- 更多网络例句与出仕相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
By decomposing the cyclotomic polynomial over a finite field, wegive the distribution of linear complexity for periodic sequences over the field, with some special cases discussed.
肖国镇 ,许春香,魏仕民通过对有限域上分圆多项式的分解,给出周期序列的线性复杂度的分布,并就几种特殊情况进行了讨论。
Song Wan had special status and experience.Although he was not turncoat official,as a member of literary and official family in Ming dynasty, he feh enmity towards Qing soldiers who killed his parents and clansman.
But researchers cared nothing about his becoming an official by imperial examinations in Qing dynasty.Song Wan had special status and experience.Although he was not turncoat official,as a member of literary and official family in Ming dynasty, he feh enmity towards Qing soldiers who killed his parents and clansman.
However, he was so confused when faced the difficult choice of officer career and idyllic seclusion.
The purpose of this website and the work of Dr. Dimitrios Lenis is to help you find your Kodiko, and then create a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.
In this class Dr. Lenis explains the basic concepts of how to create non-toxic meals (this type of cooking is sometimes called slow food or low temperature cooking) then goes to the kitchen where everyone gets a hand on experience of how to make delicious foods that are quick, easy, and healthy..
The pajama-striped, shawl-collared suit that opened the show comfortably established the manifesto: no shirt, just a scarf. Even given the exaggeration one allows the catwalk, Dolce and Gabbana were clearly onto something. Chic-but-comfy is the grail of enough guys that the combination of tailoring and trackies should spell ka-ching. And it's not just guys—Naomi Campbell looked gorgeously natural in the grand finale of Orientalia in her flowing kimono, shorts, and ballet flats. BTW, each of those closing outfits was arduously hand-inked: There's a new challenge for your dry cleaner.
同时,与男仕同款图案的女性睡袍衣衫也点缀的在这群精壮迷人的男模中:Naomi Campbell一袭日式和服风格罩袍与抽绳boxer下搭平底芭蕾舞鞋样式便鞋,营造出无远弗届的完全性感;要特别注意的是,这一系列东方花鸟虫鱼图案的休闲单品可是相当精致的手工印染,也同时挑战著你的乾洗衣店师傅的专业功力。
At the same time, This part elaborate detailedly his transformation of his poems style, from simulate to mature, which relates to his vagabondage .
Chu Shi,one of the titles of recluses in ancient China,refers to those who stay home,never holding official posts.
Following diet chef Myles Omel's instructions, you can eat almost anything you want-including six-course meals, potatoes, and desserts-and still lose weight!
只要按着营养出仕Myles Omel的指示做,你就可以随心所欲的想吃什么就吃什么,六道菜组成的大餐,土豆,甜点,就算吃了这些东西,还可以减肥!
- 更多网络解释与出仕相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
雅科仕(EQUUS)是现代汽车顶级的旗舰轿车,于1999年春进入市场,以前称为百年世纪(Centennial). 其在韩国国内是一款具有相当高知名度的旗舰轿车,处处洋溢着难以掩饰的尊贵气息,整体更接近于世界各国皇室或政府官员的座驾所显示出的气派.
还有各种冷酷异形太阳镜和夸张的高跟鞋--大胆出位的设计师品牌一一呈现,只要你敢穿!那种新鲜的感觉,只要1件就会让你心跳 3倍加速哦!仕品高 (Sebago) x 柯莱特 (Colette) 水手鞋朗雯(Lanvin) 运动鞋
日本索尼六款数码相机被全面召回;雀巢婴儿奶粉含碘量超标;艾格等知名服装品牌的婴儿衫和成人内衣裤被检测出对人体有害物质;从西班牙、意大利等欧盟国家进口的名牌皮鞋包括其乐 (Clarke)、莱仕 (STRADA)、佐治(George)等,因质量不合格在
The Godfather:年《教父>
使之更能体现东方人含蓄的气质和动感飘逸的风度,塑造出了符合东方人体结构,整体感觉修长、动感飘逸、自然洒脱的独特风格,演绎出东方男仕的无穷魅力. 1972年 >(The Godfather)获1972年第四十四届最佳影片奖和最佳男主角.
普雷斯科特(John Prescott ,香港译为" 彭仕国" )趁机发难,带出了政治上所谓" 实质 " (substance )与" 修辞" (rhetoric)之分别. 他先在>的访问中主张:" 我们需要舍弃修辞而回到政府的实质.
作为奢侈品设计界的大腕儿,爱马仕(Herms)可谓是独占一把交椅,而同样是世界著名的游艇界巨头沃利(Wally),也是尽人皆知众人倾慕. 人们确实难以想象,这样两个彼此都拥有着雄厚实力且经历过辉煌历程的品牌碰撞在一起将会迸发出何等的火花?