英语人>词典>汉英 : 分布动脉 的英文翻译,例句
分布动脉 的英文翻译、例句


distributing arteries
更多网络例句与分布动脉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods The origins and types of the arteries of ileocecum and ascending colon and the relation between the length of intestines and the blood vessels were observed on 50 adult cadaver specimens.

方法在 5 0例成人尸体标本上对回盲部和升结肠的动脉来源、分布类型及各类型动脉分布肠管的长度进行观察和测量。

Methods Radionuclide ambulatory renography and color Doppler renal hemodynamics were studied in 30 patients with esential hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy and 21 healthy control group. The glomerular filtration rate,renal index and the distribution of intrarenal artery were investigated.The resistive index, the systolic peak velocity,andthe low diastolic flow velocity and acceleration time of theintrarenal arterial flow were measured. Results Compared with control group the density of intrarenal artery of patients with esential hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy were significantly decreased.


Results Critical stenosis or occlusion of contralateral arteries were found in the siphonic part of internal carotid artery in 6 patients, terminal ICA or proximal middle cerebral artery in 6 patients, and distal MCA in 1 patient. Seven patients had proximal ICA occlusion. The brain MRI showed typical watershed cerebral infarctions in 8 patients.

结果 所有患者均存在对侧颅内外血管严重狭窄或闭塞,其责任血管分布:颈内动脉虹吸段6例;颈内动脉末端或大脑中动脉起始部6例;大脑中动脉的M2段1例;颈内动脉起始部7例。8例头颅磁共振显示典型的分水岭脑梗死。6例行血管重建治疗,临床未再发作。

Bladder artery comes from umbilical artery and along the bladder border to the bladder top and branchestoward bladder ventrally or dosally wall.


Methods In 18 adult upper extremity cadavers,origins,courses, branches,distribution and the anastomosis of the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve,basilic vein and their nutrient vessels were studied under the operating microscope.5 fresh adult cadavers,photographic developer were injected in the artery.


Objective To investigate the distribution of intracranial or extracranial arteriostenosis in patients with transient ischemic attack, and analyze the correlation between distribution of arteriostenosis and prognosis.

目的 观察短暂性脑缺血发作患者颅内外动脉狭窄的分布情况,评价颅内外动脉狭窄的分布与预后的关系。

CD8~+ cell is the main T lymphocyte subset in spleen, and B lymphocyte mainly is IgG~+ cell, moreover the amount of these B lymphocytes could exceed CD3~+ T lymphocyte subset after 7 days. CD8~+ cell is the main T lymphocyte subset in tonsil of appendix, and B lymphocyte is IgM~+ cell, and the amount could exceed CD3~+ T lymphocytes after 35 days. After 21 days, B lymphocytes in esophago tonsil are the main IgA~+ cells and the amount exceeds CD3~+ lymphocytes. The amount of CD4~+ lymphocytes is more than CD8+ lymphocytes.4. CD3~+、CD4~+ and CD8~+ T lymphocytes in spleen mainly distribute in periarterial lymphoid sheath. However IgM~+、IgG~+ and IgA~+ cells mainly distribute in ellipsoid periarterial lymphoid sheath and germinal center. T lymphocytes in appendix tonsil mainly distribute in middle and inferior part of mucous and the B lymphocytes mainly in middle and mucous between 4~7 days. Whereafter T, B lymphocytes equably distribute in mucous. CD4~+ cells arrange tightly and mainly occupy the central part in aggregates of T lymphocytes in esophago tonsil and CD8~+ lymphocytes mainly distribute in periphery. Meanwhile B lymphocytes encircle the periphery of aggregates of T lymphocytes. The aggregates of B lymphocytes is mainly the germinal center with lots of IgM~+、IgG~+ and IgA~+ cells. Meanwihle T lymphocytes encircle the periphery of aggregates of B lymphocytes.5. There is an intimate relationship between the development of tissue structure of peripheral immune organs and lymphcytopoiesis. The maturation of tissue structure is stimulated by the immigration of lymphocytes and the mature tissue structure provides place where lymphocytes grow mature and functionate.


Internal iliac arteries can be divided into five anatomic types according to superior gluteal artery, inferior gluteal artery, and pudendal artery.


There are abundant anastomoses between arteries, namely, collateral, distributing and functional networks distinguished by the differcnt calibres of the anastomosing channels.


All afferent and efferent vessels were measured and recorded. Results Anterior scrotal artery coming from superficial external pudendal arteries is divided into medial and lateral branches at lateral penile base and spread out on lateral and anterior surface of scrotum. Diameter of internal branches are(0.54±0.34)mm and (0.69±0.09)mm. Lateral scrotal artery(100%present rate, 0.62±0.19mm in diameter)originating from obturator artery distributes to lateral side of scrotum.Posterior scrotal artery is separated into lateral branches and septal scrotal artery at posterior scrotal ploe. The former(0.8±0.1mm in diameter)spreads to lateral and posterior region of scrotum.


更多网络解释与分布动脉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

arteriovenous anastomosis:动-静脉吻合

称动静脉吻合(arteriovenous anastomosis). 此段血管的管壁较厚,有发达的纵行平滑肌层和丰富的血管运动神经末梢,动静脉吻合收缩时,血液由微动脉流入毛细血管;动静脉吻合松弛时,微动脉血液经此直接流入微静脉. 动静脉吻合主要分布在指、趾、唇和鼻等处的皮肤内及某些器官内,

dorsal aorta:背主动脉

动脉: 背主动脉(dorsal aorta)1对,位于原始肠管的背侧. 以后从咽至尾端的左、右背主动脉合并成为一条,沿途发出许多分支. 从腹侧发出数对卵黄动脉(vitelline artery),分布于卵黄囊,还有一对脐动脉(umbilical artery)经体蒂分布于绒毛膜.

left atrium:(三)左心房

右房室口right atrioventricular orifice | (三)左心房 left atrium | 分支分布 上颌动脉maxillary a.

carotid body:颈动脉体

颈动脉体(carotid body)位于颈总动脉分叉处,传入纤维位于窦神经中. 主动脉体(aortic body)散在分布于主脉和肺动脉之间的组织中,传入纤维位迷走神经内. 上述外周化学感受器受到刺激后,其感觉信号分别由窦神经和迷走神经传入至延髓孤束核,

carotid glomus:颈动脉小球

分布于喉和甲状腺;舌动脉在舌骨大角上方向前上,潜入口腔底部;面动脉通过二腹肌后腹与茎突舌骨肌深侧入下颌下三角.2.颈动脉窦(carotid sinus)和颈动脉小球(carotid glomus) 观察颈总动脉末端和颈内动脉起始处膨大的颈动脉窦,

juxtamedullary nephron:近髓肾单位

肾单位按其在肾脏中的位置不同分为皮质肾单位(cortical nephron)和近髓肾单位(juxtamedullary nephron). 皮质肾单位分布于皮质浅表部,其肾小球体积小,入球小动脉比出球小动脉粗;髓袢短,最深只达外髓层;其出球小动脉再分成毛细血管后几乎全部分布到肾小管周围.

juxtamedullary nephron:髓旁肾单位

充血性心力衰竭或肾病综合征时,肾脏血流量随有效循环血量的减少而下降,发生肾内血流重新分布,髓旁肾单位(juxtamedullary nephron)血流量明显增多,由于髓旁肾单位的出球小动脉比入球小动脉收缩更显著,有效滤过压增高,使GFR和FF均增大.

umbilical artery:脐动脉

从腹侧发出数对卵黄动脉(vitelline artery),分布于卵黄囊,还有一对脐动脉(umbilical artery)经体蒂分布于绒毛膜. 从背侧发出许多成对的节间动脉,从两侧还发出其它一些分支. 在胚胎头端还有6对弓动脉(aortic arch),分别穿行于相应的鳃弓内,

vitelline artery:卵黄动脉

从腹侧发出数对卵黄动脉(vitelline artery),分布于卵黄囊,还有一对脐动脉(umbilical artery)经体蒂分布于绒毛膜. 从背侧发出许多成对的节间动脉,从两侧还发出其它一些分支. 在胚胎头端还有6对弓动脉(aortic arch),分别穿行于相应的鳃弓内,

rete mirabile:迷网

微血管网是一个由动脉微血管和静脉微血管组成的结构,称为迷网(rete mirabile),能往鳔内分泌气体. 分布到气腺下的动脉微血管来自背大动脉或腹腔肠系膜动脉,静脉微血管离气腺后,经鳔静脉而注入肝门脉系统.