英语人>词典>汉英 : 刺耳声音 的英文翻译,例句
刺耳声音 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与刺耳声音相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Now however with the addition of the electricity, cities are pulled into sour sounding discord that is attuned to by those who bring forth head banger and other harsh electronic music.


Never before had I heard such an unbelievable cacophony of sound.


On a hill, a former glassworks with a high redbrick chimney is now home to foreshore families who have moved in to squat. With the screech of packing tape run off the reel, polystyrene boxes of shellfish are sealed and piled high on to the back of motorised rickshaws.


Bolstered by the band's production, the first taster of the album,'Lay it Down', was a delightfully off-kilter riposte, a jaunty flying-V in the faces of people who thought they'd had the band all figured out, with a harsh, treated vocal lifelessly intoning the threatening refrain before abruptly giving way to an anthemic, full-bodied singalong.

此砖中首先让您尝鲜的是"Lay It Down"这首歌,轻快的感觉,良好的平衡性。在自认为了解他们的人眼里,他们总是高举吉他,在全体投入合唱之前,先用死亡一般的刺耳声音咏唱恐怖的副歌。

Bolstered by the band"s production, the first taster of the album,"Lay it Down", was a delightfully off-kilter riposte, a jaunty flying-V in the faces of people who thought they"d had the band all figured out, with a harsh, treated vocal lifelessly intoning the threatening refrain before abruptly giving way to an anthemic, full-bodied singalong.


I can't bear the sound of chalk scraping on a blackboard.


A small, conical, fleshy mass of tissue suspended from the center of the soft palate .


I can't bear the sound of chalk scrapping on the blackboard.


Bolstered by the band's production, the first taster of the album,'Lay it Down', was a delightfully off-kilter riposte, a jaunty flying-V in the faces of people who thought they'd had the band all figured out, with a harsh, treated vocal lifelessly intoning the threatening refrain before abruptly giving way to an anthemic, full-bodied singalong.

此砖中首先让您尝鲜的是&Lay It Down&这首歌,轻快的感觉,良好的平衡性。在自认为了解他们的人眼里,他们总是高举吉他,在全体投入合唱之前,先用死亡一般的刺耳声音咏唱恐怖的副歌。

AGAINST the ear-piercing screech of the global economy hitting the brakes, what sounded like a piece of good news could still be heard this week.


更多网络解释与刺耳声音相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


12) Dolt:逗他--傻瓜 | 13) Cacophony:卡壳--刺耳的声音 | 14) Asthma:阿诗玛--气管炎


hangle 铁制的锅钩 | jangle 发出刺耳的声音 | ajangle 丁丁当当的

raucously:沙哑地; 刺耳地; 粗声地 (副)

raucous 声音沙哑的; 喧闹的; 刺耳的 (形) | raucously 沙哑地; 刺耳地; 粗声地 (副) | raucousness 沙哑声; 刺耳; 粗声 (名)


scratchpad 超高速中间结果存储器 | screak 发出尖锐刺耳的声音;尖锐刺耳的声音 | scream 尖叫


screak 嘎嘎作响 | screak 刺耳的声音 | screamer 尖叫者

shrillness:尖锐刺耳的声音 (名)

shrill 尖锐的, 刺耳的 (形) | shrillness 尖锐刺耳的声音 (名) | shrilly 尖声地; 耀眼地 (副)

尖声的,刺耳的 (stridency n. 尖锐,刺耳):strident adj

stentorian adj. (指声音)极响亮的 | strident adj. 尖声的,刺耳的 (stridency n. 尖锐,刺耳) | hoarse adj. 嘶哑的,粗哑的


cacophonist 不和谐作曲家 | cacophonize 声音刺耳 | cacophonous 发音不和谐的


cacophonist | 不和谐音乐的作曲家, 喜欢不和谐音乐者 | cacophonize | 使声音刺耳或不和谐 | cacophonous | 发音不和谐的, 粗腔横调的

untuneful:声音) 不和谐的, 不悦耳的 刺耳的

WRAM (东芝公司设计的)窗口式显示存储器 | untuneful ( 声音) 不和谐的, 不悦耳的 刺耳的 | product of abrasive 磨料制品