英语人>词典>汉英 : 函数的积分 的英文翻译,例句
函数的积分 的英文翻译、例句


integral of a function
更多网络例句与函数的积分相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We prove the fuzzy set-valued characteristicfunction of a compact Baire fuzzy set can be approached by fuzzy set-valuedcontinuous functions with fuzzy compact support sets,the integral of integrablesimple Baire fuzzy set-valued function can be approached not only by the integralsof integral simple fuzzy set-valued functions,but also by the integrals of fuzzy set-valued continuous function with fuzzy compact support sets.


The paper simply introduced the basic principle of surface nuclear magnetic resonance and computed the numerical integral of nuclear magnetic resonance kernel function which contained double Bessel functions using the method of Gauss quadrature and continued fraction expansion, and then discussed influence of conductivity to nuclear magnetic resonance′s signal.


This article analyzed laser gain function and Voigt function I( v,v0 ), pointed out that the integral difficulty originate from Dopper and Lorentz profiles.


In chapter 3, we introduce a new family of functions with negative coefficients T,...


Integral of one variable functions, improper integral and its convergence properties.

本课程的主要内容包括:1 各种极限运算,其中包括数列极限、函数极限以及上、下极限;2 一元函数的微分学,包括微分和导数的运算法则、微分中值定理及其应用等;3 一元函数的积分和广义积分及其收敛性;4 级数及其收敛性,包括数值级数的收敛性和函数项级数的各种运算和性质;5 多元函数的微分学及其应用,其中很多方面与一元函数的微分学近似,需要注意它们之间的区别;6 多元函数的积分学,包括多重积分的性质与计算,多重积分的的应用等;7 曲线、曲面积分及其应用;8 含参变量积分的计算与性质;9 Fourier 级数及其应用,等等。

On the whole, we do as follows: Firstly, we list some conceptions and lemmas for later use. Secondly, we define δ-fine partitions for infinite interval and integral of vector-valued functions on infinite interval, and discuss the properties of integral, and characterize its primitives...


In this paper, we generalized the reverse Shebyshev inequality and obtained the integral inequality of two vector function s, whose monotone of correspondence elements is reverse.


Secondly, we introduce the integral operator , where is an operator-valued functions, and derive some argument properties of the integral operator and some interesting corollaries as the special case.


As we know,the integration by parts reveals the direct relationsbetween the integration of a function and that of its derivative.


Based on this and the relations between integral and integral, integral and Riemann integral are established.


更多网络解释与函数的积分相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

calculus of variations:变分法

变分法(calculus of variations)是处理函数的函数的数学领域.和处理数的函数的普通微积分相对.譬如.这样的泛函可以通过未知函数的积分和它的导数来构造.变分法最终寻求的是极值函数:它们使得泛函取得极大或极小值.有些曲线上的经典问题采用这

improper integral of unbounded functions:无界函数的反常积分

无穷限的反常积分 improper integral on an infinite interval | 无界函数的反常积分 improper integral of unbounded functions | 绝对收敛 absolutely convergent

improper integral on an infinite interval:无穷限的反常积分

反常积分收敛 the improper integral is convergent | 无穷限的反常积分 improper integral on an infinite interval | 无界函数的反常积分 improper integral of unbounded functions

integrable simple function:可积分单纯函数

可积分单纯函数 integrable simple function | 整的;积分;解 integral | 围道积分 integral around a contour

integral of a differential equation:微分方程的积分

integral number 整数 | integral of a differential equation 微分方程的积分 | integral of a function 函数的积分

integral of a function:函数的积分

integral of a differential equation 微分方程的积分 | integral of a function 函数的积分 | integral operator 积分算子

integral operator:积分算子

integral of a function 函数的积分 | integral operator 积分算子 | integral part 整数部分

How to use the table of integral formulas:积分表的使用

Integrations of several special functions 几种特殊类型函数的积分 | How to use the table of integral formulas积分表的使用 | The definite Integral and its applications定积分及其应用

kernel function:核函数

它将描述场的函数用"核函数(kernel function)逼近"近似表达为任意函数和核函数的乘积的积分(实质为将某一点的属性用另一区域的属性来描述,核函数建立这两者之间的关联),然后作"质点逼近",用一系列粒子将这个场离散化(即积分式的级数表达).

Integrations of several special functions:几种特殊类型函数的积分

Integration by parts 分部积分法 | Integrations of several special functions 几种特殊类型函数的积分 | How to use the table of integral formulas积分表的使用