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制动机构 的英文翻译、例句


arresting gear
更多网络例句与制动机构相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Another factor to be borne in mind by the design team is the additional complement required to operate and support launch and arrestor machinery.


The Automatic Clearance Adjusting Device is an important part in baric disc brakes on heavy duty trucks.


In order to drive it rapidly and placidity, it has brake by eddying on the other side of the motor, the braking mechanism is driving in the braking position forever.

为达到启动和制动迅速又平稳,在电动机的另一端带有涡流制动器,在变速箱的Ⅱ轴的另一端装有 YWZ-300/45 型液压推杆制动器,起升机构不工作时,制动机构永远处在制动位置。

Large diameter brakes also provide excellent 'feel', optimum emergency stopping power and long brake pad life.


It had no trigger, and the stem was completely make-shift, just enough to allow testing of the independent-quad concept. This unit went up only one climb, Fantasia at Split Rocks, west of Lyons, CO.

它没有制动机构,连接杆也不是最佳的设计,但足以测试个别凸轮的构想是否可行,这组原型基本上只在Fantasia用过一次(Split Rocks, CO)。

Fixed pivot leading-trailing drum brakes are extensively applied on heavy duty trucks, coaches and semi-tractors, because it's brake performance is steady without reference to positive revolve or reverse revolve, the structure is simple, cost of production is low and parking system is well-suited to subjoin.


From the tower crane or organizations to adopt domestic brand-name three-speed motor, a third gear the pace of work; first-class quality, long-term frequent trouble-free; Change adopted by the electromagnetic brake brakes with the overall design of forming programmes, good mechanical properties, making car operation Flexible comfortable, safe and reliable, significantly prolong its life; Rotary organizations to adopt the form of hydraulic coupler, turning soft, well-targeted, efficient.


Let -off systems fall into one of three major categories. The simplest let- off system is known as negative let- off. This system merely consists of a brake continually applied to the warp beam to retard the motion of the beam.


As to the dynamic loads, the calculation considers only the inertial loads because of jump-start and brake. However, in the actual turn-over processor of the circumgyrate machinery, especially in the process of braking, the impact to the organization is very obvious. Now in the strength calculation of the circumgyrate machinerys parts, this distinct dynamic effect is replaced by safty coefficient.


I put one of these "quads" together and took it to the crags for testing.


更多网络解释与制动机构相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

arresting device:制动机构

arrester 制动片,制动机构 | arresting device 制动机构 | Arrhenius equation Arrhenius 方程式,阿雷尼厄斯方程式


励磁响应 excitation response | 制动系统 braking | 制动机构 brake mechanism

detent mechanism:制动机构,定位器

detent eccentric 拉档偏心销 | detent mechanism 制动机构,定位器 | detent pin 定位销,止动销

self-sustaining gear:自动制动机构

self-sustaining combustion zone 自燃带 | self-sustaining gear 自动制动机构 | self-sustaining 自持的

self-sustaining gear:自动制动机构,自锁传动

self-sustaining chain reaction 自持链式反应 | self-sustaining gear 自动制动机构,自锁传动 | self-sustaining medium 自持介质

stop motion mechanism:自动停车机构

stop meter 制动距离测量仪 | stop motion mechanism 自动停车机构 | stop motion motor 间歇驱动电机

Brake tension rod:制动拉杆

Brake system application time 制动机构滞后时间 | Brake tension rod 制动拉杆 | Brake tester 制动试验台

stop-off line:制动索

stop-gear 止动机构 | stop-off line 制动索 | stopcock 活栓

Service brake chamber:伺服制动枪膛,内含弹簧压紧机构,当供应气动压力时促使制动张开

Sending units:发送单元,分带指示灯与不带指示灯两... | Service brake chamber:伺服制动枪膛,内含弹簧压紧机构,当供应气动压力时促使制动张开. | Service brake valve:伺服制动阀,用于操作对制动枪膛的控制,使用手柄...

Service brake valve:伺服制动阀,用于操作对制动枪膛的控制,使用手柄头操作

Service brake chamber:伺服制动枪膛,内含弹簧压紧机构,当供应气动压力时促... | Service brake valve:伺服制动阀,用于操作对制动枪膛的控制,使用手柄头操作. | Single-pole switch:单极开关,内含一个指示灯,合上时该...