英语人>词典>汉英 : 别墅 的英文翻译,例句
别墅 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
quinta  ·  villa  ·  villadom  ·  datcha  ·  villas

country seat
更多网络例句与别墅相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In Shenzhen villa market "regional" development is more evident, aplanatic villa, Yiyuan phase, the International Conference Center, both in the run villa in Palm Springs villa; Chinese Gardens is located in north; North Villa, Guishan villa, green Villa, Villa was built in the Mid-Levels Harbour Nanshan size; Chinese Harbour Villa, Villa Royal Gulf, Golden Beach is located in the Mid-Levels Harbour villa along with the town of Kwai Chung Kwai Highway coastline, above villa property in the nature of the landscape and environment, and the overall image of a conducive lots upgrade.


Among increasingly formal and elaborate villa complexes in the 16th century are the Villa Lante in Bagnaia and the Villa Farnese in Caprarola, both designed by Giacomo da Vignola.


It was located at the end of the bridge in the leeward side or the sunset facing, which was the furthermost towards the sea, at this side of the bungalow the water was pretty calm and the wind soothing. The feeling was AWESOME as there was no other bungalows in front of me


Osprey Lake Lodge is a Canadian fishing lodge in Labrador Newfoundland specializing in freshwater About the Osprey Lake Lodge.


The other thing that irked me slightly about the house was the crawlspace under the house - the ground is covered in thick straw (although to my knowledge no one had been under the house for years) but what struck me was under each fire place (there were 3 of them all since blocked up) was a brick alter (best word i can think of sort of like a proscenium arch with an arched floor).


In the Housing Index System Office Beijing villa index monitoring shows that the market in Beijing, in 2004 opened the first half of the villa project 12, with a total construction area of about 510,000 square meters, of which 550 sets of single-family villas about Semi-detached villas and row 1,200 about.


The strike, launched South Bay Peninsula 35 sets of independent villa area from 250-350 square metres; Semi-independent villa and the platoon of 30 sets of villas, covering about 160 square metres; Shuian villas and luxury flats about 200 sets of type, size from 70-200 square metres, the minimum price of 26 million.


For many years, company devoted to provide advanced interior decoration design and onstruct for middle and high-grade customers,Succeed in top-grade building , house , commercial space,such as Panyu Agile Villa,Nanhu Lake Paulownia Forest Villa ,Hangzhou Rose Garden villa, Hangzhou Wu Mountain Villa,Polymorphous Model Room of Fairocean Garden , Model Room of Mayland Lakeside Garden, Nanguo Garden,Panyu Meixin Mountain Villa, Qingyuan Jinbi Bay Garden, Hangzhou Base Bar,Longjin Mansion Office Building,etc.carrying on interior and garden landscape design and construction.


To townhouses, the economic model sports villa villa villa to the main consumer markets in the second half of 1998 to the second half of 1999 to create a good marketing performance, a second wave of Shanghai villa market.


Original villa to "extravagant" for features, people pay attention to the psychological ostentatious villas built to a large enough luxury decoration enough, we still had enough astronomical prices; the developers feel the Chao-hao villa sales event to resistance when, TOWNHOUSE on the attendant, but the blunt copy copy what county town in England is now the Townhouse has gradually lost its allure.


更多网络解释与别墅相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Antibes Thuret:别墅园花园

Antibes Thuret 别墅园花园 36 | Exflora 公园 36 | Beaulieu-sur-Mer Kerylos 别墅园 (地中海花园) 39

Really? Richard Nixon in a beachside villa:真的吗? Richard Nixon在海边别墅里

...in California.|海边别墅里 | Really? Richard Nixon in a beachside villa?|真的吗? Richard Nixon在海边别墅里? | How incongruous.|太不协调了

Detached house:独立别墅

而除了独立别墅(detached house)和双拼别墅,其它产品可以称作townhouse. 别墅这个词在中国已经被用作指代从顶级豪宅到普通的独立住宅,和一些建筑密度比较低的非独立低层住宅(俗称亚别墅).

Villa Foscari,la Malcontenta:弗斯卡利别墅

尔莫别墅 Villa Emo | 弗斯卡利别墅 Villa Foscari,la Malcontenta | 圆厅别墅 Villa Almerico,la Rotonda

house party:留客人在别墅过夜(或小住)的招待会; 参加别墅招待会的全体宾客

hen party [口]妇女的集会 | house party 留客人在别墅过夜(或小住)的招待会; 参加别墅招待会的全体宾客 | make one's party good 作有效的抵抗; 说清自己的立场

town house:别墅

曼哈顿120平方米的公寓价格(160万~200万美元)可以在曼哈顿以外的其他区域购买整栋独立别墅(面积300平方米以上),如果是小型别墅(HOUSE)或者联体别墅(TOWN HOUSE)价格至少还要便宜一半.


联排别墅(TOWNHOUSE)以三资及民营企业主、大型企事业单位高级管理人员、高收入专业技术人员等. 联排(TOWNHOUSE)别墅定位:9、 联排别墅(TOWNHOUSE)设计要求


"在风景区或在郊区建造的供休养的住所"是汉语词典里对别墅的解释,但这似乎和现在上海房产市场上所称的别墅有一定的出入. 从严格意义上来讲,"别墅"(villa)就是指独立别墅,至少要有一两百平米的花园,别墅之间还要有足够的间距以确保私秘性.


villa /别墅/别馆/墅/ | villadom /别墅/住别墅的人/ | villager /村民/乡下人/


Where to stay and eat, no matter what your budge... | Hotels, motels, resorts, and villas from cheap to posh酒店、别墅、度假村、别墅与廉价来美化 | Fresh, thorough, practical -- from writers you can trust清...