英语人>词典>汉英 : 分支科学 的英文翻译,例句
分支科学 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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It's warning and outcry for mediocrity of human society by the superiority.Under the surrounding, The library can put a good equitant development into execution dependent upon whether the leader have a "sage jewel" of scientific decision making to understand and exert it's great signification poignantly.He delve library science and acquaint with professional skill, we can get a lot of practical experience from ancientness and today,Chinese and foreign. At the present time,run back over historical development of libary's management, getting a realization on property of common service and roles definitely.


The author first traces the evolution of the practice and theory of multiculturalism, delineating its course from an assimilationist approach that aimed at the perpetuation, transmission, and promotion of the cultural beliefs of the dominant community to an integrationist approach that aimed for equal opportunity within a culturally diverse and mutually tolerant society to cultural pluralism, which accepts and actively promotes diversity.


Also help the students insight in the 21st century interdisciplinary branch of plant science will be even further infiltrated the differences between various branches and limits and gradually reduce the trend of development.


Morphology is divided into two sub-branches: inflectional morphology and lexical or derivational morphology.


Though AI is a embranchment of Computer Science,it's research field is not only refer to computer science but also refer to physiology, psychology, glossology,logic,math and many other sciences.


Comprehensive resource science can be furtherdivided into seven subdisciplines,similarly,departmentalresource science can be further divided intonine subdisciplines;as the pandect and application in specific area of resource science,academic resource science and regional resource science can be further divided respectively.A 3d-network system model of the discipline development on resource sciences is put forward.


Behavioristic geography is a newly emerged branch of science, and also a frontier science between geography and psychology.


It's warning and outcry for mediocrity of human society by the superiority.Under the surrounding, The library can put a good equitant development into execution dependent upon whether the leader have a "sage jewel" of scientific decision making to understand and exert it's great signification poignantly.He delve library science and acquaint with professional skill, we can get a lot of practical experience from ancientness and today,Chinese and foreign. At the present time,run back over historical development of libary's management, getting a realization on property of common service and roles definitely.


The journal publishes original research articles, reviews, editorials, commentaries, case reports and letters to the editor, on all branches of medicine and dentistry including basic sciences (anatomy, biochemistry, physiology, pharmacology, psychology, etc) and clinical sciences (internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology, dental surgery, child health, laboratory sciences, radiology, community medicine, etc), as well as the intermediating and background social factors influencing health in developing countries.


Based on the available knowledge of pollution ecology of mangrove combined with the data on tideland pollution in Guangdong Province the paper conducts a scientific judgment on whether some polluted tidelands in this Province can be sued for establishing mangrove plantations or not so as to provide a scientific guideline for selecting the species to suit a tideland or selecting a tideland to suit the species in constructing ecological and public welfare mangrove system along the coast of the Province at pre .


更多网络解释与分支科学相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


空气动力学(Aerodynamics)是研究物体在与周围空气作相对运动时两者之间相互作用力的关系及运动规律的科学,它属于流体力学的一个重要分支. 长期以来,空气动力学成果的应用多侧重于航空及气象领域,特别是在航空领域内这门科学取得了巨大的进展,



Environmental Biology:环境生物学

4环境生物学(Environmental Biology)是研究生物与受人类干扰的环境之间相互作用规律及其机理的科学,是环境科学的一个分支学科. 6生态毒理学(Ecotoxicology)是研究环境压力对生态系统内的种群和群落的生态学和毒理学效应,

Sport Biomechanics:运动生物力学

运动生物力学(Sport Biomechanics)是生物力学的一个分支,是研究人体运动力学规律的科学,它是体育科学的重要组成部分. 运动生物力学研究运动中人体所进行的各种体育动作,以及在各种不同条件下,人体产生运动和运动状态改变的力学和生物学原因.


「我们并不把时间看得特别重要,」蔡亚皮在1997>(BioScience)的一篇文章中被引用说:「我们只认为化石纪录不完全. 」但批判者,鲁斌(John Ruben) ,俄勒岗州立大学的古生物学家辩称,化石纪录不完全是可质疑的,但不支持分支论者的妄想.

economic geography:经济地理学

经济地理学(Economic Geography)是人文地理学的一们重要的分支学科. 以研究生产分布的地域体系为其中心内容. 由经济地理学所研究的这类经济现象受到地域(空间)的制约,其特点是地理学和经济学这两门科学研究的边缘,因此它在科学的分类中的地位化较复杂,

forensic psychiatry:法医精神病学

法医精神病学(forensic psychiatry)是研究人的精神障碍、精神健康与法律相关问题的医学分支科学. 广义的法医精神病学研究的内容涉及与法律相关的精神障碍和各种精神健康问题,泛称精神病学与法律(psychiatry and law)或法律精神病学(legal psychiatry).


药剂学(pharmaceutics)是研究药物制剂的基本理论、处方设计、制备工艺、质量控制和合理使用等的综合性技术科学. 药剂学是药学科学的重要分支学科,也是药学、制剂、制药工程学等专业的主要专业课,对我国新形势下药学科学和医药产业的发展具有重要而特殊的作用.

Physiology:生理学 ","生理学

生理学 生理学(physiology)是生物科学的一个分支,是以生物机体的生命活动现象和机体各个组成部分的功能为研究对象的一门科学. 生理学是研究活机体的正常生命活动规律的生物学分支学科. 活机体包括最简单的微生物到最复杂的人体. 生理学...

life-and-death education:生死教育

1928年至1957年几十年的时间里,美国就有学者和专家开始探索有关死亡主题的教育,即"死亡教育"(Deatheducation),20世纪50年代末60年代初正式兴起,成为一门教育分支科学,后随着教育的不断深入,发展为"生死教育"(Life and Death Education),从此以后,西方许多国家开始效仿美国,