英语人>词典>汉英 : 刺激欲望的 的英文翻译,例句
刺激欲望的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
appetising  ·  orectic

更多网络例句与刺激欲望的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy.


His childlike openness enables him to work with children, stimulates adults to exhibitionism and fosters group-dynamics, in the course of which relationships become visible as allegories.


The graph combinations used in advertisement were generalized and elaborated,including variant graph combination,substituting graph combination,and isomorphic graph combination.


Sometimes your audience needs to be educated before they can make a purchase. In that case, you need to make sure that visitors receive enough information that they will feel confident in making the decision to buy. This type of audience will need to know the features of your product or service as well as the benefits before they can make a decision.


Saw Palmetto - Known to stimulate a low libido in males and to increase sexual energy.


"There's no scientific evidence on whether these really increase someone's sex drive, but it has to do with appearance and texture -- that might stimulate romantic sides," Shama says.


According to the analogy, sudden stimulation from the object of desire—Baudelaire's imperious desire—convulses the "I" much as a fly would the eye.


The conventional prejudice of "women being inferior to men" is deep-rooted in China and women are always in the state of being enjoyed and philandered by males.


Bread wafts throughout the store -- which means they wind up selling more of everything.


In this research analysis four movies,"Secret Window" lead Mort is situated between the deconstruction and the establishment, thus becomes one to penetrate 「fantasized」 that survives the human who gets down;"Misery" of because Annie the life projection to the writer of fiction Paul work''s in character, has painstakingly with the real life is separated from, finally steps onto the death;"The Shawshank Redemption" of Andy when grown-up studies adapts the new culture, along with the time and desire''s vicissitude, establishes conforms to the new social culture system''s new main body;"Hearts in Atlantics" of Bobby is in Ted Brautigan and in library article character number accompanying, found itself, real feeling 「existence」 and life significance.


更多网络解释与刺激欲望的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



the devil:恶魔

这个月射手座的整体运势是塔罗牌中的"恶魔"(THE DEVIL)正位. 这是一个想要使坏的月份,当然不是去作奸犯科,而是心中不停会冒出鬼主意,让你想要做点刺激的事情. 这也是个沉沦的月份,容易受到魔鬼的诱惑,迷失于欲望的汪洋.


所谓3I模型是指我(I),在里面(Inside),浏览信息(Interview). 个性化的消费者上网后仍然是个性化的. 基于3I模型的企业网络营销法则为AIDMA,即通过广告讯息引起消费者注意(Attention),激发消费者兴趣(Interest),刺激消费者产生需求与欲望(Desire),


佛罗多前往末日火山(Mount Doom),甘道夫掉下莫里亚(Moria)矿坑,亚拉冈走过亡灵之路,三人都有炼狱般死而复活的经历,从而最终战胜了邪恶救赎世人. 而魔戒,因为可以刺激人的欲望并产生满足的幻象,


各位听到巴利语把"欲"(raga)和"法"(Dhamma)放在一起,也许有些惊讶. 但我们必须了解,"法欲"中的"欲"不是那种对色、声、香、味、触等刺激的欲望,它比起一般凡夫在感官上的满足更为满足. 但在这里,是指对不死、涅槃--空性的满足.


orebody 矿体 | orectic 刺激欲望的 | oregonensin 奥地灵芝素


orebody /矿体/ | orectic /欲望的/刺激欲望的/ | oregano /唇形科植物/