英语人>词典>汉英 : 出生于 的英文翻译,例句
出生于 的英文翻译、例句


come from · hail from
更多网络例句与出生于相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Associated Press reports that there are 33 foreign-born players on the U.S. Olympic team, including four Chinese-born table tennis players, a kayaker from Britain, seven members of the track-and-field team — as well as Lopez Lomong, one of the Lost Boys of Sudan's civil war, who was resettled in the U.S.


However, boxing was very brutal, for there were no rules and a prize-fighter could be serious injured or even dyed during a match


Mr Rann was born in Sidcup, Kent, in 1953.His father an electrician who fought at El Alamein.


Mr. Smythe was born in Bunting , Bradin Couaty , Kentucky , on Thursday , April 12 , 1922 , at a time when economic conditions were unsettled


Mr. Smythe was born in Bunting , Bradin Couaty , Kentucky , on Thursday , April 12 , 1922 , at a time when economic conditions were unsettle d


Mr. Smythe was born in Bunting , Bradin Cou at y , Kentucky , on Thursday , April 12 , 1922 , at a time when economic conditions were unsettled


Mr. Smythe was born in Bunting , Bradin Couaty , Kentucky , on Thursday , April 12 , 1922 , at a time when ec on omic c on diti on s were unsettled


You were born in May and he was horn in October.


You were born in May he was horn in October.


Whigs, eager to deliver what the public wanted, took advantage of this and declared that Harrison was "the log cabin and hard cider candidate," a man of the common people from the rough-and-tumble West. They depicted Harrison's opponent, President Martin Van Buren, as a wealthy snob who was out of touch with the people. In fact, it was Harrison who came from a wealthy, prominent family while Van Buren was from a poor, working family.

辉格党汲汲营营于给众人所需要的一切,利用这一点告诉人民哈里森就像是「住在木屋中、、喝含酒精苹果汁的候选人」(the log cabin and hard cider candidate)、和所有来自混乱西部地区的人们没有什么不同,他们攻击哈里森的竞争对手、也就是当时的现任总统马丁范布伦,是个生来富裕的傲慢者、不瞭解一般人民的生活状况;事实上,哈里森自己才是出生于富有、显赫家庭的候选人,范布伦才是生于贫穷、劳工阶级的候选人。

更多网络解释与出生于相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I was born on April Fools' Day:我出生于四月的愚人节

0099. He is easy to approach. 他易于接近. | 0100. I was born on April Fools' Day. 我出生于四月的愚人节. | 0101. We are ready. 我们(是)准备好了.

be born into:出生于

be born in 出生于(时间、地点) | be born into 出生于... | be born of 出身于(家庭)

be born into a poor family:出生于一个贫穷的家庭

16. work as a volunteer teacher 当一名教师志愿者 | 17. be born into a poor family 出生于一个贫穷的家庭 | 18. help people in need 帮助有需要的人

be born in:出生于

be better off处境较好,情况好转 | be born in出生于...... | be born of出生于......(家庭)

be born in:出生于(时间、地点)

book up:预定(座位),安排好时间 | be born in...:出生于(时间、地点) | be born of...:出生于(家庭)

be born of:出生于......(家庭)

be born in出生于...... | be born of出生于......(家庭) | be buried in沉思,陷入,专心于

border on:接界;接近,非常像 born of 源于;出生于

bomb out 把(地方等)炸毁 | border on 接界;接近,非常像 born of 源于;出生于 | both...and... 既...又...,不但...而且

born in the purple:出生于名门望族

birthday suit 一丝不挂 | born in the purple 出生于名门望族 | break the ice 打破僵局,创造新局面

I was born:地名 我出生于

11. Where were you born? 你在哪里出生? | I was born + 地名 我出生于...... | 12. When were you born? 你出生于什么时候?

I was born:时间 我出生于

12. When were you born? 你出生于什么时候? | I was born+ 时间 我出生于...... | 13. How long did he hiccup? 他打了多长时间的嗝?