英语人>词典>汉英 : 出生地 的英文翻译,例句
出生地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

one's native heath · place of birth
更多网络例句与出生地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Hope" is the thing with feathers—That perches in the soul—And sings the tune without the words—And never stops—at all— And sweetest — in the Gale— is heart—And sore must be the storm—That could abash the little bird—That kept so many warm— I've heard it in the chilliest land—And on the strangest Sea—Yet, never, in Extremity,It asked a crumb — of me.

希望是鸟儿,在人们心灵栖居,唱着无词的歌儿,永无止息。心灵是甜蜜的避风港只有猛烈的风暴,才能威胁希望,这慰藉心灵的小鸟。它歌唱在最寒冷的地方最陌生的海洋纵然身处绝境,也不索取分毫。爱米莉·狄更生(1830.12.10 ~1886.05.15)是美国文学史上最伟大的诗人之一。她的一生几乎都是在出生地——美国马萨

And say, Thus says the Lord Jehovah to Jerusalem, Your origin and your birth are from the land of Canaan; your father was an Amorite, and your mother was a Hittite.

16:3 说,主耶和华对耶路撒冷如此说,你的根源和出生地,是在迦南地;你父亲是亚摩利人,你母亲是赫人。

Archaeologists have unearthed a massive tomb in the northern Greek town of Pella, capital of the ancien..


However, as the birthplace of Aphrodite, the goddess of love, Cyprus is perhaps the most romantic island in the world.


He proposed that the new town be named Argyle after the one where he was born.


I believe his is an autobiographical course, which began in the place of his birth, Henan.


The phonetic coordinate axis of ones mother tongue plays a leading role for foreign language learners, especially for adult foreign language learners.


British accomplices in last week's botched efforts could yet be unearthed, but so far the suspects are Indian, Jordanian and Iraqi (though one was born in Aylesbury).


Ford Prefect was at this moment under great stress, and he was born 600 light years away in the near vicinity of Betelgeuse.


Lynelle Beveridge, adopted from war-torn Saigon by an Australian family in 1973, was cycling around Vietnam's Mekong Delta region in 2000, on her first trip back to her birthplace.

Lynelle Beveridge, 1973年她在战争蹂躏的西贡被一个澳洲家庭收养的。她在2000年第一次回到出生地时,曾经骑车环游湄公河三角洲。

更多网络解释与出生地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

birth place:出生地

birth pangs | (分娩时之)阵痛, 创业之难 | birth place | 出生地 | birth statistics | 出生统计


对乔利来说是一大警醒---她从此理解了她那贵为影帝的父亲约翰.沃特,父女俩相互扶持,乔利开始敲好莱坞的门南拳妈妈_歌_图片_专辑 小档案: 出生地(Birthplace):美国洛杉矶(LosAngeles,

bp birthplace:出生地

bkts baskets 篮子 | bp birthplace 出生地 | br branch;brother 分支;兄弟

His birthplace:出生地

Well, for one thing, what's his real name?|呃 首先 他的真实姓名? | His birthplace?|出生地? | Syria. Hama.|叙利亚 哈马

Birthplace Registration:出生地登记

戶籍更正登記 Registration of Change of Household | 出生地登記 Birthplace Registration | 換領國民身分證 Application for Identification Card

the birthplace of:的出生地

在山脚下 at the foot of the mountain | . . . . 的出生地 the birthplace of | 稍做休息 relax a little bit

citizenship by birth:根据出生地取的国籍(或公民资格)

citizenship n. 公民权;公民资格,公民身份;国籍 | citizenship by birth 根据出生地取的国籍(或公民资格) | citizenship by descent 根据出生地的国籍(或公民资格)

citizenship by birth:根据出生地取的国籍(或公民资格)的

citizenship n. 公民权;公民资格,公民身份;国籍的 | citizenship by birth 根据出生地取的国籍(或公民资格)的 | citizenship by descent 根据出生地的国籍(或公民资格)的

citizenship by birth:按照出生地取的国籍(某人民资格)

citizenship n. 人民权;人民资格,人民身份;国籍 | citizenship by birth 按照出生地取的国籍(某人民资格) | citizenship by descent 按照出生地的国籍(某人民资格)

jus soli:出生地法; 出生地主义

jus singulare;例外法则; 特别法;; | jus soli;出生地法; 出生地主义;; | jus standi;确认的权利; 诉讼权利;;