英语人>词典>汉英 : 切断手术 的英文翻译,例句
切断手术 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与切断手术相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Amputation is safer.- For you or me?


I am a fucking amputee! Do you see that?


I am a ing amputee! Do you see that?


I am a F.U.C.King amputee! Do you see that?


The experimental group was given an operation of cutting infundibulum and the contol group was given an exposure of not cutting the infundibulum.Both groups were raised under similar condition.After surviving for 30 days,the animals were killed and specimens from aorta were taken and observed under light and electron microscope.


Abstract] objective to investigate the dorsal nerve amputation of the operation and effectiveness.methods in 2005~2008 years,the use of nerve to cut off the back of the penis for the treatment of patients with primary premature ejaculation of 218 cases,the combination of domestic and foreign information and the patients were reviewed.results with clear,defined diagnosis by indications operation,167 cases had significant effect,36 cases had a turn for the better,efficient rate was 93.12%,15 cases were ineffective,87% partner were satisfied.conclusion the dorsal neurectomy in the clinical practice of the view that the treatment of primary premature ejaculation is safe and effective,the effective rate was 93.12 percent,in the primary treatment of premature ejaculation is effective.

目的 探讨阴茎背神经切断术的手术方法和效果。方法选取我院2005~2008年,采用阴茎背神经切断术治疗原发性早泄病例218例,结合国内外资料及本组病例进行回顾性分析。结果本组病例诊断明确,有确定的手术指征,术后1个月开始过性生活,疗效显著167例,好转36例,有效率93.12%,无效15例,性伴侣满意度87%。结论阴茎背神经切断术经临床实践认为,治疗原发性早泄安全有效,是治疗原发性早泄的有效方法。

Six hundred and forty-two patients (aged 10 months to 37 years) were treated with combined operations of different operations, including traditional operations on soft tissue release, osteotomy, selective posterior rhizotomy, selective rhizotomy and converse anastomosis, neurectomy, etc. The follow-up period ranged from 6 months to 4 years (mean 18 months).


For those in control group (n=14), the animals did not undergo any surgery of the nerve fibers and ganglia. In Vi group (n=9), the animals underwent bilateral resection of the nasociliary and postganglionic parasympathetic nerve fibbers. In SCG group (n=8), the animals underwent bilateral resection of supper cervical ganglia. In V1+SCG group (n=9), the animals underwent both surgeries as Vi and SCG group did. In sham operation group (n=11), the animals underwent carotid manipulation with blunt-tipped forceps as well as dissection of nasociliary and postganglionic parasympathetic nerve fibers around the ethmoidal foramen, without cutting any nerves. SCS was performed on rats and CBF was monitored by laser Doppler flowmeter recordings.


Control group, the animal underwent SCS and LDF recordings without any surgery of the nerve fibers and ganglia. V1 group, the animal underwent bilateral resection of the nasociliary and post-ganglionic parasympathetic nerve fibbers. SCG group, the animal underwent bilateral resection of supper cervical ganglion. V1 + SCG group, the animal underwent both surgeries as V1- and SCG-group animals did. Sham group, the animal underwent the carotid manipulation with blunt-tipped forceps as well as the dissection of nasociliary and post-ganglionic parasympathetic nerve fibers around the ethmoidal foramen, but without cutting any nerves.


Some sufferers also have sexual fetishes involving amputees.


更多网络解释与切断手术相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


变得情绪激动became agitated | 癫痫epilepsy | (外科手术)切断、截肢amputate


amputate 切除 | amputation 切断手术 | amputator 切断器

secondary amputation:二期切断术:在肉芽面愈合期间施行之切断术

rectangular amputation 直角形切断术:手术时作成一长一短之直角形皮瓣... | Ricard's amputation Ricard切断术:胫跟关节间离断,距骨切除,并置跟骨于... | secondary amputation 二期切断术:在肉芽面愈合期间施行之切断术


amputation 切断手术 | amputator 切断器 | amrita 仙露

amputator:切断者, 切断器

amputation | 切断手术 | amputator | 切断者, 切断器 | amputee | 受切断手术的人


amputator | 切断者, 切断器 | amputee | 受切断手术的人 | amrad gum | 象苹果胶


临床上常用的神经破坏手术包括周围神经切断术 (neurotomy)、交感神经截断术(sympathectomy)、全部或局部脊髓切断术(cordotomy, commissurotomy,

Myotomy of scalaneus muscle:斜角肌切断术

肌炎手术 -其它部位 myositis-other myositis | 斜角肌切断术Myotomy of scalaneus muscle | 斜颈手术Operation for torticollis/wry neck

osteoplastic amputation:骨成形性切断术:行切断术时,将两个骨的断面相接触,以利结合

operative amputation 手术切断术:用外科手术切除身体之一部 | osteoplastic amputation 骨成形性切断术:行切断术时,将两个骨的断面相接触,以利结合 | oval amputation 卵圆形切断术:行切断术时,切口作成两条相反弧...

Subcutaneous tenectomy:腱、韧带皮下切断手术

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