英语人>词典>汉英 : 出版物 的英文翻译,例句
出版物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
publication  ·  publications

更多网络例句与出版物相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Since 1998 he is a special correspondent to "The Washington Quarterly", published by the Center for Strategic and International Studies and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

1978年他发表了:《中国:从文化革命到工业革命》("CHINA: From Cultural to Industrial Revolution"),柯伟梁先生已经撰写了大量的英语出版物。1998年,他成为战略与国际问题研究中心和麻省理工学院主办的《华盛顿季刊》的特派记者。

Chapter 9 highlights the challenges, Critical Success Factors and risks faced during Service Operation, while the Afterword summarizes and concludes the publication.


A unit of advertising copy equal to one agate line one column wide printed in one million copies of a publication.


The Soviets published the concept of the Tu-144 in an article in the January 1962 issue of the magazine Technology of the Air Transport. The air ministry started development of the Tu-144 on 26 July 1963, following approval by the Council of Ministers ten days earlier.


His most notable publications included the Pennsylvania Gazeetd, a leading colonial newspaper, and poor Richard's almanack, issued in 1732


The operation entities entering the wholesale market must be publication distributing enterprises with the power to wholesaling publications.


Publications discretionally published, printed or reproduced without approval, publications published in a forged or disguised name of a publishing entity or newspaper , the book number, serial number or publisher 's code, and so on


The book industry is not developed independently; it is an industry chainincludes author, publisher, press person, seller, paper making fellow and correlateindustries. Moreover, libraries, education departments and advertisements should beincluded in this chain.


The problem with that model is that a publication could offer the most artistic, elegantly designed and well-photographed publication in the country, but if it missed the boat on content, it has failed in its duty to inform and educate the community it serves.


SALSER is a union catalogue of serials holdings in all Scottish universities, the municipal research libraries of Edinburgh and Glasgow, numerous smaller Scottish research libraries and the National Library of Scotland.


更多网络解释与出版物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

AGA Publication:政府会计师协会出版物

. AGA Membership 政府会计师协会会员资格 | . AGA Publication 政府会计师协会出版物 | . against actuals 期货兑换现货

Congressional debate:国会辩论记录文件(美政府出版物)

eg. beyond debate无疑义, 无可争辩讨论, 争论, 辩论 | Congressional debate国会辩论记录文件(美政府出版物) | hold debate with oneself独自考虑

cutline:(报章、杂志等出版物中插图下的)简短说明, 图例

cutlet | (供烧烤、煎、炸用的)肉片, 肉饼, 炸肉排 | cutline | (报章、杂志等出版物中插图下的)简短说明, 图例 | cutoff altitude | 停车高度(关闭发动机时的高度) 停止供油高度

Publisher: Cygnet Publications:出版商:小天鹅出版物

Number Of Issues: 6 一些问题: 6 | Publisher: Cygnet Publications 出版商:小天鹅出版物 | Studio: Cygnet Publications 工作室:小天鹅出版物

Studio: Cygnet Publications:工作室:小天鹅出版物

Publisher: Cygnet Publications 出版商:小天鹅出版物 | Studio: Cygnet Publications 工作室:小天鹅出版物 | Subscription Length: 365 days 订阅长度: 365天

highbrow publication:学术水平较高的出版物

publication 出版物,刊物;出版,发行 | highbrow publication 学术水平较高的出版物 | triangulation publication 三角点一览表

Publisher: Open House Publications:出版商:公开内部出版物

Manufacturer: Open House Publications 制造商:打开内部出版物 | Publisher: Open House Publications 出版商:公开内部出版物 | Studio: Open House Publications 工作室:开放的内部出版物

Label: Open House Publications:标签:开放的内部出版物

Brand: OPENHOUSE 品牌:开放参观 | Label: Open House Publications 标签:开放的内部出版物 | Manufacturer: Open House Publications 制造商:打开内部出版物

Manufacturer: Open House Publications:制造商:打开内部出版物

Label: Open House Publications 标签:开放的内部出版物 | Manufacturer: Open House Publications 制造商:打开内部出版物 | Publisher: Open House Publications 出版商:公开内部出版物


掌握检索的主要途径:出版物(Publication)、关键词(Keyword)、作者(Author)等. 例1.出版物(Publication)检索利用EBSCO检索IEEE出版物中关于数字电路(digital circuit)的论文(列举两篇相关文献). 例2.关键词(Keyword)或主题词(subject terms)检索:例3.作者(Author)检索