英语人>词典>汉英 : 制欲的 的英文翻译,例句
制欲的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
anaphrodisiac  ·  antaphrodisiac  ·  antaphroditic  ·  antiorgastic  ·  anterotic

更多网络例句与制欲的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Some institutional innovations in the post-Marcos period such as the 1992 Local Government Code, the Party List Law, and the Absentee Voting Law have provided openings for alternative electoral contestation but the limitations for challenging oligarchic dominance through these institutions also continue to be formidable.


For big sizes there is a sandstone variant of this material but it does not take up polish.


Based on the historical reality of Chinese alchemy, this article has textually researched the original meaning and evolution of the term "Huang Ya".


In this research, we prepared Mo doped ZnO thin films on glass a substrate using co-sputtering to improve the conductivity of ZnO. The incorporated concentration of Mo atoms in ZnO was controlled by adjusting the aperture size of a shutter palaced in front of the Mo target. Textured morphology of ZnO film could be formed by attaching a metallic mask on the substrate.

本研究,欲以钼(Molybedeun, Mo)金属掺杂来提升氧ZnO薄膜之导电性,使用一般玻璃做为基板,利用射频溅射ZnO靶材及直流溅射Mo靶材进行共镀,Mo掺杂浓度是藉由钼靶前之挡板中的开口大小来控制,实验中改变基板温度(50℃、100℃、200℃、300℃)并进行镀膜后低压退火处理,藉此探讨Mo掺杂对於ZnO薄膜光电特性之影响,并找出最佳化制程参数。

Looking for Chinese manufacturing companies to outsource various manufacturing products to support the supply chain of large US-Based corporations, especially, plastic blow molders


Locking caster wheel.轮锁紧器▲In case of emergency switch off the CL801-CL802 unit with the emergency switch.

假如CL801-CL802 紧急按停后:欲要重新开机,应先顺时钟方向转动红色的紧急制的顶端则紧急

The industrial membrane becomes a maternal womb, ceaselessly wrapping and giving re-birth with embryonic embrace, tantalizing hope and desire, anxiety and disillusionment.


更多网络解释与制欲的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


anaphoria 上隐斜眼 | anaphrodisia 性欲缺乏 | anaphrodisiac 制欲的


anaphrodisia 性欲缺乏 | anaphrodisiac 制欲的 | anaphylactic reaction 心理过敏反应


anaphrodisia | 性欲缺失 | anaphrodisiac | 制(性)欲的 | anaphrodite | 性欲缺乏者


因为按弗洛伊德的分析,肛门(anus)不但负责排污,还是表达肉欲的器官之一呢. 基督新教高度的制欲精神如何与最强烈的现代营利性发生关联,新教的"预选说"看来如此神秘而不合理,却与现代营利活动中的合理经营作风串合在一起,

breakdown voltage:崩溃电压

然而欲使电子产品具静电防制能力,除了从半导体元件的防护外,更需从产品系统设计、防制技术等两方面著手,才能发挥静电的防护功能当Varistor两端电压高於元件崩溃电压(Breakdown Voltage)时,元件进入ON的动作状态,转变成以低阻抗来抑制暂态或突波电压,


烧结等制程成为基板材或封盖后,即可应用於IC晶片的构装中(见图10-19).陶瓷生胚片可以配合厚膜技术制成具导体电路的构装基材;如欲制成具多层传导电路结构的陶瓷基板,生胚片须施予冲片(Blanking),打孔(Punching),导孔填充(Via Filling),

Rose Water:玫瑰水

因为制自葡萄酒的酒精含有葡萄花醚. 如用马铃薯或玉蜀黍所制之酒精,必须先行脱臭. 将上述各种香油溶于浓酒精中,静置数日,时加摇震,然后用滤布滤过,使之澄清即成. 如欲造成廉价品,可用适量之玫瑰水(Rose Water)将之冲淡.


故制礼义以分之,以养人之欲,给人之求,使欲必不穷乎物,物必不屈于欲,两者相持而长,是礼之所起也. "(19.1)通过把礼的起源归于古时候伟大的圣贤君主,荀子赋予了礼一种"神圣"(sacredness)的意味,这将提高人们关注并遵循礼的可能性.

anaphylactic reaction:心理过敏反应

anaphrodisiac 制欲的 | anaphylactic reaction 心理过敏反应 | anaphylactic shock 过敏性休克


anterograde 顺行的 | anteromedian 前中裂 | anterotic 制欲的