英语人>词典>汉英 : 出租马车 的英文翻译,例句
出租马车 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cab  ·  hackney  ·  cabbed  ·  cabbing  ·  cabs  ·  hackneying  ·  hackneys

hackney coach · hackney carriage
更多网络例句与出租马车相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the way back to Baker Street in the taxi, Holmes sat thinking deeply.


On the way back to Baker Street in the taxi,Holmes sat thinking deeply.


His principal object must be to discover the number of the hackney coach which took them from Clapham.


1104A hackneycar, number three hundred and twentyfour, with a gallantbuttocked mare, driven by James Barton, Harmony Avenue, Donnybrook, trots past.


He meant, I believe," replied Jane,"to go to Epsom, the place where they last changed horses, see the postilions, and try if any thing could be made out from them.


Impossible; and besides, the people in the carriage would assuredly notice an individual running at full speed in pursuit of a fiacre, and the father would recognize him.


In Paris, Flaubert used a closed cab to avoid detection, and presumably seduction,by .


When they were in the street they did not find a carriage; and they began to look for one, shouting after the cabmen whom they saw passing by at a distance.


Besides the maskers, they stared at that procession--peculiar to Shrove Tuesday as to Longchamps,-- of vehicles of every description, citadines, tapissieres, carioles, cabriolets marching in order, rigorously riveted to each other by the police regulations, and locked into rails, as it were.


He had sometimes propelled her on warm summer evenings, an infirm widow of independent, if limited, means, in her convalescent bathchair with slow revolutions of its wheels as far as the corner of the North Circular road opposite Mr Gavin Low's place of business where she had remained for a certain time scanning through his onelensed binocular fieldglasses unrecognisable citizens on tramcars, roadster bicycles equipped with inflated pneumatic tyres, hackney carriages, tandems, private and hired landaus, dogcarts, ponytraps and brakes passing from the city to the Phoenix Park and vice versa.


更多网络解释与出租马车相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


highway 大路 | cabby计程车司机,出租马车车夫 | terminal 终点,航空集结站


wallaby 澳洲土人 | cabby 计程车司机,出租马车的车夫 | tabby 老处女


cabling /接缆/ | cabman /计程车司机/出租马车的车夫/ | cabob /一种烤肉/


fgets 函数 | fiacre 出租马车 | fiance 未婚夫


four-wheel 四轮的 | four-wheeler 四轮出租马车 | fourbagger 全垒打

hackney coach:出租马车

hackney carriage 出租马车 | hackney coach 出租马车 | hackney 乘用马

hackney carriage:出租马车

hackmatack 杜松 | hackney carriage 出租马车 | hackney coach 出租马车


sadhu(印度的)圣人 | jehu出租马车赶车人,出租汽车司机 | lulu卓越的人,引人注目的人物

livery coach:出租马车

23. 双马马车 span carriage | 24. 出租马车 livery coach | 25. 马车行 livery stable


livery 侍从 | liveryman 出租马车者 | livestock 家畜