英语人>词典>汉英 : 刀尖 的英文翻译,例句
刀尖 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

nose of tool · tool nose · point of a knife · point of a sword
更多网络例句与刀尖相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I want to look at the mowers, and wonder why fatness, elderliness, and black trousers should inevitably wear a new straw hat of the boater variety, move in stiff jerks, shove the end of the scythe-strokes with a certain violence, and win my hearty disapproval, as contrasted with young long thinness, bright blue cotton trousers, a bare black head, and a pretty lifting movement at the end of the scythe-stroke.


He lunged towards his messmates in turn a thick slice of bread, impaled on his knife


Let the blade fall to the front to a position near the horizontal, elbow well away from the body, forearm and saber forming one straight line, edge of the blade to the right, point at height of adversary's breast, at the same time placing the left hand, closed, 6 inches in front of the belt buckle to simulate the position of the bridle hand.

让刀下落至前面接近水平,肘离开身体,前臂和军刀形成一条直线,刀刃向右,刀尖指向敌人胸前。同时将左手紧握,置于皮带扣前6 寸的位置,模仿握缰绳。

Wearing the broad-brimmed Breton hat that was her hallmark, her scissors hanging from a ribbon around her neck, and her four fingers held firmly together in spite of severe arthritis, she would feel for defects. Working directly on the model, she often picked a apart with the point of her scissors, complaining that it was unwearable.


Post-containing impurities will directly affect the burin, damage tip.


And the influence of the knifepoint geometry and the sharpness of the cutting edge on processing quality in ultra-precision cutting is analyzed.


The ultra-precision cutting is of the interaction between knifepoint geometry of the tool and work-piece.


The implanted thermocouple cannot measure the workpiece temperature directly because the thermocouple junction is away from the workpiece. Infrared radiation pyrometer can response fast.


The system measured the tool angle, corner radius and cutting edge of tools, against the tool wear of numerical control machine and machining center.


This paper presents the Machining Tool geometry of the former flank, the main flank, flank, the main cutting edge, Under the cutting edge tip cutting plane, the main section, the former Kok, horn, wedge angle edge angle, pointed knife, the blade angle, vice horn, Under the Frontier concept, the concept of cutting consumption, and the general circumstances of their choice method for processing slender shaft. cast iron materials, aluminum, stainless steel, rubber materials, plexiglass material, cloth bakelite materials, high temperature alloys, aluminum-magnesium alloy, hardened steel, the typical trapezoidal thread, the thread Triangle, Speaking at the trapezoidal screw thread pitch of the Tool geometry of the selection methods and cutting the amount of cutting fluids reasonable choice.


更多网络解释与刀尖相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

disruptive strength:破裂强度

Disposable carbide tip 弃换式碳化物刀尖块 | Disruptive strength 破裂强度 | Dissimilar metal corrosion 异极[金属]腐蚀

Hin Value:锥度刀从刀尖沿着刀轴的垂直距离

Highlight 高亮 | Hin Value 锥度刀从刀尖沿着刀轴的垂直距离 | Holder Length 装夹台长度


knifeboard 磨刀板 | knifepoint 刀尖 | knifesmith 刀匠

micropoint precision tool grinder:微型刀尖精密刀具磨床

micropluviometer | 微雨量器 | micropoint precision tool grinder | 微型刀尖精密刀具磨床 | micropolariscope | 测微偏振镜,偏光显微镜

sword dance:刀尖舞

sword cut 剑伤 | sword dance 刀尖舞 | sword grass 剑状叶草


几何刀尖的产生从日本的说法是当武士刀因格斗而断裂时,将断裂的刀子制成短刀(Tanto),而将刀尖斜切成一个斜角. 日本传统日式刀剑的分类,刀长超过24"的称为太刀(Katana)﹔脇指(Wakizashi)为12 - 24"﹔短刀(Tanto)为短於12".

turming somersaults an knives--playing with ones life:刀尖上翻筋斗--玩命

竹篮打水--一场空. Drawing water with a bamboo basket--achieving n... | 刀尖上翻筋斗--玩命. turming somersaults an knives--playing with ones life. | 和尚的脑壳--没法(发)A monk's head--without hair(no wa...

cross bit:十字形刀尖器

交叉皮帶 cross belt | 十字形刀尖器 cross bit | 交叉拉條 cross bracing

end land:刀尖

end key ==> 结束键 | end land ==> 刀尖 | end lap ==> 末端搭接,端搭叠,端搭接

tool angle:刀尖角,刀具角

tool and cutter grinding machine ==> 工具磨床 | tool angle ==> 刀尖角,刀具角 | tool apron ==> 刀座