英语人>词典>汉英 : 分配性 的英文翻译,例句
分配性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与分配性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We can attains some conclusions in this paper, Nozick emphasizes the rightness of property holding and historic justification of the origin of property, Rawls highlights on the right of equality and cares for people who live in inferior position. Nozick stresses the ownership of natural development of property "holding" and advocates the theory of "the minimal state". In order to arrive at goals of social justice and good, Rawls tries to reduce the gap in social and natural chanciness, and insists on the redistribution of property under the interposition of the public reason and public power.


According to Lowi, the policy can he classified into configurative policy, distribute policy, regulative policy and redistribute policy.


In this paper, the mutual relations of these additional conditions are investigated systematically and clarified. It is proved that each one of these conditions implies distributivity. Furthermore, the mutual relations of normal residuated lattices, subnormal residuated lattices, BL-algebras and sub-BL-algebras and that they are all distributive lattice are known.


Two basic notions, such as local distributivity and meet-compacy are introduced.


In the second part, we consider the intrinsic structure of the partition of ω, study the separativity of the orders (ω,≤ and discuss the distributivity of the lattices


Viewing from different angles,one can see the features the transfer payment embodies:redistribution,gratuitousness,presentation and indirect regulation.


For that reason, it is often helpful to look at subtraction as addition of the minuend and the opposite of the subtrahend, that is a b = a +.


Governments also need to be careful in considering the distributional impact of subsidies.


At a glance, the separativity of partial order and the distributiveness seems coherent.


Becausecommunity economy is a new developing model and is not fit inwith traditional system,it is restricted by system—restrain,policy—restrain,distribution—restrain and law—restrain etc.


更多网络解释与分配性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


autocovariance function 自协方差函数 | autodistributivity 自分配性 | automata 自动机

distributive bargaining:分配性協議

Distribution-free test 分配不拘检定 | Distributive bargaining 分配性协议 | Distributive equity 分配公正

Distributivgesetz distributive law:分配律

distributiv distributive 分配的 | Distributivgesetz distributive law 分配律 | Distributivitaet Distributivity 分配性


分配性 distributivity | 旋转式水枪 distributor nozzle | 经销协议 distributorship agreement

weak distributivity:弱分配性

weak discontinuity 弱间断 | weak distributivity 弱分配性 | weak epimorphism 弱满射

infinite distributivity:无限分配性

infinite dimensional 无限维的 | infinite distributivity 无限分配性 | infinite half plane 半无限平面

general distributivity:无限分配性

general distributive law 一般分配律 | general distributivity 无限分配性 | general equation 一般方程

right distributivity:右分配性

right distributive 右分配的 | right distributivity 右分配性 | right divisor 右因子

Distributivitaet Distributivity:分配性

Distributivgesetz distributive law 分配律 | Distributivitaet Distributivity 分配性 | divergent divergent 发散的

Distributive property:分配性

discrete-time 離散時間 | distributive property 分配性 | element 元素