英语人>词典>汉英 : 别墅的 的英文翻译,例句
别墅的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与别墅的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Boao villa facilities alone a full set of air-conditioned villa on the value of 80,000 yuan.


Not only for better selection of products of small high-level high rate (66%), and the choice of independent villas and villa conjoined ratio reached 6%, 7%.

不仅是为了更好的产品选择小高级别较高( 66 %),而选择独立的别墅和联体别墅的比例达到6%, 7 %。

Reportedly, the university Square villa construction area of over 400 square metres to 300 square metres - generally you a nearly 40 square metres of a forecourt and the back yard more than 100 square metres, the highest in the villa at 1.5 million yuan-250 million.


It was located at the end of the bridge in the leeward side or the sunset facing, which was the furthermost towards the sea, at this side of the bungalow the water was pretty calm and the wind soothing. The feeling was AWESOME as there was no other bungalows in front of me


Housing Semi-detached villa in-house design so that the function of an independent villa


Shanghai villa in terms of architectural style, although the traditional European-style villa in the main, but there are also some very modern villa types, such as "the Shanghai Lijiang River Landscape""Moonlight Basin."


According to reporters on the海甸岛Jiangnan Town, Baoan, Bihai Riverside Villa, North Shore No. 88, Binhai Road bloom seasons and the Bauhinia Garden, Jade Wei-Chang Park, You-sheng Hayward, Regent Sea View Garden, the West Coast Golf Spa Villa the sun, such as first-line the west coast sea view room has been made a survey figures show that access to the sea front-line Sea View Apartments -5000 to 2700 yuan RMB / square between the average price in more than 3000 yuan / sq m; line Sea View Villa in 5000 -8000 multi-million / square between the average price of 6,000 yuan / square meters, the highest price of 8,000 yuan / square meter.

据记者对海甸岛江南镇,宝安,碧海滨江别墅,北海岸88号,滨海大道和四季盛开的紫荆花花园,玉炜昶公园,您生海沃德,丽晶海景花园,西西海岸高尔夫温泉别墅的太阳,如第一线西海岸海景房已取得了一项调查数字表明,进入海洋的一线海景酒店式公寓-5000至二七○○元元/平方米之间的平均价格更超过3000元/平方米;线海景别墅在5000 -8000多万美元/平方米之间的平均价格6000元/平方米,最高价为8000元/平方米。

As a relatively separated, elegant and even luxurious living place in modern society for those who must be of success in carrier, a villa is usually designed with relatively high standard, in which the designing and construction of villatic gate are required to show the style and characteristic of the villa, to which the use of stone is specially taken account.


More tenants welcomed by the villa projects, such as River Garden, Lemon Lake Villa Huxing have some clients awaiting rents remained stable.


Downstairs is the bathroom and a large, light sitting room, with L-shaped day bed and dining table, again opening onto a private sun deck.


更多网络解释与别墅的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


chatelaine 女城主 | chatelaine 大别墅的女主人 | chatelainecummerbundwaistband 腰带


vintager 采葡萄者 | cottager村民,住在别墅的人 | dowager 继承亡夫爵位(或遗产)的遗孀,贵妇

Detached house:独立别墅

而除了独立别墅(detached house)和双拼别墅,其它产品可以称作townhouse. 别墅这个词在中国已经被用作指代从顶级豪宅到普通的独立住宅,和一些建筑密度比较低的非独立低层住宅(俗称亚别墅).

house party:留客人在别墅过夜(或小住)的招待会; 参加别墅招待会的全体宾客

hen party [口]妇女的集会 | house party 留客人在别墅过夜(或小住)的招待会; 参加别墅招待会的全体宾客 | make one's party good 作有效的抵抗; 说清自己的立场


"在风景区或在郊区建造的供休养的住所"是汉语词典里对别墅的解释,但这似乎和现在上海房产市场上所称的别墅有一定的出入. 从严格意义上来讲,"别墅"(villa)就是指独立别墅,至少要有一两百平米的花园,别墅之间还要有足够的间距以确保私秘性.


住tolivetodwelltoresidetostop | 住别墅的人villadom | 住处hangoutquartersresidency


villa /别墅/别馆/墅/ | villadom /别墅/住别墅的人/ | villager /村民/乡下人/


villainy 坏事 | villatic 别墅的 | villeggiatura 乡居


villatic 别墅的 | villatic 村庄的 | villavilladom 别墅


villanelle /十九行二韵体诗/ | villatic /别墅的/村庄的/田园的/ | villein /农奴/