英语人>词典>汉英 : 划线 的英文翻译,例句
划线 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
lineation  ·  score  ·  scores  ·  linework

chalk line · marking off · marking out · marking-on
更多网络例句与划线相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A: When to add the underlined text, and then on the application of some of subscript text format, you will find two of the underlined text does not align.


An initial alphabetic character or the underscore, followed by zero or more alphanumeric characters or the underscore.


Template formal arguments are identifiers consisting of an initial alphabetic character or the underscore, followed by zero or more alphanumeric characters or the underscore.


Shaanxi-Ru 100 million construction and installation Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. is engaged in building mechanical and electrical equipment installation, indoor and outdoor decoration, landscaping, fountain sculpture, construction steel, petroleum pipelines, corrosion insulation waterproofing, water and electricity HVAC, building curtain wall, intelligent engineering , communications equipment installation works, fire road traffic facilities and road roadbed, bridges and sports facilities, engineering design, construction, installation, construction decoration project budget and final accounts and audit preparation and audit consulting services, advertising, production and dissemination; Xi'an Highway Transportation Facilities Reflective signs of construction engineering, Xi'an, Xi'an, speed hump, protective Misnomer, Xian-chu, anti-collision warning, various traffic cone, wide-angle convex mirror, reflective vest, construction clothing, crash the water horse, contour standard, reflective spike , Anti-glare panels, bull barrel, triangle warning planes, the warning line, barrier tape, high-brightness lattice reflective film, parking locks, retaining wall protector, traffic Plum lights, traffic baton, reflective materials, hot melt crossed the road machine, Xi'an road cold spray liner machine, parking smart Barrier, Barrier intelligent toll station, as well as all levels of roads, community, school construction projects such as crossed.


During the design of the line graticule, we did not use the ruling technique on glass, but selected Wwire to make the LOS and welded two electrodes at the two ends respectively. This design can avoid any possible error caused by the replacement of the crossline graticule observation when a multispectral optical system is tested.


Presently,it is mainly through human s observation for the road marking vehicle to spray marks along the datum line .


Not Hitler's: in the books examined by Ryback, his marginalia consist of lines, thick or thin, single or double, drawn in the margin, occasionally accompanied by exclamation marks.


For customers inside and outside the province for transport; by special quality, I plant dealers and users throughout the country; to telephone to announce the minimum price; 2, ultra low-cost quality products types: professional production : thousands of color paint, silver paint, blending paint, alkyd paints, Nitro-paints, silicone paints, acrylic paints, Antirust Paint, crossed the road paint, heat-resistant high temperature paint, works with paint, fast Do paint, whiteá, lead oil, perchlorethylene paint, epoxy paint, polyurethane paint, alkyd enamel, bitumen paint, perchlorethylene paint, epoxy paint, epoxy silicone high-temperature paint, epoxy coal tar pitch paint, epoxy zinc-rich primer, silicone high temperature anti-corrosion paint, matt paint, matt paint, steel with paint, colored perchlorethylene anticorrosive paint, Quick-drying silver paint, quick-drying silver paint, rust-proof enamel silver, silver Pulp Antirust Enamel, Silver Enamel, Silver paint, silver aluminum paint, aluminum paste paint, aluminum paint, aluminum paste, silver, acrylic paint works, acrylic paint machinery, acrylic anti-corrosion paint, acrylic road is zoned line of paint, quick-drying Antirust Paint, Rusted Antirust Paint, anti-rust primer, black Antirust Paint, white Antirust Paint, Iron Oxide Red Antirust Paint, Medium Gray Antirust Paint, gray Antirust Paint, Anti-Hongdan rust paint, primer, paint, enamel, works with paint, iron and steel works with paint, floor paint, road sign paint calculus, community signs paint, paint Cell lines, highways crossed paint, enamel nitro, nitro topcoat, primer nitro, nitro external enamel, Enamel with a nitro, nitro-iron paint, nitro Wood, nitro varnish, high temperature silver paint, high temperature Antirust Paint, high temperature resistant silicone paint, organic silicon heat-resistant paint, heat-resistant high temperature paint, steel paint, varnish Lek, Lek coal epoxy varnish, epoxy coal pitch antiseptic paint, alkyd paints to reconcile, Blending alkyd paint, fast drying alkyd paint, alkyd Enamel, mechanical equipment paint, paintê,·ásteel, steel anti-corrosion paint, perchlorethylene paint, epoxy rusted Antirust Paint, Epoxy Floor paint, acrylic paint, acrylic paint crossed the road, crossed the road was drying paints, insulating paint, since the insulation do paint, paint the chimney, chimney Antirust Paint chimney anticorrosive paint, paint thinner, special paint thinner, the factory price is lower than the other plant 1 / 2; hundreds of paint quality, durable, high quality and low price, by the authority of certification, the quality of comprehensive standards, and provide product specification; bucket can also be the lowest shipping bucket can also be customized!

可为省内外客户办理运输;靠优质特价,我厂经销商和用户遍布全国各地;来电话即可告之最低价格;,超低价的优质产品种类:★专业生产:数千种色油漆,银粉漆,调合漆,醇酸油漆,硝基油漆,有机硅漆,丙烯酸漆,防锈漆,马路划线漆,耐热耐高温漆,工程用漆,快干油漆,白厚漆,铅油,过氯乙烯漆,环氧漆,聚氨酯漆,醇酸磁漆,沥青漆,过氯乙烯漆,环氧树脂漆,环氧有机硅高温漆,环氧煤沥青漆,环氧富锌底漆,有机硅高温防腐漆,亚光漆,无光漆,钢铁用漆,各色过氯乙烯防腐漆,速干银粉漆,快干银粉漆,银粉防锈磁漆,银浆防锈磁漆,银粉磁漆,银浆漆,铝银粉漆,铝银浆漆,铝粉漆,铝银浆,银粉,丙烯酸工程漆,丙烯酸机械漆,丙烯酸防腐漆,丙烯酸马路划线漆,快干防锈漆,带锈防锈漆,防锈底漆,黑防锈漆,白防锈漆,铁红防锈漆,中灰防锈漆,灰防锈漆,红丹防锈漆,底漆,面漆,磁漆,建筑工程用漆,钢铁工程用漆,地坪漆,路牙石标志漆,小区标志漆,小区划线漆,公路划线漆,硝基磁漆,硝基面漆,硝基底漆,硝基外用磁漆,硝基内用磁漆,硝基铁器漆,硝基木器漆,硝基清漆,耐高温银粉漆,耐高温防锈漆,有机硅耐高温漆,有机硅耐热漆,耐热耐高温油漆,钢结构漆,沥清漆,环氧煤沥清漆,环氧煤沥青防腐漆,醇酸调和油漆,醇酸调合油漆,醇酸快干油漆,醇酸磁漆,机械设备漆,玛钢漆,钢结构防火漆,钢结构防腐漆,过氯乙烯漆,环氧带锈防锈漆,,环氧地坪漆,丙烯酸漆,丙烯酸马路划线漆,快干马路划线漆,绝缘漆,自干绝缘漆,烟囱漆,烟囱防锈漆,烟囱防腐漆,油漆稀释剂,特种油漆稀释剂,本厂家价格低于其它厂1/2 ;数百种油漆质量第一,经久耐用,质优价廉,通过权威认证,质量全面达标,并提供产品说明书;一桶也可以最低价发货,一桶也可订做!

For general crossed to the bank for payment; the case of special dash to the line of demarcation and the bank or its collection agent bank for payment.


The advantages and the disadvantages of cutting glass by single focused and un-focused CO2 laser beams were analyzed, respectively.


更多网络解释与划线相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

crossed cheque:划线支票

(3)划线支票(Crossed Cheque)是在支票正面划两道平行线的支票. 划线支票与一般支票不同,划线支票非由银行不得领取票款,故只能委托银行代收票款入帐. 使用划线支票的目的是为了在支票遗失或被人冒领时,还有可能通过银行代收的线索追回票款.

crossed check:划线支票

因此就有了划线支票(Crossed Check)和未划线支票(Un-crossed Check)之分. 未划线支票就是一般支票;划线支票通常在支票的左上角划两条平行的横向线条. 为了避免出票人开空头支票,收款人或持票人可以要求付款行在支票上加盖"保付(Certified to Pay)"印记,

laying-out machine:划线机

laying-out for assembling 装配划线 | laying-out machine 划线机 | laying-out table 划线

laying-out for assembling:装配划线

laying-off 放样划线 | laying-out for assembling 装配划线 | laying-out machine 划线


字体 (Font) > 上划线 (Overline) 指示坐标尺寸文本是否加上划线(在这种情况下,下划线不可用). 图形 (Graphic) > 颜色 (Color) 指定用于展示坐标尺寸文本框架和引出线的颜色. 引出线 (Leader) > 符号 (Symbol) 指定用于坐标尺寸引出线的符号(例如,

streak plate:条痕板,划线平板法,划线平面培养法

streak photograph 纹影照相,条纹照片,条纹照相 | streak plate 条痕板,划线平板法,划线平面培养法 | streak reagent 涂显剂,喷显剂

plate streak:平板划线法,平均划线法

plate straightening roll 板料矫平机 | plate streak 平板划线法,平均划线法 | plate stretcher 中厚板拉伸矫直机

I'd like to climb mountains in fall:(对划线部分提问)

30.I often visit my grandparents on weekend.(对划线部分提问) | 31.I'd like to climb mountains in fall.(对划线部分提问) | 32.It's very hot in summer in Beijing.(对划线部分提问)

uncrossed check:非划线支票,普通支票 uncrossed check 非划线支票,普通支票

3851 1 unconvertible security 非自由兑换证券 unconvertibl... | 3852 1 uncrossed check 非划线支票,普通支票 uncrossed check 非划线支票,普通支票 | 3853 1 under-absorbed overhead 少分配间接费用 under-absor...

scribing block:划线盘

scriber 划片器;划线器 | scribing block 划线盘 | scribing shoe 划线