英语人>词典>汉英 : 利用真空的 的英文翻译,例句
利用真空的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
vacuum  ·  vacuumed  ·  vacuumes

更多网络例句与利用真空的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With annal capability of80000 t molten steel and10000 t steel casting, our company can make full use of vacuum refining furnaces, large size heat treatment furnaces and heavy duty rough machining equipments, our developing aim is to make larger size, more precision and specialized products.


A gasbag (shake-proof bag) substitutes the past contaminative material like epispastic papery material. Compared with the traditional packaging its cost is reduced more than two times and the cost of the transportation more than two times; the dilapidation rate of goods is zero; energy is saved illimitably; the cost is low; its temper is high; it's not fragile and is used conveniently and recycled.


After three generations, several signal locus and homozygote lines for each expressing vector have been obtained.


An arc-discharge facility was improved by adding two graphite plates to the electrodes to form a spherical cap capacitor in the vacuum cavity so that an additional electric field of appropriate intensity could be generated.


Arc-glow plasma depositing technique is a new surface coating method. With the help of vacuum arc discharge, a cold cathode arc source continually emits ion beams of coating elements with high currency density and high ionizing ratio.Upon the ion bombard and diffusion work on, the surfaces of the parts form deposited layers, diffusion layers. In this study, a commercial magnesium alloy AZ91 was coated with Ti film layer.


Vacuum belt hydroextractor (also named fixed rubber belt vacuum filter) is a new solid-liquid separating equipment with high efficiency and continuous operation, based on introduction, assimilation and digestion of the techniques of the same products overseas. It has achieved solid-liquid separation by making full use of material gravity and vacuum suction. In terms of its structure, filtering section is arranged horizontally lengthwise, and length of filtering section can be fully used to fulfill in turn such a process covering filtering, rinsing and sucking up, with advantages of high filtering efficiency, productivity, good rinsing effect, wide application range, simple operation, stable running, convenient maintenance and service.


With the aid of baffle movement,a technique named masking pretreatment and the method of vacuum deposition have been used to fabricate the Ag-O-Cs photoemissive thin films with internal field-assisted structure for the first time.

通过掩膜预处理和挡板转移技术的配合,利用真空沉积方法首次制备了内场助结构Ag-O-Cs 光电发射薄膜。

Firstly, by the data measured from field test, it was analyzed the characteristics and effect in reinforcing soft foundation with vacuum preloading method in which there is underplayed confined aquifer and sand.


In addition, by controlling a plurality of electromagnetic valves and vacuum pump via ECU as well as utilizing the vacuum storage function of the vacuum tank, the engine and the vacuum control system of the invention can work more reliably.


In this paper, a theoretical analysis about the feasibility of phosphorus removal in metallurgical grade silicon with vacuum distillation, then an experiment was conducted.


更多网络解释与利用真空的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


该元件主要是利用被称为气蚀(Cavitation)的流体中产生气泡的现象来去除污渍. 首先,使高速振动的元件加上水与衣物接触,在污渍附着的纤维缝隙中产生微小的真空气泡. 这些真空气泡便在衣物与振动器之间碰撞,通过这冲击可以将污渍弹出来.


由於气体在低真空时属黏滞流(Viscous Flow),气体的物理行为可视为连续(Continuum) ,真空泵浦可利用机械容积变化进行吸气、压缩及排气的方式抽气;当气体於中真空环境时,气体行为变为过渡流(Transition Flow)形态,其特性较为复杂,

vacuum deposition:真空蒸镀

虽然有机半导体材料的电性与载子移动率较差,但是仍有两项优点:(1)有机材料可利用溶液进行大面积旋涂(Spin-coating),或利用真空蒸镀(Vacuum deposition)来制作半导体层,降低制程的成本.


以PI膜为基材,利用真空溅镀(Sputtering)在PI膜镀上一层金属层后,再以电镀法(Electroplating), 使铜厚度增加. 此法优势是能生产超薄的无胶挠性板基材,另外还可生产双面不同厚度的挠性板. 它的缺点是PI基材的厚度无法控制,

vacuum forming:真空成型

真空吸塑成型如今已经成为加工领域内大家普遍接受的一个术语:"真空成型"(vacuum forming). 而"压力成型"(pressure forming)是指一些特殊的利用空气压力加工过程的工艺. "热成型"(Thermo forming)是各种热塑性成型(包含真空和压力,


图1的消气剂(GETTER)是维持真空的重要零件. 在排气工程的最后阶段,可利用高频产生的涡流损耗对消气剂加热,在玻璃盖的内表面形成钡的蒸发膜,可用来进一步吸收管内的残留气体(GAS).


相关资料:冷冻干燥机的工作原理--冷冻干燥是利用升华的原理进行干燥的一种技术,是将被干燥的物质在低温下快速冻结,然后在适当的真空环境下,使冻结的水分子直接升华成为水蒸气逸出的过程. 冷冻干燥得到的产物称作冻干物(lyophilizer),该过程称作冻干(lyophilization)

vacuum pump:真空泵

真空泵(vacuum pump)是用各种方法在某一封闭空间中产生、改善和维持真空的装置. 真空泵可以定义为:利用机械、物理、化学或物理化学的方法对被抽容器进行抽气而获得真空的器件或设备.

solar water heater:太阳能热水器

太阳能热水器(Solar water heater)是利用太阳的能量将水从低温度加热到高温度的装置,是一种热能产品. 太阳热水器是由全玻璃真空集热管、储水箱、支架及相关附件组成,把太阳能转换成热能主要依靠玻璃真空集热管. 集热管受阳光照射面温度高,

vacuum brake:真空闸

装配有蒸汽制动装置的蒸汽机车在日本的第一条铁路(东京到横滨)上开始运营. 在当时,只有蒸汽机车才安装有蒸汽制动装置(如图1). 后来,日本又开发出真空闸(vacuum brake),由蒸汽喷射器(steam ejector)提供动力,从而通过利用机车之间气压和真空的差异性来进行...