攻击力降低三分之一. 在您需要防御的情况下,


weak 弱的 | weakener 削弱器减光板衰减器 | weakening 削弱衰减消震


weak-walled 围岩不稳固的 | weakener 削弱器;减光板 | weakening 衰减;削弱;阻尼;消震;减幅

attrite:磨损的, 削弱的 磨损以便使.变小

attrit | 消耗,削弱 (军事上)消耗敌人的行动消耗战 | attrite | 磨损的, 削弱的 磨损以便使.变小 | attrited | 磨损的, 磨坏的

attrited:磨损的, 磨坏的

attrite | 磨损的, 削弱的 磨损以便使.变小 | attrited | 磨损的, 磨坏的 | attrition medium | 研磨介质

A Weakened Soud:削弱的灵魂

01 Guide Me God 上帝指南 | 02.A Weakened Soud 削弱的灵魂 | 03 We Love You 我们爱你

attrit:消耗,削弱 (军事上)消耗敌人的行动消耗战

attried black | 球磨碳黑 | attrit | 消耗,削弱 (军事上)消耗敌人的行动消耗战 | attrite | 磨损的, 削弱的 磨损以便使.变小