英语人>词典>汉英 : 划动 的英文翻译,例句
划动 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
oar  ·  paddling  ·  row  ·  rowed  ·  rows  ·  oaring  ·  oars

更多网络例句与划动相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A back dive in which the diver turns in the air so as to face the board before entering the water .


But he had fooled them and the will to live that made them beat and churn.


I am seven months pregnant, and sometimes in a good mood quickly好想anxious to see the baby, in fact, men, girls, me and my husband is like love, is only good out of curiosity ~ My belly Qi drum out, skin is not very good long Dongdong, eating Dongdong not being choosy food, not much food reaction, movement of paddling gently sometimes, and sometimes beaten and kicked like a few days, sometimes Let me feel uncomfortable, baby on my belly in front of a very flat, unlike some people, I am very round ~, sometimes he also particularly hard.


He couldn't swim and just flounder about in the water.


Quot;A start of this much,each free-swimming period has to be this fast,with a certain stroke frequency and stroke lenth,with turns done in these time.


Therefore, the stress and strain of a half infinite plane indented by a sliding spheric tip were calculated based on an elastic-linear strengthened plastic deformation model, making use of a commercial software.


At the moment the male will keep the jitter and frequent rowing pectoral fin.


His wilful hands and feet began to beat and churn about, spasmodically and feebly.


This down sweep begins the powerful insweep.


I moved his back legs to simulate movement while he paddled...


更多网络解释与划动相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


背肢和腹肢内各有一起支撑作用的足刺(aciculum)背肢有一束刚毛,膜肢有2束刚毛. 刚毛有分节与不分节之分,形态各异. 疣足划动可游泳有运动功能. 疣足内密布微血管网,可进行气体交换. 比较原始的环节动物其排泄器官仍为原肾管,

decreased by a factor of:由某因素造成减少, 减少几倍, 由 - 划分成

decrease 减; 减少, 减小 (动) | decreased by a factor of 由某因素造成减少, 减少几倍, 由 - 划分成 | decreasing 减少的; 渐减的 (形)


并且信息加工速度对癫痫症、注意力缺失(Attention Disorder)、多动症(Hyperactivity Disorder,AHDH)以及脑外伤等神经心理状况很敏感[12],为此,WISC-Ⅳ提供了一个新的分测验--划消(Cancellation),来加强对加工速度

gerund:动名词 (名)

gerrymander 为党利重划选区 (动) | gerund 动名词 (名) | Gestalt 完全形态; 完形 (名)


您可以在80余家大运河商店(Grand Canal Shoppes)漫步,在酒店的运河中划动真正的狭长小船(gondola),或者在剧院中欣赏荣获大奖的娱乐节目,如歌剧魅影(Phantom of the Opera)或Blue Man...

paddlen:短桨 vt./vi.用桨划动

pad n.垫子;拍纸簿 vt.步行,走路 | paddlen.短桨 vt./vi.用桨划动 | pageant n.露天表演,庆典


paddler /明轮船/ | paddling /划动/ | paddock /附有马/

Stop Paddling:停止划动

Stewards 赛事工作人员 | Stop Paddling 停止划动 | Stop the Boat 停船


奥运装备:桨是赛艇的附属器材,是供运动员划动赛艇前进的主要工具,分双桨(scull)和单桨(sweep)两种. 用优质木材或碳素纤维或两种材料相结合制成. 桨的一端为圆杆,用于运动员握住后拉推桨,称为桨柄;另一端为桨叶,呈长铲状.


stabbing 铁丝钉套订 | stabbing 砖墙划粗纹 | stabilator 全动平尾