英语人>词典>汉英 : 初步的证据 的英文翻译,例句
初步的证据 的英文翻译、例句


prima facie evidence
更多网络例句与初步的证据相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A discrete Logistic model was applied to icefish populations analyzing and simulating the variation of the annual catchment production of icefish populations for four typical lakes/reservoirs such as Dianchi lake in China, it was found as evidence of chaos in a natural eco-system that the parameters of icefish populations for four lakes/reservoirs fall into chaotic region under normal circumstance.


If the prosecution were to fail to introduce such evidence, then its case would fail on grounds of "failure to make out a prima facie case," even without rebuttal by the defendant.


A discussion is then offered looking at the strategies that international organization and foreign countries use to deal with those problems; there are there: legislative strategies, judicative strategies and contractual strategies.


Until recently, the evidence for resveratrol has been animal data, but preliminary human testing has yielded intriguing dofus kamas results.


Our data demonstrated that ADAR1 is up regulated during the development and/or differentiation of splenic and thymic lymphocytes.


Once a prima facie showing of no specific and substantial credible utility has been properly established, the applicant bears the burden of rebutting it. The applicant can do this by amending the claims, by providing reasoning or arguments, or by providing evidence in the form of a declaration under 37 CFR 1.132 or a patent or a printed publication that rebuts the basis or logic of the prima facie showing.

一旦初步认定无具体实在的可信的实用性已经恰当的确立起来,申请人就要承担推翻它的责任,申请人可以通过修改权利要求、通过提供驳斥初步认定的根据或逻辑的证据或论据,或者提供under37CFR1.132 的声明形式的证据或者专利或者印刷出版物来做到这一点。

According to Bacon, preliminary inductions from hard evidence are but the first step on a staircase going from specifics to increasing stages of generality.


In most legal proceedings, one of the parties has the burden of proof, which requires that party to present prima facie evidence of all facts essential to its case.


For example, in a criminal prosecution, the Government has the burden of presenting prima facie evidence of each element of the crime charged.

例如, 在邢事诉讼,政府有提出初步印象各个罪行的元素的证据的负担被充电。

It will be up to the Provincial Fr Gabriel Ngendakuriyo, to carry out preliminary investigations, and if these are convincing, to present the Rector Major with a formal request for introducing the Cause.

初步调查程序的进行,将视乎省会长 Gabriel Ngendakuriyo 神父的决定,假如有说服力的证据,他会向总会长作正式提出申请,展开封圣程序。

更多网络解释与初步的证据相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Conclusive Evidence:最终证据

>对>关于初步证据的规定作了补充,当提单已被转让于善意的第三人时,便不能接受与此相反的证据,即提单的善意受让人所持提单则具有最终证据(Conclusive Evidence)的效力,当其提出以上同样的索赔



premeditate:预谋 预谋

preliminary injunction 初步禁令 初步禁令 | premeditate 预谋 预谋 | preponderance of the evidence 绝大多数的证据,证据的优势 绝大多数的证据,证据的优势

presumptive evidence:推定的证据

preservation of physical evidence 保存物证 | presumptive evidence 推定的证据 | prima facie evidence 初步证据

prima facie:初步证据

该案一审法院(加利福尼亚州中区联邦地方法院)认为,被告未经许可复制并公开展示原告拥有版权照片的行为虽构成"有初步证据"(prima facie)之侵犯版权案件,但根据美国版权法第107节的规定,被告使用的性质和目的明显具有转换性(transformative),

prima facie evidence:初步证据

第十二章 证据 第一节 概述 第二节 举证责任 第三节 初步证据(Prima facie evidence) 第四节 关于证明方法的自由裁量权 第五节 某些证明方法的决定性效力 第六节 取证方法的准据法 第七节 证据保全 第八节 推定 第九节 认诺和承认 ?

prima facie case:表面(或初步)证据确凿的案件

prima facie;初步证据;; | prima facie case;表面(或初步)证据确凿的案件;; | prima facie evidence;初步证据; 表面证据;;

prima facie case:初步证据案件

Pricing Practices 定价惯例 | Prima Facie Case 初步证据案件 | Prima Facie Claim 有表面证据的主张

Prima facie violation:以初步证据可认定违法

Prima facie case of illegality 初步推定违法的案件 | Prima facie violation 以初步证据可认定违法 | Primary line injury 第一级损害(对卖方的竞争者的损害)

evidence from a variety of studies for syntrophic relationships:证据一对互生关系的各种研究

There is now preliminary现在有初步 | evidence from a variety of studies for syntrophic relationships证据一对互生关系的各种研究 | on the basis of interspecies electron transfer.对种间电子转移的基础....