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So they go out in a loose procession something after the manner of a straggling funeral.
If from time immemorial the close relatives' clay-cold family members want to cover with hemp wear a filial piety(wear a white filial piety to take) to do "white matter", establish the white work properly a hall, to beat white 幡 while holding funeral procession;Still treat woman without pubic hair as evil spirit aforetime, so call now bringing a man the woman of the bad luck is "woman without pubic hair star".
These beasts are followed in turn by a group of 12 stone human figures, which represent the funeral cortege of the deceased emperors.
A little before the time for the funeral cortege to arrive at the church there appeared at one of its subsidiary entrances a woman in black, heavily veiled, who took a seat in an inconspicuous corner.
He is driving a hearse.
In The Pallbearer, Schwimmers first film since joining Friends, he starred with Gwyneth Paltrow.
In The Pallbearer, Schwimmers first film since joining Friends, he starred with Gwyneth Paltrow. The film did badly in the USA.
I confess that we were so unpopular with the outrageous mob , that I only got away from England at the risk of being ducked to death, and that Cly was so ferreted up and down, that he never would have got away at all but or that sham.
Jianghuai traditional funeral customs mainly include making shroud and coffin,setting soul and giving obituary notice,encoffining and condoling,doing seven,conducting a funeral procession and burying,and so on.
His home had a slave-girl to die, bade the housekeeper that be on duty says: The old slave-girl of my home died, she listens to handle to have year in my home, should look for encoffin of a bier to hold a funeral procession for her.
- 更多网络解释与出殡相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
1932年初,福克纳便使用过"轶事"(anecdote)一词,在他看来,小说>讲述了"一个与巡回演出的男人私奔的姑娘的轶事". >则从本特伦一家的几个人物的不同角度来叙述母亲遗体出殡的单一事件,明显带有奇闻轶事的味道.
短期监禁A brief jail sentence | 把某人装扮成...Disguise...as... | 出殡队伍Funeral procession
at Desert Haven Funeral Home:永远地安息了
"Stephanie Reyes was laid to rest|"斯蒂芬妮.莱斯 在沙漠港口殡仪馆... | at Desert Haven Funeral Home."|永远地安息了" | Her funeral was last week.|她上个礼拜就出殡了?
funeral procession:出殡队伍
把某人装扮成...Disguise...as... | 出殡队伍Funeral procession | 首选终点站Primary destination
funeral procession:出殡行列
funeral director 丧葬承办人 | funeral procession 出殡行列 | memorial service 追悼会
Pallbearer, The:出殡抱佳人
Pale Rider 单枪匹马闯龙潭 1985 | Pallbearer, The 出殡抱佳人 1997 | Panorama Blues 蓝色电影 1980
The Pallbearer:出殡抱佳人
出道十多年的施维默,除了代表作>之外,也演出过不少影视佳作:电影方面,曾与影后桂莉芙柏德露合演爱情喜剧>(The Pallbearer),另演出了>(Apt Pupil)、>(Picking Up The Pieces)、>(Six Days Sev
Panorama Blues:蓝色电影
Pallbearer, The 出殡抱佳人 1997 | Panorama Blues 蓝色电影 1980 | Panoramic 大宝连开 1985
fundus 基底 | funebrial 出殡的 | funeral home 殡仪馆
The bell is pealing:丧钟凄厉
Like fearful shadows, 一行出殡人 | Slowly passes A funeral train, 恍若鬼影 | The bell is pealing. 丧钟凄厉